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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. So ladies, I leave on Saturday... I can't believe it! I have been sick as hell but I got some meds so I should be good by Saturday... hopefully. I took pics of my very few items that I do have, so I'll do my planning thread when I get back since I'm a bit behind in the packing dept. In case i don't have a chance to get back on here before I leave, tty when I get back!!
  2. Sooooo, I leave Saturday for my wedding. I'm confident that I'll have a great review on Lincoln & Lori when I get back I'll be sure to post pics for you guys!!
  3. Wow JM, that was tough to do because honestly your pics are great Here's what I picked: 7, 14, 27, 31, 43, 48, 52, 54, 69, 70, 79, 93, 117, 126, 130, 131, 136, 143, 146, 153 Good luck!!
  4. I know, 14 days... I am freakin nervous!! It makes me wonder what the hell I've been doing the past YEAR that I could have been doing things rather than leaving them to the last minute! HAHA Oh well!! It looks like we have a lot of new people joining the thread so I thought I'd post the list again. Let me know what changes need to be made. October 2009 selina - October 1, 2009 Shandalier - October 2, 2009 Scooby9C – October 3, 2009 sensatoriwedding - October, 17, 2009 Wendi80 - October 24, 2009 November 2009 cappucino2009 ~Nicole~ - November 5, 2009 mkondracki- November 8, 2009 Anon101 - November 14, 2009 lenka14 – November 14, 2009 soon2bmrs.Pritchard – November 18, 2009 – 4pm beachbride 2009 - November 20, 2009 - 4pm heather0618 - November 21, 2009 Hoosierfan - November 21, 2009 rtswan – November 26, 2009 gemwhite2be - November 27, 2009 AshManahan – November 27, 2009 Angelfish – November 28, 2009 – 4pm December 2009 Stacyehenry – December 5, 2009 January 2010 melissa.crossley - January 2, 2010 southmil - January 31, 2010 blondie bride x February 2010 MrsVaughn2B – February 13, 2010 Afrommert – February 13, 2010 – 5pm OMT - February 14, 2010 March 2010 Lolo – March 3, 2010 Melsha - March 16, 2010 April 2010 daifje - April 10, 2010 Aneliese26 – April 19, 2010 sunkissed bride - April 22, 2010 May 2010 27 dresses - May 5, 2010 LivandScot - May 7, 2010 KittenHeart - May 8, 2010 Mocashman – May 10, 2010 Amybermuda – May 29, 2010 June 2010 July 2010 meghan - July 2, 2010 Meesh – July 10, 2009 Daniepps – July 31, 2010 August 2010 September 2010
  5. Congrats H-BOMB!!!!! Sorry, I didn't make on here yesterday but I was definitely thinking of you . I saw some teasers and of course, as we all knew, you looked beautiful! Congrats and can't wait to hear all about it when you get back! XOXO
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by advntrs1 Hello I am new to the threads here and am also swinging between Azul Beach and Sensatori. I would love to hear more information from you as I think you will have some rather good insight to some of my thoughts and considerations. It is embarrassing to say being an IT type person..but I don't know how to PM you on this forum. Welcome to the thread! To PM a member, click on their username and a drop screen will appear. There is an option to send a pm We leave a week Sat for our wedding. I have almost all of our stuff under control now lol. This weekend I will take some pics and post them, although I have to warn you, I didn't do nearly as much planning as some of you ladies.
  7. Congrats on being a Mrs Bree!! Thanks for the advice, it helped put my mind at ease as I leave in 2 weeks and am freaking out lol. congrats again!
  8. Thanks Katie . Ya, I think I'm going to get a set of acrylics put on the day before I leave. Then I guess I'll deal with it when I'm there depending on how bad they are. Ugh, I feel like a big stress ball lately over all of these minor details.
  9. No my 2009 silver package doesn't come with anything really lol. And so far they haven't let me substitute ANYTHING! I either use it or loose it .
  10. Congrats and to the forum! That's a really popular resort so I'm sure you'll have no problem finding info on it! Good luck and happy planning!
  11. Congrats Sheryl and to the forum! I love your colour scheme BTW! Good luck and happy planning!
  12. ~Nicole~

    Hi :)

    Congrats Meg and to the forum!!! Happy planning!
  13. Yeah, I figured I could get a set of acrylics before i go, but they're gonna look like hell by mid week. Hmmm, this is tough and I don't have a lot of time left
  14. Wow Heather! I envy you. You did such a great job with everything! Great thread and I'll be thinking of you on your wedding day, which by the way, will be perfect
  15. oh good idea on the makeup thing! I can't believe I never thought of that considering I google everything lol. I actually have a friend who is a make up artist that was supposed to come to the wedding and take care of that for me. Needless to say, she isn't coming now so I have to do it myself. She did a trial on me and it all made sense as she was going through it and seemed simple enough, but then as the days went by my memory of how to do it got worse and worse lol! So ya, I think the youtube idea is a good option for me right now! What are you girls doing for your nails? I noticed that lomas site said it was $95 USD to get acrylic?? That's freakin crazy!
  16. Congrats Michelle and to the forum! I don't have the answer you're looking for, but I'm positive you'll be able to find it on this site. Good luck and happy planning!
  17. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Christine and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  18. Wow, I took a brief break from BDW and you ladies chatted up a storm! I feel so behind now lol! Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Does anyone know if Azul Sensatori guests can use the Azul Beach hotel property & restaurants and vice versa? I heard they are right next to each other (ok, with a nudist hotel in the middle lol) and the rooms at Sensatori are cheaper and I know my friends would rather stay there. I don't think so. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I thought I'd let you all know that I have gotten the BIGGEST response from people when I email them... or direct them to my website. Email STD's might be a better idea if you're considering it. I am a memento fan so I like to keep stuff and one of the reasons why I did the STD... besides its up on my friends fridges which makes me super happy to see when I go over their house. I'm so jealous.... seriously barely anyone responded to my website or emails... brutal. So, I'm just over two weeks away before we leave for Mexico and I'm super nervous. I pick up my dress tomorrow, I've got all my makeup and just have to figure out how to apply it without looking like some sort of clown, and I still have what feels like a million things left to do . I wish I was as organized as you ladies lol.
  19. Congrats and to the forum! After some time on the forum I'm sure you'll have answers to all of your questions! Good luck and happy planning!
  20. Congrats Heather and to the forum! After some time on the forum I'm sure you'll have answers to all of your questions! Good luck and happy planning!
  21. ~Nicole~

    Hi All!

    Congrats and to the forum! I agree, this whole thing can be overwhelming, but that's whats so great about this forum. Hmmm I always thought Costa Rica was expensive? I could be wrong though. I'm sure there are tons of members on here that can help you out, or start searching through some of the threads. You'll likely come across what you're looking for! Good luck and happy planning!
  22. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum Mylene!! Regarding the apostille, I just finished going through that whole process so if you're from Ontario I could help you out. Before you go through all the trouble though, find out if your hotel requires it. Neither of us were married before and had to get it. PM me for details if you like!
  23. Sarah, congrats and to the forum!!! It's a tough choice but I'm not sure you can go wrong! Your wedding will be amazing no matter where you are! Good luck and happy planning!
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