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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. I think everyone has a different idea as to how they want that part of the wedding celebration to work. Some people want it very traditional and organized where others like myself are just going with the flow. I'll figure it out when the time comes!!! Obviously not all brides would be comfortable with that attitude!!! There are no wrong answers with a DW IMO. You can do whatever you like!
  2. Hi Mike! Congratulations and welcome to the forum!!!
  3. Bianca, welcome to the forum and congratulations! I'm sure you'll find the answers to all of your questions here! Happy planning!
  4. ~Nicole~

    GBP Wedding

    Welcome to the forum!!!
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum! My TA was able to get me prices a year in advance so you should be able to find something! Good luck and happy planning!
  6. When you figure it out let me know too!!!!! I sent my STD's in October 2008 for my Nov 2009 wedding. I had to pay a deposit for 10 people to hold the bookings and I have had ONE person put a deposit down!! I currently am sitting in a position where I may lose thousands of dollars! I guess its just people's nature to wait until the last minute.
  7. Lisa.... all I can say is that's hilarious!!! Glad you had a great day!
  8. Hi Michelle, Your story sounds similar to how I started out... I'm not sure where in Canada you're located but I'm sending you a PM about the details of my booking experience.
  9. Congrats & welcome to the forum!!! A cruise to the Bahama's sounds amazing!!! Good luck with your planning!
  10. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!! Yes, this site is amazing....and soon enough you'll be addicted to it like I am . Happy planning!
  11. Congrats & welcome to the forum!!
  12. ~Nicole~


    Hi Elisa! Congrats and welcome to the forum!! This site will definitely answer a ton of questions that you probably have. Happy Planning!
  13. Looks great! And I agree about the bustle...I love it!
  14. Happy Easter! Enjoy all of your time off and your trip to the Dominican!
  15. Welcome to the forum and congratulations!!! You must be getting excited with your wedding being just around the corner!!
  16. Welcome to the forum Jo-Ann and congratulations! Your wedding will be a blast! Happy planning!
  17. Welcome to the forum and congratulations!!! I was in the same boat with Nov vs April. No matter what you choose your wedding will be fabulous! Happy planning!
  18. ~Nicole~


    Welcome to the forum Ashlee and congratulations!!!! There is plenty of info on here about Mayan Riviera to help you make a decision! Good luck!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo I also was told about this new area...at least there is an alternative!! I am so curious to see what it looks like too! How did you girls get in touch with your WC? All I found is Grace and she is in Miami and told me I cannot get in touch with onsite coordinators. Can anyone let me know an email of anyone closer to the resort than Miami? Thanks and good luck to the girls getting married soon!! I am so excited for you! JEN beautiful pics!!! My FI and I now want Jon to do our pics too! Once I booked and confirmed my wedding day, they gave me a contact out of Miami. Those wc's deal with everything up to the point of you arriving at the resort. Once you get to the resort you have the full attention of the on site wc's. I assume they do this because the on site wc's would be bombarded and wouldn't be able to provide the attention we want when we get there if they are having to answer questions that the general wc's can answer. Anyhow, I believe that's how it works.....Hope that helps you out!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by CaboBride2010 QUOTE=Nikki07;754765]LOL......I think you're taking me a bit too literally. Maybe its just that you don't know me or my sense of humour but I'm harmless, honest. What I was jokingly hinting was that they change the numbers of the vote to suit the direction they want the show to go in. oh ok lol sorry I seriously hope I wasnt being rude in how I was asking that. I was hoping you were just joking lol LOL no worries!!! I have a very dramatic and also sarcastic sense of humour and I tend to write things exactly as I would say them. Sometimes it doesn't always translate I guess. We're all a part of this thread because we love the show but we obviously aren't all going to love the same people. No hard feelings!
  21. We are only staying 1 week, so our trip is our wedding and honeymoon all together. So no alone time for us as our guests are staying the whole week too. I wanted to go for 2 weeks but I lost that battle. So we literally get married on the Thurdsay and come home the Sat. lol. I do hope to go away just the two of us next year though.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by CaboBride2010 Ok I am not asking this to pick a fight, but how exactly would the show be considered rigged if Scott wasnt voted off?? I am a little confused what you mean, since whoever goes home is dictated by viewers votes...I was sad to see him go last night but I kind of knew he wouldnt make it to the end. I am just really wanting to know how you would think him staying means AI is rigged? And I agree with everyone else on here that Lil should go home next. She has shown zero improvement since the show started. It is her time to go home. LOL......I think you're taking me a bit too literally. Maybe its just that you don't know me or my sense of humour but I'm harmless, honest. What I was jokingly hinting was that they change the numbers of the vote to suit the direction they want the show to go in.
  23. I think that's a great idea!!! How is anyone going to know? Just put it in containers and say you bought it at Michaels lol. I say do it!!!
  24. Yeah Lil is definitely struggling. I was so impressed with her in the beginning, but now after her songs I just think "that's it?" If she doesn't step it up I could definitely see her going home next week.
  25. You ladies are gonna hate me for this but I cheered when Scott got booted. I told my FI that I wasn't going to watch the show anymore if he stayed on it because it would prove to me that its rigged. The first couple of times I saw him I did the whole awwwwwww thing, but then I came to hate his voice. I would have been so pissed if the judges wasted their save on him. IMO I think there are so many other contestants that are better singers. Is he talented? Absolutely! His story is inspiring, but I think he would make an awesome songwriter, not singer/performer. I just feel that since it is a "singing competition" that the judges made the right choice by sending him home. Oh well, not trying to offend anyone, just my two cents. I think I saw a commercial for some coverage on Megan that's supposed to be on tonight. That should be interesting!!!!
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