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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Great news Lisa! Glad to hear everything is under control
  2. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Nicole and to the forum! There are sooo many good ideas on this site . Good luck and happy planning!
  3. Congrats Reya and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  4. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Susan and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by NaM I think you guys should most definitely do a drunken post. It would be classic. Nikki - how old are you...I'm glad there is another youngin on here Not sure how much of a youngin you consider this to be but I'm 26
  6. Oh I am down for drunk texting. PM-ing you now lol.
  7. Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  8. Congrats on your 10 yr anniversary Karina, and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  9. Congrats and to the forum Lisa! Good luck and happy planning!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i feel that way almost every other day! i feel weird enough that i'm still hanging out on a wedding forum after i'm already married ... then add in that i'm older than all of you, AND i feel like i'm poverty-level poor in comparison when they all shop for $500 shoes and call it a "sale." and now i'm just jealous that i'm not going to vegas (although i probably wouldn't feel like i fit in anyway, lol)! for some reason though, you're one of the girls i feel most comfortable shouting with, so please don't leave me! Lisa, same goes for you - DON'T be an IDIOT! LOL!!! Can you tell I'm comfortable with you ladies hehehehe! The shoutbox would not be the same without either of you. Hell, half the time I'm just throwing in my comments and pretty much talking to myself! I love both of you.....and Steph! I think I saw a comment about it from Steph too. All of you smarten up!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ I confess that I feel a little out of place in the shoutbox lately...but it's probably just my imagination. :/ Don't be an idot lol. I meant that in a loving way I think it might be the vegas thing... I'm kind of bummed about that. Your ass better be in the shoutbox everyday!!
  12. 27 dresses - i feel awful for you, but you have to do what's right for you! Good luck! Heather - I'm glad you posted. I was starting to feel like a whiner with all of my complaining, but seriously I agree, everything is so much money. Maybe if they charged REASONABLE amounts for extra's I wouldn't care so much but I still can't get over the freakin $100 for a plain sheet LMAO!!! I thought maybe it was all the resorts that charge that much..... Oh well. At this point its too late for me to look back, and I don't regret my decision to get married at the Sensatori but I do wish I would have known how crazy all of these prices were. On a more positive note - I truly feel like even though I'm skimping out on pretty much all of the extra options, my wedding will still be amazing!
  13. I agree with everything Nadine said. Another positive - since you're both getting married you both understand the importance of the roles you play in each other's weddings (ie planning, helping out....). I think it makes it easier to relate to each other. I actually wish I had that because my sister doesn't help me with anything, and because she's not going through an engagement and wedding herself, I honestly believe that she just doesn't understand the importance. It will all work out!
  14. Congrats and to the forum Krissy! Good luck and happy planning!
  15. Congrats and to the forum Natalie! Good luck and happy planning!
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