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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 and i might be the third person to say this, but it is VERY INTERESTING that most of the "no big deals" are coming from the ladies who are already married. maybe some of you are really laid back and really wouldn't be bothered, maybe once we are all married, we'll come back to this and realize that nothing could ever take away from our weddings, but try to remember being a B2B and how excited/nervous/anxious you were about every aspect of YOUR weddings BEFORE they actually took place.... Of course we all remember! That's exactly why I'm even commenting on this thread. We all had our moments and we had the help of brides who had been through it to help us remember what was important. If you focus on all the little things you WILL drive yourself crazy. There's tons of things that I wish I didn't bother to lose sleep on. So that's the point. We're here to help you guys, not bash you. I'm grateful for the brides that helped me to realize that some things were honestly very trivial. I bet that when this is all over, the OP will come back to this thread and think "why the hell was I even worried about that?" We're only offering advice and opinions from our own experiences. Take it or leave it.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by beaz2be For any of you brides who did their own makeup how did you get it to stay all day/evening in the hot weather? Did you use a makeup fixative spray or whatever those things are called? I go back and forth on whether to try and do my own or get it done at the spa like some of you other ladies are talking about. A friend of mine is a makeup artist so she gave me some good quality makeup. Most of it was waterproof and it stayed on all night And I've updated the list again.... we have a lot of new brides!!! Anyone else that needs to be added or removed, PLEASE PM ME! Thanks!! July 2010 meghan - July 1, 2010 Meesh – July 10, 2009 momichele – July 24, 2010 Daniepps – July 31, 2010 August 2010 September 2010 Lecreatifbride - Sept 4, 2010 October 2010 amandamarieb – October 10, 2010 chong – October 10, 2010 November 2010 dstinationdrmr – November 12, 2010 – 4pm dirtymartini – November 13, 2010 – Azul Beach December 2010 mzgillis316 - December 3, 2010 jaimeburns – December 10, 2010 rkf1046 – December 11, 2010 January 2011 Murmel – January 24, 2011 February 2011 Less is More – February 19, 2011 March 2011 gingerlover36 – March 26, 2011 April 2011 dakotaAZ – April 2, 2011 May 2011 mmc1105 – May 6, 2011 JaimeTalis – May 7, 2011 Nikki O – May 7, 2011 amcferron – May 13, 2011 MaggieandJay – May 15, 2011 beaz2be – May 27, 2011 Bigboponthebeach – May 28, 2011 June 2011 jazz04 – June 12, 2011 February 2012 msmarmar123 – February 11, 2012
  3. OMG Ang, I heart you . For someone as indecisive as I am, I'm proud of you that you got so much stuff done and didn't abandon projects like me lol. It looks fantastic!! You're going to make a beautiful bride and I wish you the best on your special day!!! xoxo P.S I also heart Enrique
  4. I had the house wine and thought it was fine.... but I'll drink almost any wine lol. I didn't find the drinks to be watered down either...... Food is amazing!!!
  5. I've added Nikki O to the wedding list! Anyone else who needs to be added or removed PLEASE PM ME!!! Thanks! July 2010 meghan - July 1, 2010 Meesh – July 10, 2009 momichele – July 24, 2010 Daniepps – July 31, 2010 August 2010 September 2010 Lecreatifbride - Sept 4, 2010 October 2010 amandamarieb – October 10, 2010 chong – October 10, 2010 November 2010 dstinationdrmr – November 12, 2010 – 4pm dirtymartini – November 13, 2010 – Azul Beach December 2010 mzgillis316 - December 3, 2010 jaimeburns – December 10, 2010 rkf1046 – December 11, 2010 January 2011 Murmel – January 24, 2011 cjb0arder13 – January 31, 2011 – Azul Beach February 2011 Less is More – February 19, 2011 March 2011 gingerlover36 – March 26, 2011 April 2011 May 2011 JaimeTalis – May 7, 2011 Nikki O – May 7, 2011 amcferron – May 13, 2011 MaggieandJay – May 15, 2011 beaz2be – May 27, 2011 Bigboponthebeach – May 28, 2011 June 2011 jazz04 – June 12, 2011 February 2011 msmarmar123 – February 11, 2012
  6. Ditto to Rachel again. Seriously you're taking the thoughts right out of my head Friends of mine used our wedding as their honeymoon because they couldn't afford to both since our weddings were within 6 months. So they were celebrating their wedding as well. I think it would have been pretty bridezilla of me to say "you can't show any signs that you're celebrating your marriage while vacationing with us". I think the whole thing just needs to be put into perspective.
