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Everything posted by Maybride2009

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by doblauvelt I will also be a Maggie bride. I ordered my "Michelle" dress in diamond white last week! Michelle - by Maggie Sottero I tried this one on because it was my name...it wasn't for me...but is and absolutely incredible dress...I tried so hard to look good in it!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by TightyWhitey I can't believe they're also canceling June! This just reinforces my belief all these cancellations have to do with money and not people's 'health'. July 3rd is cutting it close. I hope you work something out soon, especially since you've already rearranged everything. ETA: Looks like they stopped flights until June 19th, although this time they're offering refunds for those booked between June 1st and June 19th. WTF! Why aren't they consistent with their policies?!?!? Transat extends Mexican flight ban till June 19 I totally agree that it is about money. Luckily my mom got her original price instead of the July price. It IS cutting it close...I am going to come up with a back up plan just in case. i am glad it is only to June 19th so far...gives me a tiny tiny bit of breathing room.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Jessica&Adam Holy CRAP I am the worst procrastinator ever! I think its mostly because we had a bunch of pending guest cancellations because of the ridiculous swine flu scare, so I just wasn't motivated until now to do anything...But now that we have decided we are going through with our original wedding plans (and so are most of our guests!), I'm ready to get back to work...2 weeks before my wedding ahhhhhh! So this is a list of things we still have to do: Figure out Wedding Day Timeline (hair, make up, etc) Buy sand ceremony stuff Welcome Letter and Itinerary Buy extra suitcase for wedding items Create Program Fans Finish guest book Menu cards Place settings/name cards for maracas Get FI new sandals, belt, and a rehearsal dinner outfit Get me a Welcome Reception/Partying afterwards outfit, and some HM outfits Buy Wedding party gifts and Parents Gifts Create DJ play-list Figure out our bridal party entrance Seating Chart & Table Numbers Make final payment to Hilton and florist Maybe do a slideshow for Rehearsal Dinner Send informational email out to family and wedding party Get marriage license and legally married Pack And I'm sure there's much more that I just can't think of at the moment. Oh and did I mention we leave for Cancun in 12 days!? Wow you are going to be busy...we are here to cheer you on and keep you on task!
  4. Texas: My Best Friend Lives there
  5. I might have to re route everyone too for my pushed back july wedding...my mom's TA said that air transat is canceling for June too so my july 3rd flight would be their first in 2 months...so I am not really comfortable with that. If they cancel again I am going to re route my guests too
  6. I just got word that Air Transat has canceled their trips to Mexico in June as well! I think they are WAY jumping the gun again. So...we fly on July 3rd...which means we would be the first flight out since all of the canceled air transat flights to Mexico. I can't tell you how nervous that makes me..if they cancel even one more flight it will be me AGAIN!
  7. I am just about to the point of telling people off. Everyone just wants the gossip and has no regard for the fact that this is something heartbreaking to me...and I am so fucking tired of other people's opinions. One of the reasons I was so disappointed that it got pushed back was because I now have to listen to everyone else for another 2 months! I can't wait for the fun part of this to happen already.
  8. I have a little bit of a vent here. Is it just me or are total strangers telling you that you shouldn't be having your wedding in mexico? I went to get a pedicure last night and the lady at the counter went ON AND ON about how I should have my wedding at home and how they are going to CLOSE the mexican boarder and then what would I do? I very rudely told her that was not a concern right now and I wasn't going to waste my time worrying about what COULD (not likely) happen when I have several actual problems to deal with. I almost punched her! The problem is that she is the 4th person that i don't even know to tell me not to have my wedding in mexico...who do these people think they are? And who does this to a bride who just had to push back her wedding to a really inconvenient time for herself and guests...what a jerk!
  9. Wishing the best to all of the may brides that made it!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by DarcyJAde FI finally asked his sister if her daughter would be our flower girl. Now my question is do we buy her dress or tell her what dress to buy? Our gifts to our bridal party is their attire, so I guess we should get her dress. What do you think? I think that would be a lovely gesture! Plus it might be fun for you to spend some time with them before the wedding.
  11. my sister was married in aruba and it was a WONDERFUL time...so very beautiful. I considered moving my wedding there. I'm sure you will enjoy it..the aruban people were so kind to us when we were there...and the beach..stunning!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne This will be our ONLY personalized token of memorabilia, and I really wanted something funny to commemorate the insanity of all this. So smart of you! I have matches, steins, cards and our rings that all say May 27th...and we had to push it back to july...makes me so mad, but the rain or swine really made my day
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Dean from Supernatural : I don't know who that is?? I HIGHLY suggest you check it out...it is kinda a scary show...but damn he's hot!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ltl_leah Today's the day! Found out that we are the only wedding today! Congratulations! I am so happy for you, I hope you have the time of your life!
  15. Hottie Bad Boy: Dean from Supernatural
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by TightyWhitey OMG, some positive news this morning! Air Canada has agreed to reinstate the land portion of their packages, meaning my guests will still have their reservations. Yay, i hope they will do this for my guests too...
  17. Hi Ladies, I am a May bride transplant. Our guest's flights were canceled by air transat so I had to push the wedding back to July 6th or lose my mind trying to re book. I kinda like being slightly sane, so we just pushed it back. I thought I would check in and say hi! I am finished with most of my planning...considering, and now just have some finishing up to do over then next 2 months!
  18. Two and a half men: Charlie Sheen..mmmm
  19. I had a bunch that didn't come back either...it is so frustrating. Really how much effort is it to send a piece of already stamped mail?
  20. I am having my wedding and reception on the beach at The Royal Playa Del Carmen. It does seem like not too many brides have theirs on the beach...but it was so "US" that I don't really care if it is windy. Honestly, so many things could go wrong during the day that I am not the least bit concerned...and looking very much forward to our beach wedding
  21. Welcome! There are a lot of us mexico brides getting married at The Royal in Playa Del Carmen..check it out!
  22. My maggie came in! I ordered Diana in diamond white...hopefully I won't need many alterations. I will post pics when i have them
  23. He must be in on the conspiracy!
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