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Posts posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by chong View Post
    Le Chique is reservation only? I thought everything was a la carte style restaurant. I saw on one of the brides review on AS that this is reservation only restaurant. Anyone knows?
    Yup, reservation only. We made reservations for our girl night there but never made it bc we got back later than expected from our excursion and were soaked from the rain. I believe its an 11-14 course meal, but one course could be as much as a single olive. I heard its an experience, but I never tried it! Sorry!

    Oh and I think its a set menu. Not positive but I think I remember them saying that.

    Amy - I can't wait to see your pics!!
  2. Gingerlover - I personally didn't want to risk breaking my ankle but I think some past brides have. They have a wood runner that you can walk on but it doesn't run the whole length of beach that you walk.


    bigboponthebeach - welcome3.gif to the thread! I've added you to our list!

    Gingerlover36 - I've added you too!

    Anyone else that needs to be added, please PM me with your wedding date!


    OMG Renee is only a few days away!!!


    May 2010

    27 dresses - May 5, 2010

    LivandScot - May 7, 2010

    KittenHeart - May 8, 2010

    Mocashman – May 10, 2010

    Erinandbrent2010 – May 14, 2010

    Sammyhawk – May 19, 2010

    Renee1811 - May 28, 2010

    Amybermuda – May 29, 2010

    June 2010

    July 2010

    meghan - July 1, 2010

    Meesh – July 10, 2009

    momichele – July 24, 2010

    Daniepps – July 31, 2010

    August 2010

    September 2010

    Lecreatifbride - Sept 4, 2010

    October 2010

    amandamarieb – October 10, 2010

    chong – October 10, 2010

    November 2010

    ~Crista-Lee~ - November 10, 2010

    dstinationdrmr – November 12, 2010 – 4pm

    dirtymartini – November 13, 2010 – Azul Beach

    December 2010

    mzgillis316 - December 3, 2010

    jaimeburns – December 10, 2010

    rkf1046 – December 11, 2010


    January 2011

    cjb0arder13 – January 31, 2011 – Azul Beach

    February 2011

    Less is More – February 19, 2011

    March 2011

    gingerlover36 - March 26, 2011

    April 2011

    May 2011

    JaimeTalis – May 7, 2011

    Bigboponthebeach – May 28, 2011

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post

    Right now, we are booked for May 28, 2011.....I'm just a little bummed that we cannot book the photographer that we want. :-( Didn't know about all these vendor restrictions until after we placed our deposit. :-( Anywho, I'm trying not to sweat the small stuff...... :-)
    I don't even know if you realize how important that is yet, but remember it! It will save you from tons of sleepless nights!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by nicdeb928 View Post
    Nicole, where can i see pics of you in your dress? i keep reading how everyone else can see them, and I cant seem to figure it out?

    also, I will be getting married on your one year anniversary in Riviera Maya :) Nicole
    Sorry, I see this post is from a while back, I must have missed it sad.gif. Most of the girls had seen pics that I posted in other threads, so don't worry, you're not going crazy!!

    You can see a few of my pics on my photogs blog. We are Nicole & Curt:
    Blogging the Moments That Matter 2009 November

    P.S, good choice of date!!
  5. I guess I'm one of those lucky people that got the right guy at the counter the day I went to change my name for my licence 3 weeks ago lol. Actually I KNOW I did, but it was easy to convince him to accept my Spanish cert. On the website for that office it listed Spanish as one of the languages. So I told him that Service Ontario told me that if I went to a "Spanish speaking" office, there was no need for a translation. Makes sense right? I thought it did, and it worked lol. Now that I have a new ID, I can just use that to change everything else, so no translating required on my end!


    FYI - service Ontario told me I needed it translated.... I thought I'd take my chances before spending the money and going through the hassel. I'm glad I did lol.

  6. mlabbe is right, there are existing threads that talk about this a lot so make sure you do a search when you're looking for answers. I recommend that you go through and read them. My own experience - my dress was satin. It was dirty as hell so I put it in my front loading washing machine. It came out fine! A few spots on it that came out with some stain remover. I actually sold it to a fellow BDW B2B after that.


