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Posts posted by ~Nicole~

  1. I agree about the comments for Lil and Adam!!! And whenever the judges tell someone to stick to their style, eventually down the road they tell them that they are predictable and don't do anything outside their comfort zone. lol. I feel sorry for them sometimes!

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beachbride2009 View Post
    Ok ladies just a reminder I'm heading down to the Sensatori on Sunday...not sure yet what day I'll get there but I plan on spending the day being a camera whore all over the place. I will also try and get all the questions answered about the different ceremony & reception locations too. If anyone has any specific questions they would like answered please let me know!
    Hey beachbride2009! Enjoy your trip....and yes, we LOVE pictures! I guess the only thing I really want to know is about the beach ceremony. Do they have a designated area that they normally perform these. What I'm getting at is I want to know if it has some privacy or not. TIA!!
  3. I don't know how I missed this thread. I am completely addicted to AI! I was sort of sad that Alexis got voted off though. My favorite from the beginning has been Danny, but as the weeks go by there are so many of them that are good!


    Oh and Casey, I know what you mean about Adam! I think his act might get old pretty soon though. I don't know, some nights I like that he's different but other nights I cringe.

  4. Bachatabride,

    On the days that things are rough with them, she describes him the exact same way I THINK about him. lol. But I try not to push it when talking about him to her. She has gone through hell with the separation from my dad. It has been years, maybe 3 or 4, and she hasn't got anything from him! No child support (my youngest brother is 11, I know it sounds weird), my dad still lives in the house and isn't co-operating with selling it. It's just a really bad situation. My mom always stayed home with us kids so she never worked until 5 years ago and it's tough. I honestly think she's just with this guy because she can't survive on her own. I don't want to add extra stress to her life by complaining about him so I just let her vent to me. **sigh** I don't know. The wedding isn't until November so maybe I should just start praying that she wins the lottery, or that my dad starts co-operating. Nah, just the lottery one, I have better chances on that.

  5. Okay, here's my REAL confession. I secretly wish that my mom and her bf will break up before the wedding so that he doesn't come and ruin it. I know, it sounds horrible but I have good reasons, I think.

    1. He is super sensitive, but only to his own feelings, not anyone else's! I have a really good sense of humour, and he has joked about a lot of things about me, which I can take, but as soon as I joke back, he gets pissed and tells my mom I'm a big b**ch.

    2. He has A-D-D. Which whatever, I'm not judging people, but I find it rude that we'll go to a bar and before I can even finish my drink he wants to go somewhere else! Which leads me to #3.....

    3. He only wants to do what he wants. We can never do what anyone else wants because he gets bored and irritable, so it's like entertaining a 2 year old.

    4. Because he gets bored easily, he picks fights with people. Our last vacation he lasted 18 hours. He made up some lame reason as to why he was mad (which honestly is all in his head) and drove all the way back home leaving my mom. I can picture him doing this in Mexico. He'll get mad because he wants to go to the swim up bar, I'll say I don't feel like it but maybe we can catch up with you guys later. He'll turn around and tell my mom that I said I don't want him at my wedding (because in his f***d up mind that's what I said, right?). He'll try to get a flight home and my mom will have a horrible time because she'll be so upset.


    Anyways...... lol. sorry. I wasn't expecting that to turn into a rant. I do feel better now.

  6. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer here. We have been together for 8 years, 2.5 of those we've lived together. I honestly don't think I would be able to sleep if we were to split up for the night! We are in no way romantic, so we'll be staying together the night before. The way I look at it is, we want to be together every night, so what's the big deal! Do whatever you feel is right for you!

  7. Mummergirl, there's nothing wrong with you lol. I know quite a few people that fit your description to a tee! Acutally we talk about it frequently, how some people think that having kids is "the next thing to do" after getting married. But really, says who? Maybe one day you'll have different feelings about it, and if not, that's ok!!!

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
    wow! $500? that's seriously ridiculous! if that was the case i'd definitely have gone with the full day package. i am getting the half day ($1300 for 5 hrs) and have to pay for 2 passes @ $55 each, so it's costing me $1410 total. i wish i could afford the full day, but it was a stretch for us to hire an outside photographer at all.

    i am terrified of not liking my photos because my fiance didn't want to hire any outside photographer and i just insisted. if they aren't great he'll be all "i told you so" and i just can't have that! LOL! he is not a picture person at all and not very affectionate (and neither of us are model types, lol) so i'm afraid they are just not going to be romantic and beautiful like others i've seen on the forum. if MTM can make US look great in pics, then they'll have passed the true test! LOL
    Yeah.... $500! Ridiculous is exactly right! I would have only gone for the half day package except that by the time we add on the $500 fee and the extra for the TTD (which is cheaper if you book the full package), it was only a matter of a few hundred dollars difference. So we're splurging for the full package which I almost feel bad about doing as our group is really small so it seems like overkill, but I'm a picture freak so it's the only thing I'm really going overboard with.

    Don't worry about your pictures!! I'm sure they'll come out just how you want them! FI and I are not photogenic at ALL, so I'm banking on MTM to do their magic with us, and boy do they have their work cut out for them! But I'm confident that I will love them! Can't wait to see yours!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by britsytoll View Post
    So far, all the other photographers are a little high especially since there is also a fee to bring in an outside vendor. Oh well....pictures are so important to me and they are the only things you have after the fact to explain your wedding story! Thanks for all the great info!
    I'm not sure which package you are looking to get, but one of the main reasons I went with MTM, besides their great work and service, is that they cover the vendor fee if you purchase their full package. For me this was really important as my vendor fee is $500 and I wouldn't have been able to afford to go with someone that didn't cover that cost. Just trying to help you out! Good luck!
  10. I don't want my first confession to be really bad, so I'll start with something small..... I hate going to the gym! My wedding is in November and I joined the gym this past October, paying a year membership. I can't take it anymore! I've lost 10lbs and can't seem to lose anymore....mind you I'm not putting in as much effort anymore. I can't quit because my guilt of wasting that money would never let me, but secretly I really wish I could just drop it. lol.

  11. I am just sneaking in under the 2 year mark. We got engaged Dec 2007 and are getting married Nov 2009. I really don't think it matters. Every couple has so many different reasons why a short and sweet engagement doesn't work for them. We wanted to get a house first, which we have now accomplished and we also wanted to give our families lots of notice for the destination wedding. IMO its totally acceptable. Whenever people make comments about my engagement or wedding I just tell them that when its their turn they can do it however they want. lol.

  12. The most annoying Canadian commercial is definitely "Oliver Jewellery"...... the cash man! I can't make it through one of his commercials. I always have to change the channel. Even muting it doesn't help because he's so nasty! lol. Maybe some fellow Canadians would agree with me!

  13. I am a smoker and I think I'm going to follow this thread and use you ladies as inspiration to quit. It's not that I don't want to, but I am also trying to lose weight for the wedding and I tend to "snack" more when I'm trying to quit smoking, so I'm definitely putting it off. But, maybe reading all of your posts will change my mind and give me the courage to try both at the same time - really that's what I'm hoping for lol.

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