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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. I know exactly what you mean!!! I had a bunch of people on board with our DW and even gave the pricing and asked the closest family & friends if they were in for sure because we were paying a deposit. They said "absolutely!!!! I wouldn't miss it for the world!!!" I also gave them a year and a half notice. Only 3 people have reserved and 1 person has paid a deposit....lol! I know I still have some time to go before the wedding, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be losing some of my deposit. As soon as they were required to put money down, a new side of them came out. Suddenly it wasn't "I wouldn't miss it for the world", it was "oh, well i'll see what i can do". Not too long ago I was ready to forfeit my deposit and just elope. I've now decided that I'm not letting anyone get to me, and I don't care if its just me & FI there, because really that's all that matters... well to me anyways. Yes, DW can add up pretty quickly, but you can control some of those costs depending on what are "MUST HAVES" for you. I am keeping it completely simple and only splurging on the photography, and my wedding will be way cheaper than having one at home. Hang in there!!!!! We feel your pain!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Anon101 To round this new policy out, you can also still use the Mexican photographers on the resort's approved list. So, I guess they've changed their policy to exclude non-approved Mexican photographers. Wow...it's amazing the inconsistency on this topic. I emailed Tiffany 2 days ago to let her know which outside vendor I've booked for my photography, and she said it was fine and she would just add it to my detail sheet.
  3. The dress looks beautiful on you!! I can't think of a colour that wouldn't go with it, so I think you're safe no matter what you choose!
  4. All I can say is.... AWESOME!!!! LOL! Helped me put my wedding drama into perspective!
  5. So glad someone posted this! My dilema is not our ceremony time as we're getting married at 4pm, but its the financial end of it. I'm really trying to keep costs down and I've already splurged on my photography, so I think we're just going to wing it! I can't afford to host a private reception so we'll have dinner at one of the restaurants and I guess we'll have to find something informal after that to entertain ourselves!!
  6. Let me assure you.... you are definitely not being unreasonable!!! I think I can justifiably comment on this as my FIL's are monsters. Complete and utter monsters. Thankfully, we don't speak to most of them anymore, but the only reason I kept my sanity was because of my FI. He was the one that stood up them and put them in their place. He always supported me and my feelings which I think is really important. I think you really need to let FI know how you feel, and if he is not willing to deal with it, I definitely would! The longer you leave it, the worse it gets. Good luck!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by bcbride Hi ladies, any of come across this website? Do you think it's legitimate? Maggie Sottero Wedding Dresses,Discount Maggie Sottero Wedding Dresses at Cheap Price Maggie dresses for $350?? This is hilarious. I went to a super bridal sale and bought my dress which I love! I have never been into the whole "designer" thing and didn't really care who made the dress. I saw this thread and realized that I never did check who made it!! So I checked the tag and its a Maggie! lol. I couldn't find it on the website and realized that its from one of her older collections. I found mine on the link you posted! Its the S319. The prices seem relative as I got mine for $450 (I feel ripped off now). I don't know anything about the site but I thought I would comment on the pricing. Thanks for helping me find where my dress came from!!! ha ha
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by daifje Also how long did ti take for you guys to hear back from the off site people when you put your inital request in? I submitted it last week and still have notheard anything. Well, my TA said that it was supposed to only be a few days, but it took 2 weeks!!! They said that was out of the norm, so hopefully you hear back soon!
