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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. peanut butter : reeses pieces
  2. I actually have never been anywhere.....seriously... I don't even have a passport, so I definitely didn't do a site visit! I researched for about 6 months and then ended up changing my mind after talking to our TA, lol! The fact that I have never traveled made it really difficult to know what I was looking for, but I'm confident that I made the right choice
  3. What I love about this site is to know that I am not alone!!!! Whenever I think "I'm the only one this would happen to", I just log on and sure enough.....lol. It helps me keep my sanity, especially when dealing with really difficult people. To be honest, I wouldn't have had a clue of what I was doing if I didn't find this site!
  4. I will likely have 15 people tops, so the only formal things we will likely do are speeches and our first dance. But we are really casual people and thats how I want it. If you want those things do it!!! I am a true believer that there are no wrongs or rights when it comes to your special day. Do what will make you happy!
  5. Congrats!!!! Two well-deserving ladies!
  6. LISA!!! I was thinking about you the other day, wondering how everything went.....and judging by your pics I think its safe to assume AMAZING!! Congrats! You made a beautiful bride!
  7. I'm looking for a Toronto Photographer to do my engagement pics too so I'll be keeping a close eye on this one!
  8. love that type of weather : spring
  9. I think the other girls nailed it by saying that its all going to be about personal preference. I think regardless, a DW is beautiful! I chose the beach because that's how I picture my wedding and its what I find appealing. Is there one that your leaning towards? Like maybe the gazebo but you're worried about the space? Go with what you are feeling and you can't go wrong!
  10. Yay!!! Oh wow, what a gorgeous dress!! Great reward for all of your hard work!
  11. I think that people naturally expect that a bride has wedding showers so I wouldn't say that it looks like you're just trying to get gifts - and your complaining bridesmaid - WTF?? I'll have to search the vent you posted to get the details on that. I think that considering you have worked there so long and seem to be really close with those people then its appropriate to have a shower. With regards to the couples thing, I'm assuming you are considering this because you work with a mixture of both males and females? I would say that's fine, especially since you indicated that a lot are coming to the wedding. I'm off to search the venting post! Good luck!
  12. I don't think that someone would expect a thank you card for that, but it would be a nice gesture IMO. I say if its in your budget it would be a good idea, and if not, like I said, I don't think people "expect it.
  13. OMG Yolanda, I just read this whole thread right now and WOW....I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster!!!! But what a great ending!!! HAHAHA...."are there any naked pics in there?". I'm so glad everything worked out!
  14. Kathy you're beautiful!!! Congrats on being a MRS! I love your sand ceremony set, where did you get it?
  15. Hi Allisa and welcome!!! I don't think you can go wrong with your ceremony location. The sky deck is BEAUTIFUL! I think it just comes down to personal preference and each individual brides vision of her wedding day. I'm doing a beach ceremony because to me there's no better place and that's what attracted me to do a DW, but that obviously wouldn't be the case for EVERY bride. I remember hearing that the sky deck is really windy but I've heard the same about the beach! Like I said, you can't go wrong! There are pics of both the beach ceremony and sky deck ceremony on here that may help you make a decision. Here's the link to the first sky deck ceremony: azsskywedd Good luck!
  16. Congrats Anita and welcome to the forum!! All the info on here will definitely help you make a decision. Good luck and happy planning!
  17. Congrats and welcome to the forum! If I had to think of any place that would be the most helpful in planning a DW it would be here! Good luck and happy planning!
  18. Congrats and welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll be a huge help to the brides in the planning stage!
  19. ~Nicole~


    congrats and welcome to the forum!! Have you contacted a TA yet? I found that to be extremely helpful. I thought I knew where I wanted to go, but after explaining my needs and expectations to a TA, I was referred somewhere else and couldn't be happier! Good luck and happy planning!
  20. Welcome and congrats from a fellow Sensatori bride! If you haven't already found it, check out our thread in the Riviera Maya section! Sounds like you have everything under control! I hear you on the recession affecting your invites. Our guest list is looking pretty pathetic right now lol. But the way I look at it - it's about the people getting married, not the guests
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