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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Anon101 Okay; no problem. I will post the reply when I hear back! Have you requested a copy of the ceremony language? If not, you should definitely do that. The sample that we were sent was totally off from what we wanted it to say -- so, we need to go through and re-write it... I'm doing a legal ceremony.... I didn't think you could change it. Oh wait, you're talking about the sand ceremony still. I have a script already prepared so I guess I need to give it to Tiffany. Wow I'm just realizing how unorganized I am lol!
  2. Ok first I'd like to say that if you've gained 20 lbs you must have been a stick before lol! I am loving number 1! It looks great on you and I wish I could pull something like that off!
  3. lol wow I should really get on some of this. My wedding is before yours and I haven't picked anything yet. I would assume that its pink and regular sand. That would make no sense to me to both be pouring the same colour. Let me know what Tiffany says... no point in me sending an email to her too!
  4. Anon - you only choose one colour of sand? Hmmm I didn't know that. I thought we have to bring our own sand?
  5. Keira - Thanks for offering to meet my directionally handicapped self DT TO lol! That is super sweet and thoughtful!
  6. Congrats Kacy and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  7. Congrats and to the forum Nat! You've definitely come to the right place for information! Good luck and happy planning!
  8. Congrats and to the forum Sondra! Good luck and happy planning!
  9. My vote is in! Good luck Stacey!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by beckerba I have been on this forum for over a year and my wedding is a little over 2 months away. Honestly it has been a rocky, emotional rollar coaster with the resort being new and all the "teething" problems I keep reading about. I have stuck it out because I honestly could not find anything that fit my needs so perfectly (or as advertised). As the reviews continue to be more and more mixed I keep asking myself if we made the right choice, will my guests get what they paid for and have an amazing vacation. With the economy being down, it is even harder to ask people to shell out good hard earned cash to come to see us get married. I have expected to feel very differently than I do right now. I don't know what to expect and at times I feel like it is a game of russian roulette. I am sorry for being a "downer," but I don't know if anyone else is feeling this way or if I should just keep smiling and crossing my fingers. The one good news is that all the brides so far on this blog seem so happy... Bree, I personally think that what you're feeling is perfectly normal. I think that overall I have a positive and good attitude about my wedding but if I said that I NEVER have bad days I would be the biggest liar ever lol. I've had quite a few bad days lately, some that bring me to the point that I say "I don't want to do this anymore". But I bring myself to take a step back and look at it from a different perspective. My friend recently got married locally, and she had the same type of days, just over different problems. So that leads me to believe that these days are unavoidable lol! Another thing that we have to remember is that everyone has different expectations on their wedding day. We rate different things as being the most important, and we have to remember that when reading reviews. We also have to consider how detailed these reviews are. For example, are they explaining what lead up to a bad experience, was it something personal, etc. Honestly Bree, keep your chin up, everything will work out. I can't think of anything that would "absolutely ruin" my wedding.... except the groom not showing up hehehehe. By all means vent, get your frustration out when you're having a bad day!! That's why we're here!!
  11. Congrats Geralyn! You made a beautiful bride . Thanks for taking the time to do such a detailed and thorough review!
  12. Koolatta, you're not alone! No one from my FI fam is coming and we only have 1 from mine possibly 2! I know its frustrating and you can't help but think they are selfish and not making it priority, but they will regret it. You just have to be supportive and make it all about the two of you. That's what counts! And like Natalia just said, hopefully some will change their minds and end up going.
  13. pregnant at the wedding : not me!
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