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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Hmmmm I'm not sure that this is allowed under the vendor rules. I just thought I'd mention it so that you don't get discouraged if no one responds. Maybe ask one of the mods if this is allowed, and if not they can delete the thread.
  2. not having one : private reception
  3. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Lisa and to the forum! After reading through the forum you'll have a location nailed down in no time! Good luck and happy planning!
  4. Congrats Stacy and to the forum! We have a thread started for the Azul Sensatori - check it out! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t23412 Good luck and happy planning!
  5. THANK YOU JOANNE!!!! Your honesty and reassurance is greatly appreciated Thanks for taking the time to ease our minds!
  6. Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  7. Congrats on your engagement Lana and to the forum! It can seem overwhelming, so I suggest you make a list and start crossing things off! Your first task should be choosing a resort and booking the date. After that everything can start falling into place . Now choosing the resort is easier said than done. I think its the hardest part, so I recommend that you make a separate list for this. Identify what features/services are 'must haves" for you. This will help you cross off a bunch of possible resorts off your list. Once you've narrowed it down to a select few, you can check out the threads on here and make your final decision! Good luck and happy planning! If you need any help let us know!
  8. Awww trust me, I feel for you. We had a serious decline in our guest list. We have a total of 7 people coming now. Yup, 7 that's it lol. So I can relate to how you're feeling. Its disappointing that we can't have everyone there that we want, but on your wedding day you're not going to notice they aren't there. I think in the end it just makes us cherish those that do come even more . Having said that, we're all entitled to break downs every once in a while and that's totally normal too. But that's why we're all here... to support each other! Vent as much as you need to!
  9. HAHA Pinky and the brain.... OMG I totally forgot about those guys. I think the quotes were "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?" and "Gee, Brain, what are we going to do tonight?" Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world!"
  10. Amy your pics are hot!!! I LOL'd at this comment about you guys on the photographers blog: "I’ve been really lucky this year with having some pretty sexy couples to shoot, but I think Amy and Daylen may win the trophy for best make-out session! At one point in front of Disney Concert Hall, we did get asked to leave because I had them “workin’ it†a little too much I guess." AHAHAHAHA
  11. Erika, we love you . Glad you liked it, you definitely deserve it!! Thank you Stacey and Andi for the hard work you put into making the arrangements! Erika get some rest. You seriously are a trooper.
  12. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum! There is tons of info on here about weddings in Mexico to help you out! Good luck and happy planning!
  13. to the forum! Us DW brides appreciate any advice you can give us, thanks for joining!
  14. ~Nicole~

    Hi everyone

    Congrats Clay and to the forum! I think you'll find that you have plenty of options for that price range. Good luck and happy planning!
  15. Congrats Meli and to the forum! You have the hardest part completed - picking the resort!! Good luck and happy planning!!!
  16. Congrats Kaitlyn and to the forum! Here's a thread to get you started off! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14643 Good luck and happy planning!
  17. Congrats Sarah and to the forum! We have tons of different threads on hotels in Riviera Maya that you should check out to help you select one! Good luck and happy planning!
  18. Congrats Jennifer and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  19. Congrats Madison and to the forum! April 2010 will be here in no time... trust me! Good luck and happy planning!
  20. Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
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