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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. I don't think you're being selfish! It all comes down to what YOU and FI want! Will he regret if his family isn't there? Maybe....but only he can decide. I'm going to be brutally honest from my experience: Even if you give in and cater to them, they will find something else to disagree on (ie the time of year, the price, the resort, you name it!!). I catered to people for my wedding and several of those people didn't have the courtesy to RSVP!! One of my important family members that I did not cater to, made the necessary arrangements and hasn't complained once. I think that the people that want to be at your wedding will, and for those who don't.....well that should be a message to your FI. If his sister is honestly that spoiled that she only wants to attend if its somewhere that she wants to go, then I would let her miss out. In all honesty, who would regret that more? She should!!! Anyways, I would just hate for you to give in and then have it snowball to the point that your guests or potential guests are running the show, KWIM? I think you should sit with FI and decide what you both want and run with it! It's your day! Good luck!
  2. Congrats Rhiannon and to the forum! There's tons of info on here to help you make a decision! Good luck and happy planning!
  3. LOL! Congrats on the wedding and your son Stephanie!!!
  4. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and Happy planning!
  5. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum Angie! Don't worry, you'll find tons of helpful info on here. Good luck and happy planning!
  6. Congrats and to the forum! Happy planning!
  7. Congrats and to the forum Brett! I've never been to Punta Cana, but there's a whole thread on the DR that I'm sure will have some info that you're looking for. Good luck and happy planning!
  8. Congrats and to the forum! I think we can all relate to the whole stress thing lol! Like the other girls suggested, use the search function and trust me.... your stress level will go way down! Good luck and happy planning!
  9. Welcome to the forum Bel! I think it's great that you're being so helpful to your friend!
  10. Awwwww Ana you rock! That is so sweet! Heather, Happy belated Bday! Hope your BBQ worked out ok!
  11. insanely busy : mall parking lot
  12. Kelly I'm the exact same way with my younger brother!! He's just so nice and sweet which some people look at as the perfect opportunity to take advantage! I had to stop going to his hockey games that he would ref because I would get so worked up over the comments that parents in the stands were screaming at him! Ladies...... I confess that I was drinking with friends last night and I had two smokes I guess I'll have to stop drinking for now too
  13. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum! Happy planning!
  14. Congrats and to the forum Justine! Happy planning!
  15. Congrats and to the forum! Happy planning!
  16. Congrats and to the forum Melissa! Happy planning!
  17. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum! Happy planning!
  18. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum Meeka! Happy planning!
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