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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Congrats Marianne and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  2. Congrats Chelsea and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  3. Congrats Emily and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  4. Beautiful dress! Great choice and congrats! That's a huge thing to cross off your list!
  5. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Christine and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!!
  6. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum Natasha! Don't worry, you'll get things sorted out! Good luck and happy planning!
  7. Congrats Jenn and to the forum! Be sure to check out the Jamaica threads as I'm sure they'd really be helpful to you! Good luck and happy planning!
  8. Congrats and to the forum!! Chosing the place is honestly the hardest part, but this site will make that task a whole lot easier! Good luck and happy planning!
  9. Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  10. Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  11. Congrats Julie and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  12. Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum Maba! I know exactly how you feel because that's how I felt when I joined the forum. Don't worry, you'll figure it out and feel free to ask all of the questions you want. Try using the search function too as I'm sure we've all come here with many of the same questions. Good luck and happy planning!
  14. Congrats and to the forum Cindy!! You'll figure out the details in no time! This site has tons of info to help you make a decision. Good luck and happy planning!
  15. Yayyy!!!! So exciting! Congrats on being an Aunt and that is so cute that they used your name as her middle name .
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess Mine told me beginning of October - that seems late though? I was told the same thing and I'm at the beginning of November!! But I'm not going through the bridal shop.... I'm going to see one of the seamstress' privately. Wow, I better get to the gym!
  17. Holy crap! Sounds like baby mania over there!! Very exciting!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Thanks Nikki....I obviously wasn't paying enough attention! Shannon, you look gorgeous! I love your BM dresses and the yellow bows on the chairs are beautiful! LOL!!! I almost missed it too because there was so much being posted I was just scanning.
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