    I guess it all depends on what you want to do with it after. I figured, what the hell, I'm never going to wear it again. I get more out of my amazing pics than a dress just hanging in my closet, but to each their own.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
    What I would do again:

    - Stress. Wow, I stressed a LOT, people not coming, people cancelling, no parents coming, drama etc. This was pointless. A wise bride (Nicole) told me to stop stressing, it didn't matter and my wedding would be perfect. She told me quote "you won't miss ANYONE once you're there" and she was absolutely right. All those people who didn't come or cancelled or fell out at the last minute didn't cross my mind once, I was having to good of a time to care. I wasted a lot of tears and restless nights.

    I hope this helps! This thread was so helpful to me while planning my wedding :)
    Amy, you're the sweetest! Even though you were still stressing, I'm so glad that you took in what I said. You deserved a perfect wedding, and I knew you'd get it :). Now I have you to back me up when people think I'm crazy for what I try to tell them lol!
  8. If I can give any advice, I'd say to remember that this is YOUR wedding, no one else's, and we all have different opinions of what the perfect wedding is. If you want low-key, then stick with that. Do what works for you. I used to feel intimidated on here because I felt that I was the ONLY one not doing a private reception and my wedding was sooo small compared to most people on here. I did my wedding how I wanted it and it was a blast!! We ate at one of the restaurants and then "winged" the rest of the night. DH and I are not the formal type in any respect and didn't want that. Just remember, whatever you decide to do doesn't have to meet anyone's approval but your own :)

  9. WOW, you've got a lot going on! But look at it this way..... it's all for the better! I know its super stressful right now, but in the long run its definitely worth it, and you'll barely remember the stress you endured! Just stay organized and try not sweat the little things too much (although those always seem to be the things that put me over the edge when I'm stressed lol). Good luck!!

  10. I can totally relate to how you're feeling. My Mom decided to buy a house that needed a ton of renovations and put all of her money into that even though she had previously told me that she couldn't afford to come to my wedding lol. The one thing I learned throughout the whole wedding thing was that you can't control how people spend their money. I know that prob doesn't make you feel any better, but its true. All you can do is hope that you're high enough on their priority list that they'll make sacrifices to be able to come up with the money. And if they don't, hey, its their loss! I know it sounds harsh but its true.


    Trust me, I drove myself nuts before my wedding about my guest list and all the people that didn't come. And now, I wish that I didn't waste a second on any of them! It all worked out and was even better than I expected! I know it will be the same for you! Good luck!

  11. Hi ladies! You ladies are chatty - tough for me to keep up!!


    I've only caught bits and pieces here and there, but CONGRATS to the new MRS!!!! I'll go back and get the details when I have a bit more time, but I just wanted to make sure I said that :)


    I know that there's a few more newbies, but here's the list to date. Newbies, or anyone else missing from the list, please PM me with your wedding date if you want it added. It's tough for me to filter through pages and pages to find you! A PM sends me a direct email, so I can do it right away!


    I'll check back with you ladies later!


    May 2010

    27 dresses - May 5, 2010

    LivandScot - May 7, 2010

    KittenHeart - May 8, 2010

    Mocashman – May 10, 2010

    Erinandbrent2010 – May 14, 2010

    Sammyhawk – May 19, 2010

    Renee1811 - May 28, 2010

    Amybermuda – May 29, 2010

    June 2010

    July 2010

    meghan - July 1, 2010

    Meesh – July 10, 2009

    momichele – July 24, 2010

    Daniepps – July 31, 2010

    August 2010

    September 2010

    Lecreatifbride - Sept 4, 2010

    October 2010

    amandamarieb – October 10, 2010

    chong – October 10, 2010

    November 2010

    ~Crista-Lee~ - November 10, 2010

    dstinationdrmr – November 12, 2010 – 4pm

    dirtymartini – November 13, 2010 – Azul Beach

    December 2010

    mzgillis316 - December 3, 2010

    jaimeburns – December 10, 2010

    rkf1046 – December 11, 2010


    January 2011

    cjb0arder13 – January 31, 2011 – Azul Beach

    February 2011

    Less is More – February 19, 2011

    March 2011

    April 2011

    May 2011

    JaimeTalis – May 7, 2011

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
    Thanks ladies!!!

    AmyB - Oh girl, just you wait, you are going to have the BEST time of your life, I have NO doubt :) Gives me chills just thinking of it!

