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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Answer: Steel Magnolias Next quote: "Oh, yes sir. Bit me right in the buttocks. They said it was a million dollar wound, but the army must keep that money 'cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars."
  2. I am so sorry..... I know that there aren't any words that will help solve this problem, but I just wanted to say that my heart sincerely goes out to you and all of the other brides that are experiencing this devastation. Just know that we're all here to listen any time you need us
  3. Hi Monique!! Congrats and welcome to the forum! There is tons of info about Mexico on this forum and the members here are so helpful! I'm sure you'll find answers to all of your questions!
  4. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  5. OMG Erika that's horrible! What's even worse is that they aren't even responding to you. I am so sorry you had such sentimental items stolen and you're right, regardless if you had them in the safe or not it's NO EXCUSE. God we pay all this money for a 5 star hotel and they react as if its no big deal? Well, keep us posted on whether or not they respond to you. Totally unacceptable!!
  6. OMG SO CUTE!!! Are you serious.... a 14 month pregnancy? A name......hmmmm. I'll have to get back to you on that. I'm feeling all that creative this morning.
  7. Sweeet! So exciting!!! Congrats Jacqueline!
  8. Here's what I'm paying...hope it helps you out. Departing from Toronto, Ontario Departure Date: Oct 31, 2009 Resort: Azul Sensatori Location: RM Mexico Length of stay - 1 week Price including tax per adult - $1727
  9. Awwww Jenni and Yael, I feel so bad for you ladies. I hope you guys know that everything will work out in the end, but I can't imagine the stress of it all "right now". Yael - they aren't refunding anything!! Is this for the travel or the wedding stuff or both?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by 27 desses Is anyone else not getting the email of the new posts as an email in the morning. I am subscribed to this post and have it ticked to be notified when a new post is here but for the past week I have not been getting the email as requested and cant figure out why. Yeah, not sure what's going on. I haven't got any updates either.
  11. I was considering the jelly fish restaurant when I initially was going to get married in Punta Cana! It looks beautiful and I'm sure you'll love it! Glad to hear that everything worked out in the end! Sometimes these resorts go just a little too far with the fees. Isn't it enough that you're having over 20 people book at their resort....geez.
  12. So glad you got the dress you wanted....and what a great deal!! It looks great on you!
  13. Hi Melissa! Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  14. I'm probably not getting one. I would love to, but I am already way over budget. If I've got any room in my budget later on then I'll consider it, but every package I've seen looks really expensive. I don't think its a must have but some would feel differently. If you think you would really regret it later on, then maybe you could try to find a way to fit it in, otherwise I'm with Jess - I'll have a million pictures to capture the memories!
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