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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Hi Shelly! Congratulations and welcome!! I have to say that choosing the location is the most excrutiating part! It is however a very personal choice in my opinion as not everyone is looking for the same thing in a resort. For example, you may be looking for something reasonably priced for guests or you want certain features, etc. What I did was wrote down the most important things that I wanted. From there I was able to eliminate a lot of places. I would recommend doing the same thing. There is so much info on here that it should help with your decision. Good luck!
  2. Hi Anna! Welcome to the forum!
  3. Sorry, I'm confused. Are you upset because he has thrown his wedding date in front of yours or that you may not be able to attend and that might fuel his fire of complaints about yours?
  4. ~Nicole~


    Welcome to the forum Bcgirl! Good luck with your planning and I'm sure you'll find all the answers to your questions!
  5. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I wasn't expecting that.... good one.
  6. Oh wow! That came out really good! I love how you made your dress one of a kind!
  7. I love it! And if your FI is anything like mine, I would always to the opposite of what he thinks! lol!
  8. Welcome to the forum Maureen! Congrats on your engagement! You will find tons of info on resorts in Mayan Riviera. All the members have such great ideas and advice! Good luck with your planning!
  9. Welcome Sharra! Glad you found us and congrats on your engagement! Happy planning!
  10. Welcome to the forum Lana! You're right, it's never to early to start planning! You will find tons of helpful info on this site! Good luck!
  11. Manders - Congratulations on your wedding and thanks for posting! Christina - I know I already congratulated you, but I just wanted to let you know that you were a beautiful bride! Your pics were great! Thanks for all of the details!
  12. oh geez, that sounds so petty! I agree with the others that a quick phone call to her would probably clear the air. Then at least she knows that you took the time to address it and are being sensitive to her feelings... but really i think she's making a big deal out of NOTHING! Good luck and don't let it bother you!
  13. I know what you mean!!! This recession is killing me. I paid a deposit for 10 people for a group rate but people are dropping like flies now! Hopefully the prices will drop for you. I would imagine that they would..... I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too!
  14. Congratulations Mandi and welcome! You'll find some much info on here. It has made my wedding planning experience so much easier. Good luck!!
  15. Hmmm... looks like I'm the odd one out here. lol. I actually HATE shopping, so I was dreading looking for a dress. I also didn't want to spend a fortune on one, so I went to a bridal sale with my mom and sister and said that we weren't leaving until I found one. The reason I did that is because I am very indecisive. I could see myself thinking after every dress "oh, I like this... but what if there's something better out there?" I ended up getting something that I said I would never get! It's amazing how you think you know what you want, but when I was trying those types of dresses on I just didn't feel right.... or look right for that matter. I tried a bunch of dresses on within a 2 hour time frame and picked the one that made me "feel" the best. I have never turned back and I actually love the dress more now then when I originally bought it! I have no regrets!! Oh... and another thing, I didn't end up buying the one that my sister loved the most - so go with your gut.
  16. Hi Michelle, and welcome to the forum! I think that is so great that you are helping out with the wedding plans! You'll find tons of info on here and all of the members are SO helpful with such great ideas! Good luck!
  17. Hi Jean! Congratulations on your recent engagement. And CONGRATULATIONS on picking a location! That is a huge accomplishment! Happy planning!
  18. Congratulations Claire! I found that picking the location was the worst part, so don't worry, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I would suggest writing down the things that are most important to you in terms of the place you want to stay at and then go from there. There is tons of info on here that can help you with your decision. Happy planning!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by christina276 As far as the beach ceremony - they post signs on either side that say private event and also have people stand there to make sure no one walks between the beach and the gazebo. There were a few onlookers from the upper walkway above the beach, but we really didn't notice them. I will add that the onsite coordinators are great - the day felt very stressfree and easy. Congratulations on your recent wedding Christina! Thanks for the info on the beach ceremony, that helps put my mind at ease. All I kept picturing in my head were those horror pictures of old fat men in speedos walking past your ceremony set up! It looks like MelissaG is the next bride on the list! Melissa, I hope you have the wedding of your dreams and I look forward to your review!
  20. Hmmmm... that's unfortunate that they stopped covering the fees. If that would have been the case for me I would have been stuck with the resort photographer and wouldn't have been able to afford booking them. How many of you ladies are getting albums through them now that they offer them?
  21. Wow 16 pounds? That's great! I agree with how you're going about it... I'm doing the same thing except I'm losing motivation. I've only lost 10 pounds since the end of last year and I'm stuck. I guess I'm sort of at the toning stage and need to change up my routine. I've never tried a spin class before so I think I'll start with that!
  22. Congratulations Mizfletch and welcome! You will definitely find tons of info on here. All the members are so helpful and have such great ideas!!
  23. Congratulations Ronda and welcome!!! Happy planning!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Dayla911 hey Nikki, we are not photogentic at all either! But they seem like they can work some magic ;-) It was funny, when I was looking for pictures of us to put on our wedding website I was thinking "WTF? They're all horrible!" lol... we are always either making goofy faces or somthing silly and almost ALL of them had us holding up a bottle of beer with a smoke in our hand. lol. Apparently we only take pictues together when we're drinking around a camp fire.
  25. HAHAHAHAHA..... yeah she has totally lost it!! The best part is watching Simon's face while she's trying to s-s-s-s-spit out her comments!!!! Do you ever notice that she actually makes words up when she's trying to describe someones performance? I think the ultimate best was when she predicted 3 people to be in the finals..... well maybe I'm exaggerating, but it was at least 2, which I'm sure will change next week.
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