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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Nicole, have you posted any pics? I would love to see how your wedding turned out. The picture in your siggy is super cute. Most of our pics are just random ones that our friends took and put on fb. Here's the link to our teasers where you can see our last minute ceremony set up. Blogging the Moments That Matter What about you... I want to see your pics!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous Hey ladies I'm back YaYYYYYYYYY!! The wedding was awesome. My WC sucks so bad I really hate her. She did so many things that pissed me off but I didn't let them ruin my day. But after the fact I am so angry with her. I am sending her an email this afternoon. She literally had us pay a bill that was 60% higher than what we were told. Of course she left the reception right before it was time to pay the bill. Then the worst part was that my wedding was on a totally different beach. I found this out from the taxi driver on the way to the wedding. She then ignored my calls and then had her hubby call me and lie and then she called me and gave me a different lie. I am currently gathering info to send to her, but she is the worst. Other than that I will try to have pics up soon. OMG! SOOOO happy you didn't let the biatch ruin your day . But yeah, now that its done you need to deal with that insanity. How can they justify that? Crazy.... Quote: Originally Posted by Jess I leave in 8 days girls - ahh! Woot!!! So exciting!
  2. ~Crista-Lee~ I added you! November 2009 cappucino2009 ~Nicole~ - November 5, 2009 mkondracki- November 8, 2009 Anon101 - November 14, 2009 lenka14 – November 14, 2009 soon2bmrs.Pritchard – November 18, 2009 – 4pm beachbride 2009 - November 20, 2009 - 4pm heather0618 - November 21, 2009 Hoosierfan - November 21, 2009 rtswan – November 26, 2009 gemwhite2be - November 27, 2009 AshManahan – November 27, 2009 Angelfish – November 28, 2009 – 4pm December 2009 Stacyehenry – December 5, 2009 January 2010 melissa.crossley - January 2, 2010 southmil - January 31, 2010 blondie bride x February 2010 MrsVaughn2B – February 13, 2010 Afrommert – February 13, 2010 – 5pm OMT - February 14, 2010 March 2010 Lolo – March 3, 2010 Melsha - March 16, 2010 April 2010 daifje - April 10, 2010 Aneliese26 – April 19, 2010 sunkissed bride - April 22, 2010 May 2010 27 dresses - May 5, 2010 LivandScot - May 7, 2010 KittenHeart - May 8, 2010 Mocashman – May 10, 2010 Amybermuda – May 29, 2010 June 2010 July 2010 meghan - July 2, 2010 Meesh – July 10, 2009 Daniepps – July 31, 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 ~Crista-Lee~ - November 10, 2010
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Allisa Oh my goodness Nicole -thats awful... We were upgraded to the honeymoon suite (I think my TA pulled a few strings because I was really cheesed with the travel company before we left.... the sent us down and back on red eye flights -ugg.) We got the flowers and swan towels the whole time... champagne in the room when we arrived, a fruit basket and the first night a plate of dessert goodies arrived. Not sure what of that was part of the package vs being in the upgraded suite. LOL yup, my friends were getting all of that! Well, the fruit at least that I know of aloong with roses and swan towels!! That's why my sister was so PO'd at having to beg for them to do it the night of the wedding when they had screwed it up all along!
