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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Congrats and to the forum! Hmmm so many options. I guess it depends what you're looking for! I recommend speaking to a TA to help you narrow down a place and go from there! Plus there's tons of info on here to help you out! Good luck and happy planning!
  2. Congrats Christina and to the forum! I found that choosing the hotel was the hardest part! Just try to narrow down your options by listing your must haves vs can do without. Good luck and happy planning!
  3. Because to be a "legal witness" as outlined by Mexican law they have to have a 3 business day residency, just like you and FI. I guess because every country has their own laws as to what makes something legal, and that's what theirs is. I think its so that they have time to process paperwork.
  4. My blood test appt and WC appt were not at the same time. Your witnesses have to bring their passports and tourist cards (which they get on the plane) and sign the papers with their info that you will provide Tiffany. You don't have to bring that paperwork, they have it on file and you send it approx 1-1.5 months in advance. Your witnesses DO have to arrive in Mexico 3 business days prior to the ceremony, but they don't have to be present during your blood tests. Hope that helps! I arrived on a Sat and met with the WC on the Monday.
  5. No, you don't need witnesses for the blood tests. Your witnesses are for the ceremony, so when you have your meeting with the WC your witnesses bring their paperwork and sign a few papers. No big deal. If they aren't there the day you have your meeting then I'm sure they can just go to the office whenever and sign them. THere's always someone there.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda I am getting married legally in the US first. I put Mark in charge of that, so we'll see if Mexico suddently turns out to be the legal part. Katie, I did know about the blood tests but no idea about the pregnancy part. wow. That would suck. Here is a weird thing, I was looking at the special offers at Azul and they said for the honeymoon package you have to provide a copy of your marriage license to prove your wedding date was w/in 30 days (not the year - just month and date) of your trip. So, now I am all freaking out that things like that will happen in the future and I'll have to celebrate my legal wedding date and not the Mexico one. weird, huh?! I never heard the pregnancy thing before and I didn't see that on the list of things they were looking for.... strange. You just have to provide the marriage license to get the deal. It's basically so that not anyone can just call up and say "hey I got married, give me a deal". THey want proof. So don't worry, this doesn't affect your dates in any way.
  7. I think if you're the type of person that will always look back and think "I wonder if my wedding would have been better if I got the dress I loved", then I think you should just get it. It would put your mind at ease forever lol. And it's not like your talking thousands of dollars difference KWIM? If the dress is the most important thing, then go for it. Me.... I'm too practical, but you've gotta make decisions based on who YOU are
  8. Congrats and to the forum! Just start skimming through some of the relevant threads for your situation and you'll find tons of answers! Good luck and happy planning!
  9. Congrats and to the forum! I'm positive you'll find all the answers you're looking for right here! Good luck and happy planning!
  10. I did a legal ceremony. I've yet to take on the challenge of changing my name though lol.
  11. Yup! I completely agree with Amanda! Although we try to brace ourselves for disappointment, its still really hard to swallow when it happens to us. But like she said, that's why the already married people stick around! Because we went through all that worrying and stress and we came out of it saying "i had the best time of my life". I was devastated when I only had 7 people book to come to my wedding. None included any parents, only my brother, sister and a few close friends. But I can assure you this - you won't miss anyone that isn't there. I swear to GOD you won't. And I know that its easy for me to say that, but I really was a wreck before the wedding. Luckily I have made some amazing friendships on BDW and they got me through it . You're entitled to have bad days and that's why we're here.
  12. LOL Yes that's true. Tiffany told me no changes allowed and Elena asked if I brought and wrote my own vows. I'm not sure if she forgot it was a legal ceremony when she asked.... I don't know. The sand ceremony went right after the ring exchange. So it was the first portion, then the ring exchange, then the signing of the documents, then the sand ceremony and then the kiss.
  13. Great job on finding your shoes! Something else to check off your list!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Lindz- change resort? hmmmm.... I had a hard time choosing a resort that was affordable to my guest. It was important to us to have our closest friends and family there. And we knew because some of our friends are having hard times with money, that anything more would not make the trip affordable for them and we wanted them there bad enough we found somthing in the middle. But, no matter what, i feel like when planning a wedding, we cant please everyone. and no matter what we do or where we get married, even if it were at home at a local church, someone will have somthing to say about somthing.. We cant make EVERYONE happy and youve got to follow your heart.(*how chessy lol) and think about what your priorities are. We are approx 60days away from our day, and stillllll have ppl saying they are coming,but have not booked their trip and i heard a comment last week, my friends mother is joing us and she said " you just had to pick the most expensive resort didnt you" and was laughing... I thought that was so inappropriate of her to say to me. ESPecailly because AS is NOT the most expensive. ANd my dad makes a point to remind me about how alot of our family& friends have lost jobs and are hurting and dont have the money to book a mexico trip right before Christmas. THANKS DAD So I understand..... and we too had a hard time but feel like we really did take our guest into concideration.... Do you plan on having a big wedding?? OH and BTW i wanna be facebook buddys with you girls!!! Add me! amy morales, detroit michigan! OH and BTW again, we have lots of snowwww here, and I cant wait for sunny hot MEXICO Yup you're absolutely right! YOU WILL NEVER MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY! And the comment your dad made.... whatever lol. Of the 7 people that did come to our wedding, they were in the WORST financial positions of all the people invited. For those that choose not to come, you won't miss them, I promise
  15. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  16. Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  17. Congrats and to the forum! It's amazing how much info you'll find on here! Good luck and happy planning!
  18. Congrats and to the forum Laury! Good luck and happy planning!
  19. Congrats and to the forum! I remember feeling that way so I can assure you that it gets better lol! There's so much info on here to help you narrow things down and everyone is really helpful! Good luck and happy planning!
  20. I like your post Matt. It is frustrating trying to battle with a company as big as Karisma that doesn't care about us. I did a review of my wedding that I submitted to my TA who was going to speak to Management about some of the problems I experienced. I specifically asked for them to bring up this photography issue. I think the best solution is: if photography is top on your list of wedding must haves and your picky about it.... go elsewhere.
  21. Congrats Hoiserfan and welcome back! So glad to hear it was everything you imagined
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Man you sure are brave. I wouldn't dare but then again, I want to be able to sell it for a TTD once I wear it for the AHR in February. Yeah, I really had no choice. There was no way I was paying $300+ to get it dry cleaned when I only paid $450 + tax for the dress itself. I'm too practical lol. I have a front loading machine so I just threw it in there on delicate. It came out fine! Even that delicate lace train you see in my siggy was all in tact with beading and everything! Since I got such a deal on it I think I might donate it, and theres no way I was donating it smelling like dirty seaweed lol.
  23. Mine wasn't that bad after the wedding. I did do a TTD the next day and it stunk badly and was covered in seaweed so I threw mine in my washing machine and it came out. Yes, you heard correctly, I put mine in the washing machine lol.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Nicole - haha SORRY!! Lindz & Katie are referring to my Facebook status yesterday.... my father passed away 10 years ago yesterday and I decided instead of trying to pretend it was just any other day and it never happened, which usually results in a horrible day ending in tears... strange I know but I decided to do the opposite. Focus on the good times and announce it to the FB world to just confront the fact it happened and I don't have to be sad about it. I used Facebook as my therapy yesterday, haha, I know, lame but it totally worked. I'm so glad you turned that into something positive! That's awesome, I really think you had the right approach Katie - I feel so bad for you. This is extra stress that you really don't need leading up to a wedding and I'm in no way saying you are wrong or don't have the right to be angry so let it out! That's why we're here! But I just know that you'll look back on this and it won't matter, so keep your chin up
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