  9. I think that you both need to be on the same page. Neither my FI or I cared about how many people could attend our DW, even if it was just the two of us and I think that makes a huge difference as to whether the decision fits you as a couple. I would find out exactly how important it is to him and why you were considering a DW in the first place. I personally wouldn't have two weddings, but I also don't see anything wrong with it. I guess if there's room for that sort of compromise then go for it! Good luck!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by cappucino2009 Thank you to everyone who has responded to my question with regards to rates. Nikki07 - I am booking through the Wedding Holiday. I am also looking to have our wedding during the first week of November. I guess it was more than I expected our guest to pay that was why I was concerned. I booked through the Wedding Holiday too! Originally I didn't want to spend that much either, but we decided that for a few hundred dollars, the difference in service and experience would be worth it and the guests that are coming would probably appreciate it. Good luck!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by cappucino2009 Hi everyone! I have finally narrowed down my selection for my destination wedding to the Azul Sensatori... despite the minor glitches, sounds like there have been great reviews. I have a question with regards to price. I am from Toronto, Canada and planning to have my wedding during the first week of November 2009. I was quoted $1800 per person taxes included for a week - does this sound reasonable? Is this what I should expect for this resort? I was told that new pricing just came in and it will be over $2K after this week. Should I continue researching for a better price? Any insight from past brides or TA, that would be great. I hope to finalize my venue by Friday... so excited! t. I think that is reasonable. I am from Toronto as well and getting married the beginning of November. We are paying close to that per person. I couldn't find anything cheaper for this calibre of hotel. Who are you booking through?
  12. Thanks Anthony'sGirl! I will definitely check out the Shutterfly site!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by COLCUBA Does anyone know if they make albums? I don't see any examples on their website. I asked about albums and they said that at this point they are not offering them. They give you all the rights to the photos, so they recommend that you have them done at home through another company. That was the only downside I found with this photographer. I'm not sure how much it costs to have the albums made, but the few websites that I did look at seemed pricy.
  14. I found out after a few more emails that they recently moved from Canada to the Riviera Maya area, so that's why I couldn't find anyone that had used them. They did a wedding this month in Riviera Maya and the pics are on the website now. I decided to go with them! I couldn't find anyone else that beat the package they offer and I also didn't have anyone else respond and personalize their emails the way they did. I found that they took the time to answer all of my questions (and trust me, I had a lot) and did so in a very friendly fashion. Right now I think their website just has the half day and full day package, but they told me they are working on two more packages that they will offer.
  15. For any other ladies out there that are not doing a private reception...... what are you doing or where are you going after the dinner at spoons restaurant? I don't necessarily need something that is completely structured, as we're trying to keep things simple and just have a good time, but any ideas would help!
  16. I'm a November bride! I'm getting married November 5th at the Azul Sensatori, Mayan Riviera, Mexico! So far I've sent out the STD's, chosen the wedding party (but haven't formally asked them yet), selected our colours.... turquoise and brown, decided on a photographer (but I still have to pay a deposit), and bought my dress! I wasn't planning on getting my dress so early but there was a sale with up to 80% off and I just couldn't turn that down. I honestly don't feel like I have much to do because we are going for a very casual wedding. We are not doing a private reception and I have no idea how many people are coming, but I for sure will have under 20.
  17. I'm doing the sand ceremony. I thought it would be something unique. I didn't know that there was the option of the unity candle. They're Both good ideas. Unfortunately I can't find where I saw the sand ceremony as an option. Anyone know where its listed?
  18. Thanks for sending that email Tsashamia! I think this is the best way to approach this. Voicing our concerns with the feedback will let them know that we do not feel this is the service they promised and that it is unacceptable. Keep us posted on their response!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrskeister Is everyone doing the reception and has anyone received a total of what their weddings are costing? Did anyone not choose the sky wedding for a reason? We are doing a beach ceremony as I found it the most appealing and is one of the reasons I wanted a destination wedding. The Sky wedding sounds great but was not cost effective for us as you have to purchase it for $1700 in addition to a wedding package with the cheapest being $2500. I sent you a PM with a breakdown of how much I have spent/allocated for the wedding. I figured I would be a good "base" example for you as I am keeping it pretty simple.
  20. Hi, I've been looking into "moments that matter photography" and wanted to know if anyone has used them before. I found the contracts that my hotel have with their "approved" photographers to be insanely expensive for not a whole lot of pictures to bring home, so I'm looking for an outside vendor. Another problem that I'm running into is that my hotel charges $500 to bring in an outside company. This company covers that fee if you book their full package, which is one of the reasons I was interested. Here's their link. Wedding Photographer Mexico , Cancun , Playa Del Carmen , Mayan Riviera If anyone has any feedback on them, or pics I would really appreciate it!!
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