  4. Ya, people are funny sometimes. I went through a lot of this with my wedding. My suggestion would be to confront her... nicely of course. Just say "hey, I just wanted to touch base with you.... its past the deadline.... has your situation changed.... blah blah blah". This way you've given her the benefit of the doubt and allowed her the opportunity to come clean with whatever is going on. If she isn't going to co-operate after that, then I would just continue to move forward with plans, and most importantly - DON'T LET HER RUIN THIS TIME FOR YOU! (I know, eaiser said than done.... but its true)
  5. Melissa - I just checked out your pics.... you looked beautiful
  6. Thanks Christina! I think I completely spaced out and forgot to post the link here lol. I can't wait to see the rest and I'll post them for sure! I keep saying that I'm going to get my review done..... I will get it done lol. Here's the link for anyone who hasn't seen them yet: Blogging the Moments That Matter
  7. I thought I'd post the list again.... seems like we have some new people on the thread that may need to be added? If your name is missing, let me know and I'll add you!! Wow, looks like we have quite a few coming up!! November 2009 cappucino2009 ~Nicole~ - November 5, 2009 mkondracki- November 8, 2009 Anon101 - November 14, 2009 lenka14 – November 14, 2009 soon2bmrs.Pritchard – November 18, 2009 – 4pm beachbride 2009 - November 20, 2009 - 4pm heather0618 - November 21, 2009 Hoosierfan - November 21, 2009 rtswan – November 26, 2009 gemwhite2be - November 27, 2009 AshManahan – November 27, 2009 Angelfish – November 28, 2009 – 4pm December 2009 Stacyehenry – December 5, 2009 January 2010 melissa.crossley - January 2, 2010 southmil - January 31, 2010 blondie bride x February 2010 MrsVaughn2B – February 13, 2010 Afrommert – February 13, 2010 – 5pm OMT - February 14, 2010 March 2010 Lolo – March 3, 2010 Melsha - March 16, 2010 April 2010 daifje - April 10, 2010 Aneliese26 – April 19, 2010 sunkissed bride - April 22, 2010 May 2010 27 dresses - May 5, 2010 LivandScot - May 7, 2010 KittenHeart - May 8, 2010 Mocashman – May 10, 2010 Amybermuda – May 29, 2010 June 2010 July 2010 meghan - July 2, 2010 Meesh – July 10, 2009 Daniepps – July 31, 2010 August 2010 September 2010
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Allisa Actually... they didn't!? They did decorate it 2 nights later, which was rather random. We were married on weds, and on the friday when we got in the bath was drawn and there were rose petals strewn about... We never bothered to ask about it. The night of the wedding we ended up changing after the reception and went to the mojito lounge to continue on the dancing, so it wasn't a big deal. The breakfast in our room the next day was really really nice though! The only reason I ask is that the hotel completely screwed up our check in . They gave our room to friends of ours (AND it was the wrong room category all together), and all week they were getting their room decorated with rose pedals, swan towels etc. Anyways, my sister was pissed and she went to talk to someone the night of the wedding - which is how she found out they screwed up the check in. They told her that they wouldn't decorate it because it wasn't part of the package!? Just seemed weird to me. She convinced them to send a maid to the room who she had to seriously tip to do what she wanted lol. So I was just curious..... I guess I just automatically thought they would have done it?!
  9. Allisa, so sorry to hear about your dad . I think its adorable that even after all you've been through lately you still thought to come check on us Glad to hear everything was great! Quick question for you... did the hotel decorate your room the night of the wedding?
  10. Congrats Angie and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  11. Oh wow, I hope she returns home safely.
  12. Vanessa, congrats and to the forum! I just got back from my wedding at the Azul Sensatori. The hotel is beautiful! Watch for my review.... hopefully tomorrow! Good luck and happy planning!
  13. Congrats and to the forum! I wouldn't be too concerned about the site visit. I hadn't even been on a plane before my wedding and it turned out awesome! Check out the Royal thread and just start reading through some of the threads in other areas that are of interest to you. Good luck and happy planning!
  14. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Brittany and to the forum! You'll find some great tips and ideas on here to help you through the planning process! Good luck!
  15. ~Nicole~

    I'm engaged!

    Congrats and to the forum! I found the initial planning stage really overwhelming, especially since I had never travelled before. I'd say your best bet is to start making a list of things that you want in a hotel and rate each item in terms of importance. Once you've done that you can start eliminating some options. Talk to a TA too! Good luck and happy planning!
  16. Congrats Adrienne and to the forum! I'd say that you've accomplished the hardest part - picking the resort. Scan the threads in the forum, they are so helpful! Good luck and happy planning!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Hoosierfan Hey Nicole - I'm getting married next weekend at the Azul Sensatori! Let me know if you have any tips! I'm just glad it wasn't pouring for your wedding and so glad you had a wonderful time! When do you leave? I'll try my best to have my review up before then!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert ladies, Andrea and I are 90days out TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!! So exciting!! It'll fly by.... trust me
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B Did anyone find out if they do steaming at AS? I didn't bother to steam mine becuase it was a really thick satin and I thought it looked ok, but the wc didn't mention anything about it to me, but keep in mind I didn't ask either.
  20. No, we weren't dressed up but I saw those people too! We were a small group of 9, well 10 if you include the baby lol. Your pic is too small for me to be able to tell if I recall seeing you. Too funny though!
  21. Gemma, congrats and to the forum! Have you spoken to a TA yet? They might be able to help you narrow down what you're looking for. My advice is to make a list of the things that are the MOST important to you. From there you can start eliminating hotels that don't meet your requirements. Good luck and happy planning!
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