    Nicole - I seriously thought of your during my reception, smiling and was like "Nicole was TOTALLY right"

    I'm itching to see my pro pix... I can't wait!
    This made me smile :). I KNEW you're were going to have the best day of your life, but that you also had to struggle through the same crazy stress I did. I wish I could have saved you from it. I LOVE your pics. OMG so beautiful. I was sooo paranoid about burning before the wedding. Especially because I'm so fair and burn in like 5 mins of sun exposure. I'm so glad it all worked out for you!! xoxo

    Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
    Thanks amy :)

    hey girlies....missed you all!!

    We are back, and I am still mega-tired and jet-lagged at the moment.

    For those wanting to see pics, here is the link to my brothers' shots he got - JD Photographs - Kate and Chris' Wedding once I've uploaded our proper photogs pics, I'll post the link too (we have about 1400 photos on 2 CDs!!)

    Meghan - have just quickly skimmed through the posts and seen you've been having some major stresses...I got the impression it's all worked out now, but I hope it all is and sending you big hugs. xx
    KATIE!!! Welcome back and CONGRATS!! I looked at your pics..... flawless :). So happy for you!!!

    Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
    Checking them out now!!!

    I'm not used to my new last name either... in serious mourning about my old one but not changing it until my legal day :)

    LOL! I have been fighting to brain to not say "adios" and "gracias senor!" to my clients on the phone...
    I was saying HOLA! to everyone I saw for like the first 2 weeks we were back lol.

    I JUST changed my name a few weeks ago. So sad and strange.

    Originally Posted by renee1811 View Post
    Question about the dress code at the restaurants at Azul...we got a letter from our TA saying guys had to be in slacks for dinner. Is this policy pretty strongly enforced? My dad bought a bunch of nice, khaki slack-style shorts, and wants to know if he needs to go buy some slacks. Thanks! :)
    We never had any issues. On several nights we had at least one guy in shorts, flip flops and a t-shirt. THey never gave us grief about it.
  13. StephyD, don't worry, honestly the legal stuff was NOT that bad and I would totally do it all over again. I'm not sure where your TA is getting that info from. Even the Mexican consulate website says 3 business day. I arrived on a Sat and got married on the Thurs. I would ask your TA where they're getting that info from and let them know that the WC states only 3 days are required. I see you're from Montreal. If you need any help from a fellow Canadian just PM me!

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by meghan View Post
    This is Meghan's fiance, I wanted to get information on day trip/excursions while we're down there. What have you planned for excursions? What company was it booked through? For those that did Catamaran/snorkeling, what was the package like-cost/#people/inclusives?

    We didn't preplan anything because we were waiting to find out our wedding appt day and time, etc, so we just booked our excursions with the onsite signature people at the resort.

    Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
    Hi girls!!! I'm back a Mrs.!!!! CAN'T even believe it, it's been bliiissssssful <3

    I got back Friday @ Midnight and have so much to tell you all. I have a few days to catch up, haven't even unpacked yet, yikes!

    Just wanted to give you AS brides a quick little.... OMG, my day was PERRRRRFECTTTT and just like all the past AS brides are right, once you get there all your worries will be alleviated, the onsite coordinators are amazing and bend over backwards for you. I felt like royalty, they treated me unbelievably well and seriously it was a better wedding than I ever could have expected.

    I am soooo excited you upcoming brides!! Any questions, ask away :)
    welcome3.gif back!!! Congrats, you looked AMAZING! I'm dying to see more pics!

    Oh and the bolded part - I told you so!! HAHAHAHA sorry, I just couldn't resist!
  15. I think that you totally rock both dresses, but your first mistake was to expect a man to give you the response you're looking for lol. Don't be discouraged that he didn't jump up and say "OMG, that dress is beautiful, I can just picture you in it now!" Guys don't do that. When he sees you in the dress on your wedding day, different story.... then he'll love it :) I really don't think guys care about that, so you should pick the dress based on what you want. Good luck!

  16. I think that all of those choices are very personal ones and there's no right or wrong. That's what makes every wedding so special..... I say do what's in your heart :). I'm not sure what kind of relationship you have with your sons, but if you're close with both, maybe get them both to give you away? Then the 19 yr old won't feel excluded or feel that his role in the ceremony is less important. Good luck!

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