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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Just checked out your pics lilmisssunshine! They are great!! I love the one in the beach chairs that looks like a corona commercial haha! Congrats!
  2. Happy Wedding Day Casey! Can't wait to see your pics!
  3. I agree with the other ladies. Asking to sign a contract screams bridezilla to me and I would probably back out of your wedding party. Basically you're saying that you only want them to be in your wedding party if they do ABC, otherwise hit the road! It may not be what you're trying to say to them, but that's how it comes across and I would be deeply offended if I was your friend. Basically you're saying that if they don't follow what I'm asking of you, I'm bringing you to court! I could never imagine in a million years suing a friend. I hope you reconsider. Just my opinion, not to offend. I'm simply offering advice. Good luck!
  4. Congrats and welcome to the forum! There is tons of info on here to help you make a decision on what resort is best suited for you! Good luck and happy planning!
  5. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and welcome to the forum Jim!
  6. Congrats and welcome to the forum Christina! Good luck on your big day!
  7. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and welcome to the forum Araceli!!
  8. Welcome to the forum and good luck with your wedding plans!
  9. It's amazing how fast they add up! I remember looking at people's points and thinking there's no way I'll ever get to that amount! But once you start you can't stop!
  10. Dimitri, I love the pics! Especially the first one! Good luck from a fellow Torontonian!!!
  11. Hey Ashley. I totally see what you're saying about the difference between responsibility levels with boyfriend/girlfriend and fiance, etc. I also understand why it seems insulting that someone would refer to you as only his "girlfriend", but I think those terms mean different things to different people. For example, I've been with FI for over 8 years. We lived together before we were engaged and have shared all of those responsibilities of paying bills, cooking dinner, etc that you were talking about and I was "just a girlfriend". So to me it never makes a difference what people call me because our commitment to each other was always present. Maybe I just feel that way because a lot of people now are "less traditional" when it comes to relationships, and what I mean by that is not everyone gets married! I have a lot of friends that just live common law, so I think people just don't know what to say anymore in a social atmosphere! Try not to get too upset about it. If it bothers you that much then just simply correct them and if they don't remember for the next time then they likely aren't worth much energy anyways!! Good luck!
  12. Damn! I missed it again.....I had a softball game. Oh well, I guess I'll have to youtube it again!
  13. OMG that's horrible! On the bright side, at least it isn't the wedding! Hope you feel better!
  14. Abbie I think that's an awesome idea!! My mother would be a hoot with some of those questions - of course with her sense of humour I'd never get a truthful answer (I guess that's where I get it from). Obviously I don't know your mom personally, but I think any mom would appreciate it! Thanks for sharing that!
  15. I really love #1!! Let us know what you pick! Oh, and another thing.....not cheesy at all!
  16. UUGHHH don't even get me started. My situation is a bit different, but comparable IMO. My FI works construction, so when there is work available he will work 7 days a week. It drives me crazy! Last year he didn't even take vacation with me and it isn't looking good for this year either. I wanted to take 2 weeks for our wedding in November and he is refusing! I have really been on his case lately saying that I'm afraid he's going to wake up one day and wonder where the hell the time went. I want him to enjoy the "NOW" rather than worry so much about the future. I mean, the future is important and everything, but not if you never get to enjoy life, KWIM? Anyways, with the recession and everything, work has slowed down for him so he is down to 3 days a week. But when he's home he worries about the financial aspects of things (and trust me, we're fine). I can never win...lol.
  17. Congrats Ayita! I'm so glad your day turned out the way you hoped and thanks for reassuring some of the nervous May brides....I'm sure they are feeling some relief and appreciation in your post!
  18. What great friends and co-workers you have!!!! Looks like it was a blast!
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