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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Congrats and welcome to the forum. I'm getting married in Mexico and our price for our guests is just over $1700 so I think its reasonable. The way I looked at it and from the opinions of some of my guests I spoke to, most preferred to pay a few hundred more and not have to worry about the service not being to their standard. But everyone's different - so remember that you will NEVER please everyone. Good luck and happy planning!
  2. peach cobbler : never had it!
  3. never get tired of it : vegetables (i know that seems weird)
  4. I love this show too!!! I think I love it so much because it amazes me how talented the dancers are since I have zero dance coordination lol. I guess that's the same reason I love American Idol - I can't sing worth shit.
  5. I know its frustrating...... I hate being left hanging, but I've come to accept that as part of planning a DW. I wouldn't get to upset just yet under the circumstances, like you said she is likely swamped but by all means vent!!!! Get it out, that's why we're here! Just think how relieved you'll be once everything is confirmed. I remember feeling the exact same way when I was waiting on dates. But DON'T WORRY It will all work out!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I'm sure he thought Adam had it! Did you hear him say "But Adam deserves it" I don't think it even really hit him until his wife came and hugged him and he broke down. Yeah I heard that!! LOL! He was definitely not expecting that! I think that's one of the reasons I liked him so much, he's just so sincere, down to earth KWIM?
  7. I agree with Jac that it was the best finale ever!! I missed parts of it, but I thought it was awesome. Bikini girl and Kara were hilarious!! Estella1007 - I'm with you on being over Adam's rock scream. I hated him in the beginning but then he started to grow on me....but it didn't last long. Regardless, I can still recognize that he's an awesome singer/performer, but I was SO happy that Kris won! Kris looked so surprised too! He probably thought Adam had it in the bag.
  8. love them : Tim Horton's coffee!
  9. ugh I know so sad. I heard it on the radio today. Totally disgusting. I didn't hear as much detail as you described but if that's the case about the 18 yr old basically getting a slap on the wrist I will be pissed! Reminds me of the Paul Bernardo & Karla Holmoka case - completely disturbing!! I feel so bad for the friends and family of Victoria.
  10. lol I got a good laugh out of this. If it makes you feel any better, my FI still thinks that he's wearing jeans a t-shirt and running shoes for our beach wedding. Ya ok!!!
  11. story of my life : planning a destination wedding
  12. raging hormones : teenage boys
  13. That's insane!!! Who would do that? That poor girl.... I feel so bad for her.
  14. Sounds like you have A LOT on your plate right now I wish you luck and am hoping that you're stressing over nothing! I know it seems horrible right now but it'll all work out in the end
  15. I think with the colourful font that its fine the way it is!! Just my opinion though! Good luck!
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