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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. ~Nicole~

    St. John

    Congrats and to the forum!! Good luck and happy planning!
  2. Congrats and to the forum Adrianne!! Good luck and happy planning!
  3. i can eat for breakfast lunch and dinner : vegetables (yup, its true lol)
  4. Hi Heather. This topic has been discussed a lot. If you type TTD in the search box you'll see tons of threads come up. Here's one I found to get you started Good luck! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...?highlight=TTD
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by sam33 hi ladies would be really intrested to know what photographers you are all using for your weddings I'm using Moments that Matter photography. They are members of the forum and I started a thread in the vendor section. Feel free to check it out. Good luck!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Nikki, I just received the invitation for the bridal shower and realized that it is specifically for Karisma brides. When I went last year, it was for all brides, so maybe it will be more helpful since it will be geared to the resort we are going to. Ya that's what I was wondering - if it would be helpful because they have Karisma reps there. Hmmmm. I don't know. I can't really think of any questions that I have except for the obvious "why does everything cost so much?"
  7. weeks : planning (i don't know why thats the first thing I think of lol)
  8. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Jessica and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  9. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Andrea and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  10. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Judy and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  11. Allisa - I love your dress! Meghan, are you kidding me!? They want to charge $100 to set up a sheet lol. Ugh. The bridal shower is Aug 27th I believe. I'm not sure if I'm going yet. I didn't know how well worth my while it would be and I have no one to go with lol. They say grooms welcome but I can just see FI sitting there rolling his eyes and huffing..... so yeah bringing him isn't an option! What's it all about anyhow?
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