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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  2. ~Nicole~

    New member

    Congrats and to the forum Erin! I know it seems like sooo much work, but it will all come together! Good luck and happy planning!
  3. ~Nicole~

    ROR bride

    Congrats and to the forum Jennifer!!! Wow your big day is fast approaching! I believe there's a ROR thread that you can check out for some specific info and for the general questions you have.... trust me, these ladies have the answer to everything!! Good luck and happy planning!
  4. Congrats and to the forum!! Since you're already addicted I guess I there's no point in me warning you about that
  5. Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  6. Congrats and to the forum Carolyn! Good luck and happy planning!
  7. This is tough because they all have great features about them, but #3 is the one that made me say "wow", so that's my vote!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Crystal / Nikki - I can meet you a Union if you are taking the GO or subway down town. If we end up getting lost at least we won't be alone. lol. Sounds good! I am directionally handicapped so me in Down town Toronto alone = being lost and missing the get together lol.
  9. Crystal - you and me both!!! I actually avoid down town like the plague. Its way too busy for me.... I get anxiety any time I have to drive there.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by courtney_b00 It'd be funny if you add to this..."well, you know, its tough trying to pay off our school debt, save for a down payment on a house, pay your expensive part of the trip, and start establishing ourselves. FI and I have decided to prioritize what we want" lol LOL!!! Exactly! That would be the hidden message! I know, I'm horrible, but I would totally do that.
  11. OMG that sounds awful! I'm a bit of a sarcastic smart ass so if she was complaining about how something wasn't good enough for the wedding I would simply respond with something like "well, you know, its tough trying to pay off our school debt, save for a down payment on a house and start establishing ourselves. FI and I have decided to prioritize what we want" (or somthing along those lines). Say it with a smile on your face in a nice tone .... it will drive her nuts, especially if there are other people in the room because it will make her look insensitive, selfish and stuck up. As far as dealing with her about how often she calls and how involved she is in your life, I'd say that would have to be up to your FI. It wouldn't benefit you to say something to FMIL and cause a whole bunch of drama if FI is just going to keep allowing her to behave the way she does, KWIM? Good luck and keep us posted!
  12. Congrats on having your date confirmed Katie! That must be a huge relief to be able to move forward with the planning!!
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