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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Well ladies, I'm happy to say that I finally made some progress. I ordered FI a shirt for the wedding.......LMAO!!!! I know, I'm horrible. I'm hoping over the next few weeks I can put a real dent in this and catch up to you guys!
  2. You might want to ask what the cost of the "extras" are. So find out what the cost of your package is, what it includes (ie bouquet, decorations, etc), and how much everything is that isn't included. This will give you a better idea of what kind of wedding you can afford. Also ask them what their policy is on outside vendors (ie if you wanted to hire an outside photographer). If you're doing a private reception find out the number of people required for certain packages and what locations are available to you.
  3. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum!!! A little BDW surfing will help you make a decision in no time! Good luck and happy planning!
  4. Congrats and to the forum!!! Happy planning!
  5. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum!!! Happy planning!
  6. Congrats and to the forum!!! Good luck and happy planning!
  7. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum Heather!! Good luck and Happy planning!
  8. Congrats and to the forum!! Good luck and Happy planning!
  9. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum Cambride!!! Good luck and Happy planning!
  10. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum Ashley!!! Happy planning!
  11. head in the clouds : distracted
  12. Meghan - Originally I was going to send out invites, but with the really poor responses and lack of enthusiasm on the whole thing I chose not to throw away the money.....I figure those who want to come will come. I have a wedding website and asked for RSVP's on there so that at least I had an idea, and when people were too ignorant to even do that is when I decided to scrap the formal invites. I had sent reminder emails..... I honestly feel like I was proactive about the whole thing lol. Ah well what can you do! Both my sister and Mom avoid the topic of booking like the plague! My mom hasn't even given me a for sure yes! Ugh. I just keep telling myself that it will all work out. I guess I was just curious as to how your guests were cooperating so that I know for my own peace of mind that I did not make a poor choice in terms of a TA. I felt it was a good deal, you obviously did and so do your guests! So that alone makes me feel better! Meesh - good luck! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!
  13. We played the plunger game....at a banquet hall shower lol! It was a great way to get everyone involved and loosen up! I've never laughed so hard in my life! YouTube - look at my silly friends!
  14. haven't started : making dinner
  15. Meghan - the way we had our contract set up was that we paid deposits for 10 spots and they held an additional 10 for us until May 30th. I sent my STD out in October 2008 and everyone was "all pumped to book".......until they got the STD. I can't figure it out. They all knew the price and the details because I talked to them BEFORE I signed the contract and put the money down for them. Right now there are a total of 7 of us booked! Can you believe that? I'm actually at risk of losing my group rate and $900 for those 3 deposits that haven't been booked. My sister, also my MOH, has not booked!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! So, you've convinced me that it is possible to make it work.....just obviously not with my friends and family, lol. Sorry about that rant..... I think you have been switched back to a Newbie because of the new posting requirements. They changed the downloading rules and the designation amounts.
  16. ~Nicole~

    New Here!

    Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  17. Congrats and to the forum! Try doing a search for those places as I'm sure there is tons of info on them!! Good luck and happy planning!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE I think this is great advice. I'm always proactive and honest and just admit I lost track........ let us know how it goes! DITTO!!! I can always appreciate honesty in a situation like this. Otherwise it looks like you're hiding something or trying to cover it up and it's "no big deal to you". Hope everything went ok!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Hi OMT, We are using a TA, The Wedding Holiday, and all of our guests have booked through them. I think it is easier for the guests because the TA knows exactly what is going on with the wedding group and where everyone needs to stay as opposed to just booking online. Meghan I'm using The Wedding Holiday too. Have your guests actually put deposits down already? My wedding is WAY before yours and I'm having such a hard time getting them to book. They procrastinated so badly that I've already lost the 10 extra spots that The Wedding Holiday held for me . It's obviously nothing to do with the Wedding Holiday - they've been great through this whole thing. I guess its just unfortunate for me that my crowd is not cooperating. Anyways, if you have any tips for me on how to get them to book, let me know!!!
  20. Hmmmm...... I should proabably leave this question up to the teachers on the forum, but for some reason I always thought that gramatically "and" indicates a decimal point, so it would be two thousand nine Sorry, I guess I'm not much help but that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw that question.
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