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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Wow that sounds like so much fun!! I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end!!
  2. Congrats and to the forum! With some BDW surfing you'll have those details firmed up in no time!!! Good luck and happy planning!
  3. Congrats and to the forum!!! You'll finalize those details in no time.....once you starts surfing BDW you can't stop! Good luck and happy planning!
  4. accomplishment : great feeling
  5. She included the login & Password: LOGIN: mwp_bride PW: Mwp77500 Great pics Shannon!!! You guys look great! Thanks for sharing them with us
  6. lazy Sundays : watching movies
  7. right before I go to bed : brush my teeth
  8. to the forum! I'm sure you'll find all the info you could ever need!
  9. Congrats and to the forum!! Good luck and happy planning!
  10. Congrats Amanda and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  11. Congrats Molly and to the forum!!! Good luck and happy planning!
  12. Congrats and to the forum Jill! Good luck and happy planning!
  13. Yay!!!! What a huge relief that must be! So happy for you Steph!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by OMT I just spoke to Lorraine at The Wedding Holiday and she seemed great. Thank you so much for reco. Have any of you had the experience where you held less rooms than people booked? We may possibly have a much bigger number than we originally expected (over 120!!). I'm not sure how best to plan for that. I love Lorraine! She has been amazing. If you have more people than rooms reserved I would encourage them to pay deposits ASAP to ensure that they get in. Just let them know that its first come first serve and if they wait too long they may SOL. If you run out of spaces I still have 3 that I'm struggling to get rid of for my week LMAO!!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart What is with family! At least this didn't happen to you... Oh and also, my father is past away so now I have no family that will be attending my wedding. I even offered to pay her whole way there, flight, room, everything. Makes me sick to my stomach. Ugh, I know its horrible!! The only family we have coming is my brother and possibly my sister...she's another non-committer. FI has NO ONE on his side lol! I've gotten to the point that I just don't care....it's not about them anyhow. I know its hard to stomach but don't let them ruin your experience. They'll be the ones that regret it. Why is it that your mom isn't going? Especially when you've offered to pay!!
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