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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Congrats and to the forum! There is tons of info on this site about the Dominican. It's tough to give suggestions as every bride has a different perception of what the perfect wedding is. Take a look at the Dominican section to help narrow down the details! Good luck and happy planning!
  2. Congrats and to the forum!! Happy planning!
  3. Congrats and to the forum Jenna!! Good choice of location Happy planning!!
  4. summer breeze : air freshener
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE Ugh! They always take your license around here for speeding, unless you have a "bond card" which I don't. It gets mailed back to you after you send in money for the ticket and in my case traffic school too! boo. Thanks for the thoughts Thankfully there was no accident involved! I am so worried I won't have enough time to get it all straightened out.... I have so much going on! I guess you find the time though - especially for this! Oh wow! Learn something new everyday! I had no idea that they actually take your licence in some places! Talk about adding stress to an already hectic schedule - holy crap!
  6. my aunt's house : renovations
  7. OMG Josie!! That is the craziest story I've ever heard! What a moron that lady at the courthouse was though. I would have been fuming! Ugh. The cops took your licence for speeding? Did they temporarily suspend it or something or was it an accident? I hope this week is better for you!!
  8. I definitely think that you should leave it up to him as to what he wants to do with that stuff. You're right, he probably doesn't even know he has it, but to me its a respect thing. I am big on the mutual respect in my relationship with FI and I just think its so important. Besides, if you threw them out behind his back you wouldn't want that to come to light down the road. Even though he probably will want to throw them out anyways, at least you're making it his decision by talking about it. Good luck!
  9. I have to agree with the other ladies. I think BC is the only way. If you wanted to go that route I would get on it ASAP since you are only 2 months away and it normally takes a bit for your body to adjust to it.
  10. Congrats on your engagement Melissa and to the forum from a fellow Canadian! Happy planning!
  11. Congrats and to the forum! One tip - remember that everyones idea of the perfect wedding is different. Don't let the forum discourage you or make you feel like you are planning your wedding incorrectly or missing requirements The members are so helpful! When you're looking for ideas, they have suggestions! Soon enough you'll be a BDW addict just like the rest of us! Happy planning!
  12. Congrats and to the forum!! You've definitely come to the right place to find info! Happy planning!
  13. played softball : on Thursday
  14. Thank God!!! LOL. Glad to hear that he didn't take that joke too far! Hope you had an awesome day!
  15. Erika, your pics look great! You both look amazing! Congratulations and thanks for sharing them!
  16. Congrats and to the forum! Happy planning!
  17. Congrats and You'll find some great ideas on the forum! Happy planning!
  18. People are so immature. It's amazing the personalities that come out as soon as someone says WEDDING! The other funny thing is that if you did invite that person, they prob would have walked around bitching to everyone how ignorant you are to expect her to spend all that money to go to Jamaica.... cause you know, its not like you guys are close. LOL - to me it was a no win. People like drama. On the bright side, be happy you didn't invite her. Sounds like she would have just been added stress!
  19. Megan, I love the look of that white runner! It really pops!
  20. My package comes with a wood runner but I'm afraid that my dress is going to get caught on it and rip! So I thought that lining the aisle with petals would be a good alternative but I'm afraid that they'll blow away on the beach. So I'm undecided
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