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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Alright girls, so forgetting my makeup at my photogs house (40 miles away) was a blessing in disguise! I showed up and he handed me a cd with all the images from my BD shoot on it! Big surprise! So I went through the 255 pictures he gave me and narrowed it down to show you ladies. Some of my favorites and sassiest are topless or moreso so until I can figure out to black out my ladies I can't put them up. Here is the link to my Photobucket album, I hope you enjoy!!! BD Shoot pictures by johnnygirl777 - Photobucket Amy, OMG you are gorgeous!!! FI is going to freak when he see's those! Love them!!! Looks like I have nothing else to offer to the recent conversation.... Good night!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jaimeburns Hi Ladies, I have been stalking this forum for a few weeks, deciding between two hotels and I finally made a decision and will be married at the Azul Sensatori hopefully on December 10th. Still have to reserve the date! Its been so much fun to read all your post, you all have definilty made a little family here. Little overwhelmed at this point because my wedding date is so far off, and don't really know where to start, but this forum has been a huge help so far and I can't wait to get lots of advice from the pros. Welcome to the thread Jamie! No worries, we're here to help. I'm prob not the best to help because I did barely anything for my simple little wedding, but between all of us we've got you covered Amy - cute sandals!!
  3. Umm ya, like Marak said, you're too nice lol. I would have said "oh ok then no biggie, I'll be home xxx day at xxx time and you can pick it up! Seriously ridiculous. And the gatorade thing, OMG I can't even believe she would have the nerve to ask you to do that. You must do super nice things frequently cause I know none of my friends would ever ask me to do that lol!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda ** my sister just had a baby 4 weeks ago and her and her husband are freaking out about taking him to Mexico. They were fine before he was born but I think now that they see how little he is and fragile, they are totally freaking. Like - what type of water do they wash the bottles in? Is it safe to bathe the baby in the water in the bathroom? How will they protect him from the sun? And the list goes on. I might even need to start a thread to see about other ppl's guests bringing babies to mexico. I feel bad, but I think in 3 months they will realize their son is a much heartier than he is now as a newborn! I had friends that brought their 5 month old baby and they had NO issues. And he was pre-mature so he had health issues when he was born.. nothing major or anything, just the usual pre-mature stuff. She breast fed so I don't have answers on the bottle thing, but for the sun.... easy, cover him up and keep him out of the sun! Keep a hat on him. His bathing suit was this cute little scuba looking thing, so it covered most of his skin. They would have him in the stroller a lot too which protected him from the sun. They bathed him in the water in the room and its fine lol. I'm sure they'll feel way better about the situation when he's a bit bigger!! It's honestly not a huge deal
  5. I didn't want a typical recessional either, so we went with Queens "another one bites the dust". It was hilarious lol. Well, we thought so. Not for everyone I'm sure!
  6. OMG Amy I envy you! I wish I had the guts to do that! Can't wait to see them
  7. Katie, I think its perfect to have your AHR right away. This way you're still in wedding mode. I am totally NOT in weddin mode anymore. My mom had talked about putting together an AHR for me (of course that, like everything else she said, didn't happen), but if she even tried now I would tell her to forget it lol. The wedding is over as far as I'm concerned!
  8. Yeah, it seems like as soon as you say "wedding" people cop an attitude. But if it were just a "vacation" it would be fine lol. I still think a lot of people just don't get the DW thing though. If I was spiteful to everyone who didn't even acknowledge my wedding I would have almost no family left... including parents lol. It's nice to hear your mom is sticking up for you I would want to tell those people to stick it too!
  9. I think there were some noobs to this thread with confirmed dates, so I've posted the list again. If you need to be added let me know! January 2010 melissa.crossley - January 2, 2010 southmil - January 31, 2010 blondie bride x February 2010 MrsVaughn2B – February 13, 2010 Afrommert – February 13, 2010 – 5pm OMT - February 14, 2010 March 2010 Lolo – March 3, 2010 Melsha - March 16, 2010 April 2010 daifje - April 10, 2010 Aneliese26 – April 19, 2010 sunkissed bride - April 22, 2010 May 2010 27 dresses - May 5, 2010 LivandScot - May 7, 2010 KittenHeart - May 8, 2010 Mocashman – May 10, 2010 Renee1811 - May 28, 2010 Amybermuda – May 29, 2010 June 2010 July 2010 meghan - July 2, 2010 Meesh – July 10, 2009 Daniepps – July 31, 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 ~Crista-Lee~ - November 10, 2010
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 Nicole, did you do your TTD the day after your wedding? reason I'm asking is mine is the following morning and I don't know whether to try and do my hair the same or do something different? I don't know what state my hair will be in the following morning!! lol Yup, did mine the day after. Besides feeling and looking like death, there was no way I could try and fix my hair. I looked like Medusa because of all the hair spray and pins in my hair from the day before. It was not salvageable lol. I had to wash it and just went all natural for the TTD shoot. Wasn't my original plan, but that's how it worked out!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert thanks nicole!!! and i loooove your pics, the seaweed actually looks great in your ttd lol! guess its good for somthin, pic props hahahaha! OMG I was sooo nervous of how they were going to turn out lol. THe beach looked awful that day... but the pics look great to me And Amy..... quit holding out on us... we want details of the shoot - now. K thanks
  12. Hi Cindy! I used the wedding holiday. I found them fine to deal with and it was nice to have the feeling of someone being in my corner if I needed them to fight for me, but remember that they aren't wedding planners. They basically just put me in contact with my resort planner and gave a couple of ideas or suggestions along the way, but other than that they really had nothing to do with my wedding besides booking my guests. They explained the process, etc, which I found helpful as I was new to travelling all together lol! I'd be happy to answer any questions you have
  13. kdonne3 - here are some beach pics for you. This is one I took of the pier. Beach looks decent here to me.... nothing fabulous but met my standard of a beach Here's one from my TTD session.... you can see the seaweed is everywhere!!! Keep in mind this is during a tropical storm, so it all washed up on the beach. It wasn't like this on a calm day. I'm not sure if those pics helped.....
