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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Susan Sarandon : Thelma & Louise
  2. I like the idea of a white wedding.... I think they look amazing! The only thing with the "champagne" or other colour vs "white" will be that you may get different shades whereas white is pretty much just white KWIM? Anyways, not that its a big deal it still looks good IMO, I just thought I would mention it so you can add that factor into your decision Good luck!
  3. Sean Penn : Dead man walking
  4. I've been struggling with this one. I'm not 100% sure yet but I think we might dance to Have a little faith by John Hiatt.
  5. I love #2 but like everyone said its hard to judge without seeing it on YOU. Hopefully you'll be able to snap some pics for us and then we can re-vote If you can't get any pics then I say you should go for whatever FEELS right to you. Good luck! P.S, they are both beautiful so I really don't think you can go wrong regardless of which one you choose!
  6. making new friends : social events
  7. MrsVaughan2B - I love your dress! It's so different and seems so light for the beach!
  8. Only one surgery? Damn that's hard.... ok I guess I would have to say nose job! That's right... I look like pinocchio (sp?). My runner ups would be boob job and tummy tuck for sure! What I wouldn't change - hmmmm I can't really think of anything lol. I guess I can live with my teeth. I never had braces and they are pretty straight and still somewhat white. Yeah, sorry, that was lame.
  9. Aww Keira that sucks! I don't have any advice though because my skin has always been super bad, so I stick to a routine that works for me and don't stray outside of that. I think Jess' idea of a facial sounds good though.
  10. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  11. Congrats and to the forum Jeanna! There's so much info on this site I'm sure you'll be able to narrow down your choices and pick one in no time! Good luck and happy planning!
  12. Love the e-pics Erika! Finally I feel like I'm making some progress! I've got the GM shirts ordered, we picked our rings last night, I think I might have found some sandals for the girls..... slowly its coming together. I just can't believe how fast time is flying.
  13. I don't know why anyone that you haven't seen or spoken to in 5 years would EXPECT an invitation! Water under the bridge or not, its clear that you aren't close so I think that alone is reason enough.
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