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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. I have to admit... as much as Adam annoyed me in the beginning, he is starting to grow on me. I every week now I wonder what he's going to do - I guess its the entertainment factor that he has. I agree with the bottom three - Lil, Scott and Kris. But you never know!! I can never wrap my head around the fact that Allison has been in the bottom 3!! I thought Anoop was awesome! He surprised me for sure. Can't wait for the results!
  2. I definitely don't see you being able to invite your dad and not your mom - since they're still married. What if you got legally married first and had your dad attend that? Then you could go forward with the elopement/honeymoon as planned? Just an idea.
  3. Have an awesome wedding Erika! Can't wait to see pics when you get back! Congratulations!
  4. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!! You'll find more tips on here than you could ever imagine. Happy planning!
  5. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Erinn and welcome to the forum! Good luck with all of your planning!
  6. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Mia and welcome to the forum! This site will help make your location decision much easier!!! Happy planning!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Duchess My solution is that DH and I dont keep all of our money together. We have a joint account for bills and things that we split, the rest is our own. I personally think its a very modern way to eliminate the biggest fight in most marriages. Plus, its not the time anymore where women dont have their own money. I make plenty, and dont want him to have anything to say about it when I buy shoes. Except that I am out of closet space, that he can say! And if he wants to lend money to deadbeats or buy video games, whatev!!! LOL!!! Yeah, we do have both joint and separate accounts! If I want to buy something I'm gonna buy it and I don't need anyone watching over me! Its strange though.... he has NEVER commented on anything I spend money on. I guess that's just because I would never go and just splurge on a huge purchase without talking about it. I feel like I'm working him in though.... at least that's what I tell myself. He wasn't always this way though.... Luckily we never have huge blow outs over money! We seem to manage to deal with our differences.
  8. Aww Steph.... honestly, I don't know that you could do anything to cheer him up. When I tried quitting smoking years ago (and failed BTW), it didn't matter how nice FI was, I was still a gigantic B***. He said the same thing that you're thinking and offered to support my habit for the rest of my life if I would start smoking again and be my nice self again (not why I failed to quit). The second... or was it the third or fourth... time that I tried quitting, my tantrums were not nearly as severe. I guess you just have to ride it out, but trust me it gets better!!!
  9. I can see how that can be frustrating, but if I said I could relate I would be lying. My situation is pretty much the opposite of yours. Trying to get FI to spend money is like pulling teeth!!!! I would never consider myself an irresponsible spender, honestly, but he is just too much! I actually beg him to spend money on himself because I don't want him to wake one day and think "oh shit... I've missed out on so many things". I am actually dreading that day. I wonder if there's a happy medium between our men?
  10. I feel the same as most of you ladies. I am catholic, went to catholic elementary and high school. My immediate family was never big on going to church. We used to just to the Christmas and Easter thing. Eventually we stopped that.... I always felt bad about how packed the church would be on those days and I told my mom that we were turning into people that just went out of guilt and a feeling of obligation. If I were a regular church go-er I would probably be annoyed with people like us lol. I believe that its what you do everyday that defines who you are as a person, not your religion. Don't get me wrong, I believe in God, but like many of you said I think the Bible was created as a "guideline" as I call it and I sometimes feel that the Catholic religion if followed by the book can be a bit hypocritical. Having said all of that, I still respect everyone for their own beliefs! What kind of world would this be if WE ALL believed the exact same thing Pretty boring IMO. Ohhh... I just thought of a mean prank that I pulled on FI in my last Church visit. I should go post it under the confessions thread!
  11. OMG that's horrible!! Makes you wonder what the world is coming to. Those poor people!
  12. OMG!!! What a moron!! I hate when contestants have that kind of attitude! It's one thing to say that you're sticking with how you feel about your song choice, but c'mon, the reality is that there's always room for improvement! Contestants should take advantage of the advice! I'm going to have to try and find this on the net so I can watch it. I'm so angry at myself that I didn't see it! It's the first one that I've missed since the beginning... and when I say beginning I mean auditions!! Crap!
  13. Oh sure... the ONE time I don't watch it!!!! What the hell happened? I think I know WHO you're talkin about but what did she do....I'm dying to know!! Maybe I can find it on Youtube
  14. Yeah.... I don't think your parents should have stated it as being "a gift". If they wanted to pay for your sisters they could have just done that from the kindness of their hearts....lol. I totally see what you're saying!
  15. Hi Betty and welcome to the forum!! Good luck and I hope you find the info you're looking for!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 His sister said she couldn't make it but she would send the kids! I said that's fine your mother can look after them because I'm not looking after a 16 year old and a 12 year old in Cancun lol Needless to say they aren't coming but yep she expected us to look after her kids on our honeymoon lmao OMG are you kidding? That is ridiculous!!
  17. That sounds like a walk in the park compared to my family!!!! LOL - don't worry, you're not alone!! I would detail it for you but I don't want to embarass myself....hehehehehe.
  18. Hmmmm... Before I respond I just want to say that I do not have any children, so maybe that's what's making me say what I'm about to say I really don't see the big deal. I have an 11 yr old brother and I'm sure that if my mom and her bf went away to get married he really wouldn't care. I think that you as a woman deserve this special day! I'm not saying that your sons feelings shouldn't be considered. Maybe you and FI could do something special with him when you return? It's not like there's a bunch of others going and he's missing out, right? I guess really its how you feel about it. Sorry, I probably wasn't much help.
  19. Awwww.. so sorry to hear this We'll definitely be thinking of you! Hope everything goes well and keep us posted!
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