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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo That's definatley the way to go. Try them all on. I dont understand some that try 1 dress on and know it's the one. I tried about 80, my mom was about to strangle me because I dragged her out of the house almost every sunday for 6 months. But I am absolutley in love with my dress, so it was all worth it. LOL I was the opposite of this. I think it depends on your personality. I'm a really indecisive person so trying a million dresses on would have driven me crazy. I went to one sale and bought off the rack. When I walked in I said I wasn't leaving without a dress because I didn't want to have to shop for one again lol. I didn't love my dress when I bought it. It was just the best of the ones I tried on, but I don't regret it and loved it on my wedding day. I wouldn't change any of it. To me, my sanity was more important lol. To each their own! So happy you found THE dress . And I give you props for being so devoted in your shopping! 6 months... wow lol!! But like you said, totally worth it, so that's all that matters
  2. Melissa I love the blog!! Those pics are amazing . And I agree with Keira - arm band totally not noticeable. Can't wait to see your TTD!!!
  3. Aww Amy cute story You guys have me interested in this P90X. I definitely need to do something with my fat ass and the gym isn't the answer for me. I just checked online for this P90X and there are like a million different workouts. How the hell do I narrow it down lol.
  4. Lisa, WOW is all I can say Congrats on the weight loss! That's such a huge accomplishment! Your day is almost here, you must be overwhelmed with excitement!
  5. So sad..... I can't say I'm shocked, only because nothing shocks me anymore, but that's horrible news. I like her work, she was just so different and likeable to me.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 hahaha how would you guys say that then?? my main ones are definitely 'awwwwsome' (makes me chuckle everytime I say it in my head lol) and 'spring break'....we don't have anything called that and when I was in Mexico in Feb/March we had some spring break people in our hotel and they had t-shirts with 'Spring Break 09' written on them and they said it in a real american-teen-movie kinda way! I guess we would say "she was too afraid to call me" lol. We don't say ring me hahaha. So cute I just love it. The olympic torch just went by my work... so strange lol.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 haha! are there other words/phrases that you all associate with us Brits?? I find it fascinating that 'well done' stands out to you all...but can just imagine you all saying it in your heads in a post accent like the Queen!! lol Katie, I'm so glad you girls worked it out Oh and something else I associate with Brits: your sentence of "she was too scared to ring me" so cute
  8. Kaite - when are you meeting your friend? Was it last night or tonight? Sorry, I didn't notice the date you posted it.
  9. ~Nicole~


    to the forum Mia! I think its great that you're helping your friend! There's tons of info on here! Good luck!
  10. Congrats Sarah and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  11. Congrats Amanda and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  12. Wow, thats amazing! And you guys looked fabulous btw! Congrats!
  13. I agree that they shouldn't really expect anything from you, but I guess it depends what you're comfortable with. DH and I were both in a wedding for our friends this year. Between the two of us we spent about $1500 towards attire, stag, bachelorette and everything else that goes along with it. We gave them $400 as a gift but they are really close friends of ours and we wanted to. I would never think someone is obligated to do that.
  14. I can't stand when DH is yelling that there's no tp in the bathroom when he was the last one in there..... seriously WTF? It's not my designated job lol. Any normal human being should be smart enough to replace it lol. AGGHHH
  15. Congrats and to the forum Lindsay! And 2011 isn't as far as one might think lol. I started researching and planning way ahead of time too and it flew by! Good luck and happy planning!
  16. Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  17. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum Lisa! Wow, that's so close! Very exciting! Good luck and happy planning!
  18. Congrats and to the forum Jenn! You'll find so much info, help and advice on here, its great! Good luck and happy planning!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Oh, this is kinda funny... I've had issues with my DW.com TA for a bit, I'm kinda on the ball and he's not let's just say. Anyways, after a slight Bridezilla (very slight and majorly justified) blow up on my end demanding a new TA, I spoke to him for the first time in months last night. I was very nice to him last night and I'm just trying to get him to add on 1 night to our AS stay and help us book our secondary honeymoon hotel. During his research in trying to quote us for the 1 additional room he discovered he made an error on our original price quote. He only ended up charging us for half of what he should've, so what should have been a $4,000 quote for 7 or 8 nights @ AS was only $2,000... so he said, "it's my mistake and now my wedding present to you since I'm will need to pay for this out of pocket". I told him I feel bad, that's a lot out of pocket and he said no, it's now his gift to us. All in all, it worked out but I just thought I'd share my interesting story of the day with you ladies OMG that guy must be the biggest moron on the planet lol. How the hell can someone screw up that bad? Works out great for you though!! Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 oh and tomorrow evening...I'm meeting up with my 'best friend' to talk things through. I'm feeling positive, but not delusional...and I'm going with a very open mind. think we both have things we need to say, but bottom line will be i know that she can't afford to come so won't be in Mexico...but that's cool. I can deal with that Glad to hear you guys are going to try talk it out. How did it go?
  20. OMG Nads, your dress story has me in tear lol. Love it! I love your entire planning thread. Your wedding is going to be amazing!!! Congrats in advance!! xoxo
  21. Well, I think everyone envisions their wedding differently, so how do you envision yours? I was supoposed to have mine on the beach but got rained out. I ended up going barefoot anyways. I had flip flops that you can see in my planning thread, but I really only wore them for dinner and dancing. For me it was perfect and I wouldn't change a thing, but again, we're all different. I say go with your gut. Good luck!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by 27 desses Hi Ladies, I hope you are all doing well. I am hoping that one of you might be able to give me some advice on something. A while back we had to pull out of going to Mexico because my Aunt got cancer. We did not want her to miss our wedding so without hesitation we canceled our trip. Now we are looking at loosing $3000.00 dollars from the Wedding Holiday because that money was not going toward "our" trip, it was going toward holding spots for 10 people that would go to Mexico for our wedding. We filed a claim through our cancellation insurance but my Aunt's doctor said that since we were going to be getting married in May it was too far away and he didn't want to sign the papers for her even though she would not have gone to the wedding. The only other option that the Wedding Holiday gave us was that if 5 people went with us we would get the $300 dollars from each toward our trip there. Before we call and give it one more try with the Wedding Holiday I wanted to see if anyone here had any suggestions since you were all so helpful. So the Wedding Holiday proposed that you still go to Mexico, not get married, and have 5 people go with you? I'm just checking if I'm understanding this correctly. So they will reimburse you half of the money if you get 5 people to go with you? Hmmmm. I booked with the Wedding Holiday too and the problem is that the contract is pretty solid. I at one point was risking losing money as well. This is a little far fetched but what if you asked if they had another group scheduled for the same week? Maybe some people from that group can be thrown on your reservation? But, I think for that to work you would have to actually go on the trip, you wouldn't be able to cancel all together. Tough one, good luck! And I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt. Have you guys decided to have a local wedding instead?
  23. Woot! Congrats on getting the dress! Now where are the pics? hehehe
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