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Posts posted by ~Nicole~

  1. I agree that if this is what you want you should stand by your decision! I've had people giving me flack too. I made it very clear to everyone that this is what we're doing for several reasons.... 1) money - we're a young couple trying to establish ourselves and we bought a house rather than spending our entire savings on one day 2) we don't want something formal - its just not "us", and the list can go on of course. I also told everyone that by no means would we be upset if they couldn't make it, we completely understand! I'm not having an AHR so our DW is their only shot if they want to make it!


    Do I feel bad? Noooope. I laid it all out for them and if they can't make it I'll post pics on facebook for them. lol.


    I say stand your ground. Maybe tell your brother that you would love for everyone to make it but obviously you are not selfish in the respect that you EXPECT everyone to struggle financially when they really can't do it. I always just try to put a positive spin on it and be sensitive to their feelings. THat usually gets them off my back because what could they possibly say to that?

    Good luck!

  2. Hi Kimberley! Congrats on your upcoming wedding and welcome to the forum! I can't give you any advice or feedback on the resort you have selected but there is plenty of info on here that I'm sure will answer any questions you have! The members on here are SO helpful so you've come to the right place! Happy planning!

  3. I picked Benton! I've never heard of it and I LOVE uncommon names. I think its cute for a little boy but also mature enough for an adult... does that make sense?

    Another option is to wait until he's born - maybe that first glance will make you feel stronger about one name than the other... like "oh yeah... he definitely suits Ethan"?

  4. I'm sorry, I had to laugh at those requests!!! I think you are being more than reasonable, so the answer is NO you are not being a bridzilla.


    Maybe they "stung" your mom a bit, but I would hope that she would be able to see that this is reasonable!! I sure as hell wouldn't want my mom walking around like that!

    Good luck!

  5. I wasn't surprised that Michael went home but IMO he is not the worst. The one that I absolutely cannot stand is Scott!!! Maybe its just me, but I can't stand his voice! I was praying that he would go home. I can't believe Matt was in the bottom 3 - he's amazing!! I think next week it will be between Scott and Megan.


    Is every week a 2 hour episode?

  6. Awww.... Heather I feel for you! THE most important thing is that you and FI are on the same page. If family not being there is an issue, then maybe you both need to reconsider. If you think you can still make it your special day without them then you should! A word of advice though.... you will NEVER make everyone happy! No matter how hard you try, someone will have something to say. Another thing.... and I'm not trying to burst your bubble, I'm only saying it because I was naive and optimistic and I am paying the price - don't expect that everyone will come. I know you're thinking that you're giving lots of notice so whats the problem righthuh.gif I thought the same thing..... I gave 18 months notice and I have one person that has booked and a bunch that promised they would be there bu are now giving excuses.


    So your question was how do we survive, well my very supportive and fantastic FI and of course the ladies on the forum!


    IMO, you need to do what will make you and FI happy as a couple.....that's the most important thing.

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