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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Congratulations Maria and welcome to the forum!
  2. ~Nicole~


    Congratulations Jaime and welcome to the forum! Don't worry, you'll get the hang of things quickly!!
  3. Congratulations Jacqueline and welcome to the forum! Choosing your resort is the hardest part so I feel your frustration. Luckily you've come to the right place! There is tons of info on here to help you decide! Happy planning!
  4. ~Nicole~


    Congratulations Alicia and welcome to the forum!!!
  5. Hi Shannon! Welcome to the forum! There is some great info on here to help you out!
  6. Just saw a commercial....2 hours of Prison break tomorrow!!
  7. Oh man......why did I have to miss such a good one? I can't believe Matt was in the bottom!!!! Thanks for filling me in ladies!!!
  8. Well ladies.... like I said, I didn't get to watch it!!! UUGHHH. So fill me in, who do you think did well/bad?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Jingles202 Ladies Ladies Ladies....my fiance and I have been dating 10 years....and it will be 11 going on 12 when we get married....I rest my case.....ROFL! Sweeeetttt!!!!!! We should start our own club for the longest dating records. LOL!!!
  10. I think I can top everyone in the respect that I am THE MOST BLIND - I actually have never been ANYWHERE. Honestly, I don't even have a passport (yet of course). So yeah....definitely blind faith over here!!! I've never even been to an airport before!!! OMG...this sounds so ridiculous as I'm typing it. I hope you ladies pray for me when I leave to get married. hahahaha.
  11. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!!!! I can't help with what you're looking for but I'm sure you'll find your answers!! Happy planning!
  12. Well I'd tell you that you can do mine to help fill the void but I'm not even doing formal invites!!! LOL..... I know, I'm a horrible person. So even though you're down about missing out, maybe you at least got a good laugh at how pathedic I am. And if you did....my job is done!!
  13. We've known each other since we were about 9 or 10 years old (about 15 years). We dated for 7 before he proposed and will be coming up to our 9 year anniversary when we get married. Since he's such a slow mover... I started the baby talk early, like a year ago, in hopes that we can start a family before I'm 40!!! hahaha
  14. ~Nicole~


    Congrats & welcome to the forum!!! Your post cracked me up!!! I felt the same way when I joined.
  15. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!! Happy planning!
  16. Welcome to the forum!!! Hope you find all the answers to your questions....which I'm sure you will!!!! Congratulations!
  17. Welcome to the forum!!!
  18. LOL! I think you're lucky!!! I hate doing stuff like that so I would love if everyone else took over! I don't think you're being baby.....I see what you're saying. I think I would be happy though that they were so into it!! That's got to make you feel good! Do you have any DIY projects coming up? If you do maybe you can delegate things to people and make sure that you're looking after something more hands on?
  19. Hi Jen!! Congrats and welcome to the forum! There is tons of info on here about resorts in Mexico that you can search through to help you make a decision! Happy planning!
  20. Hi Vicki! Congrats and welcome to the forum! This site will make your planning experience much less stressful!
  21. ~Nicole~


    Hi Jeff! Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  22. Kristie, congrats & welcome to the forum! You'll find everything you need on here! Happy planning!
  23. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  24. I'm so disappointed!!!! I am busy both Tuesday and Wednesday night this week!!! That means no AI for me I am super bummed about that.
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