  7. msmarmar - I did my own makeup but I me and my bridesmaids all got out hair done at the spa at the resort. I didn't end up doing mine the way I wanted because it was soooo windy, but they did a good job.
  8. Congrats and to the forum!! You'll have a resort nailed down in no time! Good luck and happy planning!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 i'm sorry but i think this is just TACKY!!! yes it's their vacation and yes they're going to be at a beautiful location but come on!!! they are there for YOUR wedding!! i think that your FI should tell his friend how you feel about this (even if you aren't supposed to know) maybe a girl's perspective would change his mind...i mean how do you think the gf will feel about it as well?? what a great story to tell.."yeah so we were there for a friends wedding when bob popped the question..." hum...NO NO NO!! this not only steals your thunder, but her's as well!! at the VERY LEAST he needs to wait till after the wedding. although in my opinion it shouldn't happen AT ALL on this trip!! can you tell im pissed for you, lol!!! as for the one about the friend proposing before the wedding and telling his then FI not to talk about it or wear her ring?!?!? WTF?? what is wrong with guys sometimes? could you imagine if your FI had proposed and said "but honey you can't talk about it or wear your ring till AFTER their wedding"...i would say try again when it's actually ok for me to be engaged!! this kinda highlights what i said before about stealing the thunder of the girl who gets engaged! Carolina your post made me LOL! There's so much truth in it.... men just don't think sometimes. The bold part especially made me laugh. He probably has such good intentions..... poor guy haha.
  10. Murmel, I don't know if this helps you but here are some pics of the BBQ beach area from when I was there. This pic is taken from the beach area towards the resort. You can see the buffet in the background. Here's a pic taken from the seating area out to the ocean:
  11. Got your PM Murmel! I've added you to the list and I'm in the process of digging up those beach BBQ pics!! July 2010 meghan - July 1, 2010 Meesh – July 10, 2009 momichele – July 24, 2010 Daniepps – July 31, 2010 August 2010 September 2010 Lecreatifbride - Sept 4, 2010 October 2010 amandamarieb – October 10, 2010 chong – October 10, 2010 November 2010 dstinationdrmr – November 12, 2010 – 4pm dirtymartini – November 13, 2010 – Azul Beach December 2010 mzgillis316 - December 3, 2010 jaimeburns – December 10, 2010 rkf1046 – December 11, 2010 January 2011 Murmel – January 24, 2011 cjb0arder13 – January 31, 2011 – Azul Beach February 2011 Less is More – February 19, 2011 March 2011 gingerlover36 – March 26, 2011 April 2011 May 2011 JaimeTalis – May 7, 2011 amcferron – May 13, 2011 MaggieandJay – May 15, 2011 beaz2be – May 27, 2011 Bigboponthebeach – May 28, 2011 June 2011 jazz04 – June 12, 2011 February 2011 msmarmar123 – February 11, 2012
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by murmel If you could ask your friend to take a few pictures of the back end of the Mexican restaurant (the patio) and of the beach bbq area, I would greatly appreciate it. Murmel, what specifically did you want to see for the beach bbq area?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps I'm still here, just been MIA over the weekend. We're not leaving until the 29th. Woot you're so close!!!! I don't know who was asking about Tiffany or what the story was behind her, but she was my WC and she was dumb as F***. Sorry, but that's the truth. You just have to literally number your questions in your email and then in bold at the bottom write PLEASE ANSWER EACH OF THE NUMBERED QUESTIONS. As a result, she will answer at least 2, but not all. Seriously I thought that chick was going to give me a stroke.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by *Rachel* I can totally see it from the guy's perspective too- they are on an awesome vacation and he wants to take advantage of the romance and pop the question in a really cool vacation spot. Sounds like a romantic idea to me. Not everyone can go on vacations all the time, so I think DW brides sometimes have to remember that yes it is all about you, but the people that are going are also making some sacrifices to be there as well. After all, we are all dictating where they go on their vacation and how they are spending their free money. Anyways, I can understand your point too, but I think a wedding trumps an engagement. I could see people giving their congrats and well wishes, but an all out celebration that overshadows your wedding? I don't see that especially since all the guests are there for YOU. I guess if that were me on the wedding trip, I wouldn't be gushing to people I don't know really well and fanning my ring all over the place. Actually I'm not really like that anyways, but I can't see a lot of people acting that stupid. I mean- ya, it's exciting to get engaged, but I don't think it's THAT exciting to lose your brain and act like an idiot at someone's wedding. Ya I totally agree with Rachel. I think that you're worrying about this too much. Besides, you have to remember that your wedding is one day, not the whole week. You're going to be so caught up in your wedding and YOUR special moment that you probably won't even notice that chick. I just think that if he feels its the time to propose you shouldn't stop him. It sounds like a great opportunity for him!
