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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. shopping for swimsuit : need to do
  2. Awwww Jennie, I feel so bad that you're going through this right now. I think it's perfectly normal to feel "overwhelmed" at this point in your planning process. I'm quoting overwhelmed because that's probably why these things are suddenly bothering you. Its an emotional time! Having said that, I'm assuming that these things are "suddenly" bothering you and that they haven't really been an issue in the past. I would say that's normal, but they do seem to be big issues. I don't know, I guess you're the only one that can really know the answer. Have you guys been together a long time or are you feeling like this is rushed? Can you picture yourself with him for the rest of your life and feel confident that he will always be loyal to you? I'd say that if you're confident in your relationship then this is likely just cold feet - totally normal!!! I hope things improve for you and we're always here for you to get whatever you're worrying about off your chest! Sometimes that alone makes a huge difference!
  3. sounds like fun : having the day off
  4. Keira, I LOVE Forrest too so I ALWAYS want him to win!
  5. Congrats and to the forum Roxanne!! Good luck and happy planning!
  6. Congrats and to the forum Michelle!! Good luck and happy planning!
  7. Congrats and to the forum Erin!! Good luck and happy planning!
  8. Congrats and to the forum Nikki!! Good luck and happy planning!
  9. Congrats and to the forum Celene!! Good luck and happy planning!
  10. Congrats and to the forum Julie!! Good luck and happy planning!
  11. Congrats and to the forum Christen!! Good luck and happy planning!
  12. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum Debbie!! Good luck and happy planning!
  13. I have to admit.... I watch A LOT of UFC lol! FI loves it and we typically make a social night with friends either at a bar or our place for almost every pay per view event. And I love GSP too!!! Having said all that.... can you believe we missed UFC 100? lol.... we went camping instead oops. Oh well, we caught all the highlights when we came back!
  14. roller coaster : Canada's Wonderland
  15. Natalia, I'm so jealous of your passport invites! They look amazing and I wish I could pull something off like that!
  16. Yeah I likely won't bother with this. For those that do it - GREAT!!! I just don't think its for me.... and I'm not very creative and it just seems like ANOTHER thing for me to think about!
  17. Congrats and to the forum from a fellow Torontonian! I'm not familiar with that resort but I'm sure if you do a search or check out the Punta Cana threads you'll be able to find some info!! Good luck and happy planning!
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