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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Congrats and to the forum Jenny!
  2. Congrats and to the forum Amy!! There is tons of info on here to help you out with those details! Good luck and happy planning!
  3. I agree with Jean-Marcus (great advice)!! I think that that jealousy and distrust put a HUGE strain on a relationship. If you know your FI is "charming" then you need to accept that - he is who he is KWIM? It doesn't mean that you have to like that biatch in his office, but what does it say about your feelings towards FI when you worry about them being together? It says that you don't trust HIM. Don't get me wrong, everyone has jealous moments, its just all in how you handle those emotions. I understand that you have been hurt in the past, but what does that have to do with FI? Nothing really. If my FI was giving me a hard time about some guy in my office and I had done nothing to make him think I was not trustworthy, I would be pissed! That would be a huge slap in the face to me. Anyhow, no judgement here, I'm just trying to offer the other side to help you work through your feelings. You look radiant and beautiful in your profile pic, and FI loves that about you otherwise he wouldn't be with you. Just remember that!! Good luck and we're here for you!!
  4. It's interesting to see the different viewpoints on this. In my social network, this is completely acceptable and expected anytime someone gets married. I am never offended when asked to buy tickets, and now, they're even more expensive!! I've had 2 in the past year that are $50 per person just to get in (this includes alcohol though). I personally don't know how people afford traditional weddings these days (assuming they're paying for it themselves) so I never see anything wrong with these events. FI and I have had to bust our butts to be where we are today and throwing a traditional wedding was not an option to us financially. So our wedding party wants to throw us a Stag n doe. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand I think it would be great to have something to celebrate as its pretty much only our wedding party coming to Mexico with us and we cannot afford an AHR. On the other hand, I worry that people will judge us and think that we're trying to grab money from them. I don't know. I'm not having any other wedding events so I guess a part of me is thriving for some sort of wedding recognition.
  5. slap myself in the head : headache
  6. Wow, that is such a touching story! I'm so happy for you - being able to find someone so special, twice!
  7. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum Marie! I hope everything works out as planned for you!
  8. Congrats and to the forum Brooke! Good luck and happy planning!
  9. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Vicki and to the forum! Love the wedding date! Happy planning!
  10. Congrats and to the forum Stephanie! Happy planning!
  11. Josee stay strong!! It's ok to feel sad and I know it hurts, as I have felt less than important by some of my friends and family, but try to focus on the positive - those who will be there . And, some people might surprise you. I'm finding a lot of unecessary drama that has been going on sometimes just ends when it gets down to the wire. I really hope everything works out for you!
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