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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Congrats Eric & Chelsea and welcome to the forum. This site will definitely help you nail down a location! Good luck and Happy Planning!
  2. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and welcome to the forum Ashley!! Happy planning!
  3. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!! Happy planning!
  4. ~Nicole~

    Newbie here.

    Congrats and welcome to the forum Emily! I hear ya on the whole decision thing. I researched for 6 months before we finally locked in a date and location. But it gets much easier after that! Good luck!
  5. Congratulations and welcome to the forum Arryn!!! I've heard great things about Dreams Tulum! Happy planning!
  6. geeky - DJ Qualls (Road trip)
  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I remember my mom's friends daughter had the same or similar condition but I believe they operated on her when she was rather young. I can't remember what the procedures were as it was a really long time ago. Keep us posted on your Mom and I'll be thinking of you and your family.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by KLila OH MY!!!! So I already found my song, and I love the instrumentals. Then I went back after reading all your songs and looked up the lyrics. Lets just say it isn't the most love inspirational song. BUT I am in love with the instrumentals and even the lyrics. I am walking down the isle to........ " This years love" by David Gray (i am obsessed with the piano in the beginning of this song and even the lyrics that start the song: Heaven knows it's high time I've been waiting on my own, too long When you hold me like you do It feels so right, oh now The music to me is so beautiful and when I hear it I totally see myself walking down the isle focused on my FI and my mind all wrapped around the moment and the piano playing in this song. I have to include we are a more non-traditional couple would love feedback... OMG....I LOVE this song! It sounds perfect and I totally get that "moment" feeling.....but I'm not to keen on the lyrics I tried finding an instrumental version to use and didn't like it as much. I honestly love it but I just kept balling my eyes out when I was listening to it! I would hate to see what I'd be like on the wedding day! You have me reconsidering my song though.....I noticed your wedding date was May 2009. Did you end up using this?
  9. OMG that's horrible! I would be super pissed too. She sounds like a know-it-all, always got something to say drama queen to me. Do you think the rest of the family will really take her seriously or would they just disregard whatever she was saying because they probably know what she's like? I agree with your FI though, the wedding should still be on as planned. It's crazy to get all worked up when its a year away!! The way I look at it is, bad things can happen anywhere! In terms of "safety" the numbers have to be relative and put into perspective. You might hear about a few instances about Mexico on the news, but how many things happen in your own area that you don't even hear about, KWIM? Good luck and keep us posted!
  10. I would definitely let that go!!! If people are noticing something stupid like that then they're there for the wrong reasons! lol. If there were a bunch of mistakes, then fine, reconsider, but honestly it's one little mistake
  11. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!! You'll find answers to your questions...that's for sure! This site has been a life saver to me. Happy planning!
  12. Welcome to the forum Jamie! I know....its overwhelming!! I had the exact same problem when trying to nail down a location. The problem that I find with giving advice on this sort of thing is that I find it's a very personal decision as not everyone values the same thing in a trip and wedding. It looks like you've started listing your must haves, so I would go from there and start searching under the DR threads! Good luck and happy planning!
  13. Welcome to the forum Cathy! And OMG - congrats on dropping 140 lbs!! That is crazy! I think it is so sweet to renew your vows. Good luck!
  14. Congrats and welcome to the forum Amy! Wow 100 people? I say do whatever suits you and your FI best. If you really want a small wedding then I would cut the numbers! Definitely before you decide to have that many people, I would look into the type of wedding you want and what the cost would be. I think everyone initially thinks that DW's are cheap, but they can add up rather quickly depending on what choices you make. 100 people would be one hell of a party though!! Good luck!
  15. Congrats Stephanie and welcome to the forum!! There is tons of info on here to help you make your decision! Happy planning!
  16. So you think you can Dance : competition
  17. Hey Lisa! Don't worry, I think that's pretty normal! I keep having people ask me how my wedding plans are coming and what I have left to do and I they always look at me funny when I say that I'm just about done planning, the rest I'll take care of when I get there! The big things would be booking your vendors like your photographer, your dress (which I saw was in the works!), wedding party attire, etc. I'm keeping my wedding really simple too, so I feel like those are pretty much the main things. I'm not doing a formal reception so I don't have to worry about any of that stuff. I think it just depends on what you're doing. I know that sometimes it can feel initimidating to hear all of the plans that the other brides on here are making, which sometimes made me feel like I was missing something, but the reality is that we are all planning DIFFERENT weddings! Honestly, in the past 3 months, the only thing I've done is gotten the girls to pick out their bridesmaid dress! So don't worry, just enjoy the time you have to relax!
  18. Taneia, Congrats and welcome to the forum!! There is a ton of info on this site to help you narrow down your options. It all depends on what you're looking for! Good luck and happy planning!
  19. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Wow, I feel really spoiled right now because you planned your whole wedding without this site and I wouldn't have had a clue what to do if I were in your shoes lol! Well, since your planning is done and your countdown is on......relax and enjoy!!!
  20. Congrats Maria and welcome to the forum!!! There is tons of info on here to help you make your decision! Happy planning!
  21. Congrats on your recent engagement and welcome to the forum!! If I could go back in time I would have done it differently in terms of picking the date. I worked around so many different schedules and got "verbal commitments" from people and they still bailed....lol. Surprisingly, the one person that I didn't accomodate and had a conflict with the date is the one that has booked! I wish that I would have just gotten married when I really wanted to, which would have been last year, because as much as I thought that giving people a year and half notice would have given them a better opportunity to come, it wasn't the case. So anyways, I don't mean to sound negative, I'm just offering some advice - if working around other people doesn't put you out at all then go for it! Otherwise, do what you and your FI want! Good luck!
  22. I confess that lately I've been feeling like I'm always running around for other people.....throwing them bridal showers, baby showers, helping with their weddings, babysitting, hosting family events, etc and no one even thinks of me for a second! They don't even have the courtesy to RSVP to my wedding. I feel like nothing is ever a BIG DEAL when it comes to me. Ugh.
  23. LOL! What great timing for this thread to come up! Both FI and I were at Bachelorette and Bachelor parties this past weekend for our mutual friends that are getting married this upcoming weekend. It definitely urks me that he goes but I would NEVER say that to him (besides, he barely ever goes so it wouldn't be worth it to even fight over). I always say that I'd be mad if he felt like he had to hide it and I would expect him to be open and honest with me as that's how I am with him. I do however let him know that the whole lapdance and touchy touchy stuff is NOT cool with me, lol. I would feel totally disrespected KWIM? So, us girls went to Niagara for a night and of course, made a stop at the strip club! LOL! None of us had ever been before and it was freakin hilarious! Actually, I would definitely say that it is WAY worse than what our men go see that's for sure! So it was sort of funny to see FI on a bit of the jealous side.
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