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by kodonne3 Hi Girls! I have just begun planning my destination wedding for next November! I am working with a wedding planner and she recommended Azul Sensatori. I have read mixed reviews about it and heard that the beaches in Mexico aren't as nice as others in the Carribbean. I've been to Jamaica and Bahamas and thought those beaches were beautiful but I have never been to Mexico. I was hoping someone who has been down there could give me there thoughts on the hotel and location. Any information would be really helpful. Thanks !! Kelly Congrats and welcome to the thread! To be honest the beach isn't fabulous, but it certainly wasn't something that would have been a make it or break it decision for me. I'll post some pics that I took while I was there and you can decide! Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Does anyone know know how much it is for wedding guest to come to wedding if they are not staying at resort? I remember it being $80 but I'm not sure what the deal was for the private reception thing... sorry! Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert for those of you getting married legally, Did you fill out the wedding appliciation? Yes, Tiffany sent me all the stuff I needed to fill out and gave me a date of when I had to have it sent to her by. Are you doing a legal ceremony... I forget? Let me know what you need help with. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I was told $80... why are we all being told different prices?! $80 is what it says on Loma's site as well, last I checked at least. Ditto. Quote: Originally Posted by princess_bear_123 Hi guys i'm wondering if anyone here is gonna be there on the 6th April as thats my date and we need some witnesses lol. Oh yeah been comin on here for awhile but this is my first post, my names Hannah and my Fiancee's name is Michael we live in Liverpool here in the UK. Our wedding is through Thompson t/a (which has been a nightmare). Anywho i just wanted to say Hi finally x Congrats Hannah and welcome to the thread! Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Hey girls does anyone know if theres an atm at AS? Also, does any former bride have any recommendation for a place for guest to hang out for an hour between ceremony and reception? I want to atlease designate a meeting spot?>>> I can't remember if there's an ATM.... I'm pretty sure there was, but it prob cost an arm and a leg to use it. They took credit card for anything I needed to pay for. Meeting spot...I guess it depends how many guests you're having. There are a few bars they can casually hang out at - wave bar, mojoti bar and zavaz. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Does anyone have the spa menu with prices? Also, Does anyone know if there is yoga everyday? I don't have spa prices.... For the yoga - I think they switched it up during the week and gave a list of what they offered each day.
  15. My dress was a Maggie Sottero - Francis I believe it was from one of her older collections.
  16. I know its hard not to worry about it, but seriously I wouldn't. I'm a firm believer that for the most part each individual controls what kind of time they have. If you have a negative attitude and are just out to complain about everything, then yes, it seems as though you had a horrible time. My resort had some nasty reviews, but you know what, me and my guests left with smiles on our faces! We had the time of our lives! Try to let the reviews roll off of you. The way I look at it, if you are at a hotel for an entire week and only have a few things that you felt necessary to mention..... I don't think that counts for horrible vacation, KWIM?
  17. lolo - I bought our wedding party attire too and that was their gift. Now that we're back and I have my pics I'm putting together a frame with a wedding party pic in it for each couple, shot glasses and a bottle of tequila for the boys, and something small for the girls that I haven't figured out yet lol. And yes, it has been months since my wedding.... that's how "on the ball" I am haha. I suck.
  18. Hmm well I guess it depends. We asked our guests if a few hundred dollars would make them or break them, and they said they'd rather spend the extra money for a great week then to save a few hundred and risk having a not so great time. I think if you give people enough time to save, the ones that want to be there will. In my case, it was the people that I knew couldn't really afford to be there that ended up making it to the wedding, so it just goes to show that people can find a way if they really want to. Oh and a really important note - you'll NEVER please everyone. Someone will always have something to complain about!
  19. Lolo- great job on the corsages! I envy you... I'm not a handy DIY person AT ALL! Re the OOT bags - I didn't do any and I truly don't believe that my friends cared. I think its a nice touch and people would appreciate it, but if you choose not to do them you aren't committing a serious crime lol.
  20. Congrats and to the forum! I researched and hired a photographer from the area I was getting married in. I actually found them on here as they are members of the forum, but its definitely not uncommon to fly your own down. I guess it depends on your budget. Good luck and happy planning!
  21. How exciting! Congrats and to the forum!
  22. I would tell him to still do something formal for his guys. This way he doesn't feel like he lost out on the opportunity. If he still wants to make a big deal out of it tell him to suck it up lol. Keep us posted on how it goes!
  23. Michelle, welcome to the thread!! These girls will keep you from going insane, so I'm glad to see you've joined us . When you have your date confirmed, let us know and I'll put you on the master list. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Hey Girls, Or maybe NICOLE i should say, does anyone know there BEER selection at the resort? I asked Tiffany for a list and the only beer on there was xxx lager? Hmmmm I'm not sure what they have available for receptions. Beer just seemed to be "beer" there lol. So the answer of xxx lager makes sense. No selection, it's all cervesa lol. Renee - OMG I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Thats truly horrible. That's super sweet of you to take care of her wedding cancellations. I think being a good friend is all you can do right now.
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