  15. WOW Sax Lady! That is for sure going to be a special an overwhelming moment when you guys see each other!! Just think, you're almost there!!
  16. Winski - no, not everyone brought their own photog. I hired locally and paid the $500 fee. I'm not sure who the resort works with, possibly still Caribe? I think there's a few threads floating around on them... try a search. I think there was a bride on here that used the hotel photog but I can't remember who it was.
  17. I guess it all depends on how important photography is to you. I know that for me there would have been no way in hell I would have even considered that deal, but photography was #1 on my list of wedding priorities. But everyone's priorities are different, so if you're not looking for a specific style and don't feel that you'll be missing anything, then maybe its the right route for you! If you're looking for a full wedding day of pics plus a TTD, I'm pretty positive that you won't find someone experienced for the price you're looking for, but what if you cut down on the number of hours of photography? That will likely bring you closer to your budget amount. If you do decide to go with the local guy I recommend showing him what type of photography you like to help him understand how you want your wedding day captured. Good luck!!
  18. Hi ladies!! I only went back 2 pages, so I probably missed A LOT, but I did catch Maggie's request to be added to the date list. Congrats Maggie!! For anyone else wanting to be added to the list PLEASE PM ME!!! That way I won't miss it in the postings Chong - I didn't wear spanx. I wanted to wear the least amount possible, so I had a corset style back to the dress and had padding sewn right into the dress so I didn't have to wear a bra. July 2010 meghan - July 1, 2010 Meesh – July 10, 2009 momichele – July 24, 2010 Daniepps – July 31, 2010 August 2010 September 2010 Lecreatifbride - Sept 4, 2010 October 2010 amandamarieb – October 10, 2010 chong – October 10, 2010 November 2010 dstinationdrmr – November 12, 2010 – 4pm dirtymartini – November 13, 2010 – Azul Beach December 2010 mzgillis316 - December 3, 2010 jaimeburns – December 10, 2010 rkf1046 – December 11, 2010 January 2011 cjb0arder13 – January 31, 2011 – Azul Beach February 2011 Less is More – February 19, 2011 March 2011 gingerlover36 – March 26, 2011 April 2011 May 2011 JaimeTalis – May 7, 2011 amcferron – May 13, 2011 MaggieandJay – May 15, 2011 beaz2be – May 27, 2011 Bigboponthebeach – May 28, 2011 June 2011 jazz04 – June 12, 2011 February 2011 msmarmar123 – February 11, 2012
  19. Congrats and to the forum from a fellow Sensatori bride!!! I highly recommend reading the thread we have. It will answer a ton of questions that you likely have. Also, a quick note about photogs...... check the vendor rules with your WC. I had to pay a $500 fee to hire a photog and I think at one point they were saying no outside vendors allowed. Also, I'm pretty sure that Del Sol doesn't work with any of the Karisma hotels. Just a heads up! Happy planning!
  20. I don't disagree that you are entitled to a refund or for someone to fix them no charge, but to me, my time is also money. It would just be way too inconvenient for me, plus gas money, etc when you already know you're never going back. I personally would just take the loss. And the bonus out of that is that you don't have to be in that awkward position if you're really that worried about it.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Yes, this is true. After I added you, I still needed to "like" MTM Photog...so, ladies, add Nicole, "like" MTM Photog, and then "like" her photo! haha BAHAHAHAHA talk about complicated eh?!! You don't have to add me, people that aren't my friends on fb have voted. Its MTM photogs that you have to like. Thanks for the vote Linds!!
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