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Everything posted by Maybride2009

  1. I plan on saying something at the wedding. My dad will give a speech but we have nothing planned. I have asked my FI to say something as well as he rarely does. Not sure what I am going to say yet, but a big thank you and a little about us
  2. I haven't decided on make up yet. I did my own for my sister's wedding, but I will probably have them do it for me at the salon.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I've done nothing else apart from buy my make up lol I bumped into a girl at the Bobbi Brown counter yesterday and she got married on April 14th at the Moon Palace lol she did everything when she got there and it was totally stress free so i've decided bugger it i'l sort it then lol I'm just not looking forward to it if I'm honest so I have no inclination to do anything lol You are not looking forward to your wedding or just the planning of it? Well, if you left now you could have a really nice nudist wedding...your make up would look great!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ikupoo Maybride- I think that it's ironic that your fiance propsed to you on a cliff after falling 25 ft! Made me chuckle. My mom was visiting from the East Coast and my fiance wanted to ask for her approval then- but he came down with a bad cold and couldn't. But after reading your story about how your fiance asked your father's permissin bed-ridden, I have one word to say to my finace- WIMP! Nah, just kidding. Ha ha, he is a "right back up on the horse" kinda guy.
  5. No you are not wrong. I am planing mine in 7 months and it is a heck of a lot more than $800
  6. The have been sparkling on my nightstand for the last few nights and I have a really cool one piece pantsuit to wear them with for my rehersal dinner...I will make sure to post pics ...in 6 months...if I figure that out ha!
  7. The beads re crystal with an ab finish that flashes pink/purple/blue and the seperators are gunmetal. I just strung them and closed it with a basic clasp.
  8. I am thinking about just getting a second dress as well...is this what most girls do? My mom was kind enough to buy my dress for me and I think that if I went into the ocean with it she would have a heart attack...plus I am having a reception at home that I need to wear it for. Good luck with finding a dress!!
  9. I can't see them...am I doing something wrong...I love PICS@!
  10. I had some crystals and beads hanging around from my old beading days and decided to make myself a necklace for my civil ceremony. Not sure what dress I am going to wear but It will probably be strapless. Sorry about the bad pics...but I am a photobooth junkie! http://www.flickr.com/photos/sweetsheep/3029221877/
  11. I do not know what it is about weddings that bring out this nastyness in people, but it is horrible...My MIL just "doesn't get it" either and i finally had to do something BIG to get her attention and let her know that it wasn't ok...I didn't attend thanksgiving...it was a really big deal and she got the message...however..if I did attend she would have thougth I was upset but it was no big deal...so if your father has anything similar to my MIL's not getting....like it just doesn't make sense to them...then I totally agree with your mom. There is no reason you need to respond to him...I am so sorry that you have to go through this...its tough...I try to remind myself that as long as my FI is there then that is all that matters.
  12. I am really close to my family too, and I'm sure you will miss them, but what an amazing opportunity. FI and I are taking an RV trip to California this winter and going with the "seat of our pants" mentality...which is hard for me, but we have done it once before and it was the best 2 months of my life! We have also talked about moving away and I have had the same fears, but I know I would regret not doing it...I want to have stories worth telling!
  13. Are most people doing rehersal dinners? I wanted to go out for an off resort dinner the night before. Can anyone suggest somewhere close to the Royal that is affordable?
  14. Lots of hugs! I might lose my only BM, she is having financial difficulties, so that would leave me with my MOH and 2 GM, but that's ok with me if the party is uneven, I just hope that she can come
  15. Such a cool idea! Please let me know if anyone finds a great place to order these, I can't translate the party flop site...I'm Canadian...no Spanish what so ever!
  16. Jenny! Don't forget to live life..you only have one...might as well experience it!
  17. I am going to go looking tomorrow for this too...it is such a great idea!
  18. I love it! Your wedding dress is really similar to mine and looks wonderful on you!
  19. I don't sleep with binky, but he was given to me by my fiancee when I moved away to university. It was his tiger from childhood and I cherish him
  20. That is so wonderful that he wants to do that! I'm sure that whatever you write will come from the heart and be loved.
  21. amazing! thank you so much for all the great ideas...I have ordered my guest book...love the idea!
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