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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by D&ESept2009 I'm a September 5, 2009 bride, but somewhere I've been dropped of the list Please add me! ya i glanced at it quickly and noticed that its not the most current list. There are brides listed on there that have since changed resorts. I'll see if I can find the most up to date copy.
  2. Wed June 24: 4:59pm - getting ready to leave work!!!
  3. Here's the one I saw Jon & Kate on the Road to Splitsville for Two Years? - Yahoo! News If she's claiming the 2 years as separated for the money that's brutal! It's hard to say though, the media and editing can make anything appear the way THEY want it to, so who the hell knows what was really going on behind the scenes, KWIM?
  4. Love the dress!! Congrats, it looks beautiful on you!
  5. I wish I had one : dishwasher
  6. Congrats and to the forum Tash! Happy planning!
  7. Congrats on the engagement Stephanie and to the forum! I agree, well worth the wait! Good luck and happy planning!
  8. Jacqueline, maybe his mom misunderstood I saw a headline that said "on the rocks for 2 years", so maybe she just got it mixed up?
  9. Cait, it took me about 6 months to decide where to get married lol! Keep in mind that I am a reasearch queen, so don't panic! I basically made a list of what the most important features in a resort were to me and rated them. For example: food, beach, entertainment, adults only or family friendly, etc. That allowed me to cross a lot off options off my list. From there I contacted each hotel and got wedding package prices. Then I spoke to a TA to get details from a "professionals" view point. Cait, also keep in mind that I've NEVER traveled anywhere!! So to me this was a really big and overwhelming task, but I don't think it needs to be that way for everyone! Also keep in mind that no matter how much you are putting your guests needs first.....there will always be someone that will complain and make you want to pull your hair out. Just smile and keep going about your plans lol. Good luck!
  10. Congrats and to the forum! Happy planning!
  11. ~Nicole~

    Hi All!

    Congrats Samantha and to the forum!! Happy planning!
  12. Lisa, you're right...they wouldn't survive! One thing that I've discovered is that men honestly don't understand multi-tasking! You give them ONE responsibility and they got all huffy if you try to add to it before they're done lol!
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