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Everything posted by Lady_Di

  1. Just let them know that they are more than welcome to join you guys in Mexico but the wedding will be a family affair. Simple like that. Hopefully, everything works out for you!!
  2. I'm so sorry to hear that, Kathy.
  3. Blahh, that is so uncool. You shouldn't let it bother you at all...what's most important is that you're marrying your man!! Shake them haters off!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jaxsebridetobe Yes!! We actually did have issues getting dinners together. I forgot about that lol. A few nights all of us wanted to eat together, but we would have to divide up into 2 groups. They wouldn't sit more than 6-8 people together which was pretty annoying. If you want everyone together, it was $10 per person and a set menu. LAME. I can't believe i forgot that lol. The first few nights we tried...after that more of us were doing our own thing anyways... How stupid that is. How superior was food at The Royal compared to The Gran? Did you get a chance to go to The Gran?
  5. OMG, why do people have to be disgusting? I hope you take care of this STAT! I can't believe the nerve of the workers. WTF?
  6. wow, you really went out for your guests! love the color scheme. have a fabulous wedding!!
  7. Everything looks great!! It was sweet that you included your grandpa! I hope you will have a beautiful wedding! Where did you get the starfish necklaces?
  8. Look at you, miss "i'm worst bride ever"! You're on the ball! You're going to be a beautiful bride! I love your wedding ring...it's so pretty!! Looking forward to your pictures!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by stevensFiance Spoke w/ Kimberly again today, and I had her reconfirm the price for me for dj ivan for 3 hours. I am paying $850usd for his djing service and a dance floor, not the light up dance floor, she said that is listed at $700 on the new pricing sheet. Obvs' we are not going to go with the light up dance floor, when we can use that $ for something better. Kimberly also sent me over the new pricing sheet if anyone wants it. About the "room upgrade" what I heard from a bride at the royal who got married while we were there for our "inspection" and what I was also told on the hush hush by an employee..... the couple wet met that had just been married said they had booked the jr suite, and when they got there they were upgraded to the royal jr suite, which I believe is your only shot of a free upgrade. When we checked in, we upgraded to the royal jr suite for an extra $40pp per night and I asked Mr employee, how the wedding upgrades worked and he pretty much confirmed the upgrade is really only from the jr suite to royal jr suite, anything else will be at a half price rate per night per person. Were booked for a corner suite for our wedding and we know not to even think were getting a free upgrade because the next room level is the swim up which defers in a $400 a night stay. Hope that helps Ugh, they should have just said "complimentary upgrade from junior suite to royal jr suite" on their packages. Thanks for the tip!
  10. Soooooo cute... I love them. what software did you create them in? I am planning to create my own invites in Photoshop!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by jaxsebridetobe oh no - all the beach area is great!! Just over by the pier is pretty close to where the pool is and it just seems so much more open than over by the gazeabo. It's all good though...not too many people are really out and about later anyways. That does help!! I have a 4pm ceremony. I'm glad your big day went well!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jennieestelle Thanks Lady Di! I was wondering when I would be assigned my actual wedding coordinator at the Royal. My wedding is only 6 1/2 weeks away and I haven't been in contact with anyone from the hotel. So, I guess I will just be patient and wait and see. Also your picture of the boxer with Santa is just adorable . Nobody, not even a US coordinator, contacted you? PM me and I will give you Kimberly's email. You should have been contacted by a US coordinator. Thanks for the puppy compliment!
  13. Awesome! I bet she was a beautiful bride!!
  14. You looked beautiful! Thanks for the review. That is good to know! Was the beach by pier bad? I am getting married on the beach by there.
  15. I have Kimberly, the US coordinator. She is good at replying at emails with me. She told me that we will be assigned to a WC at the Royal 2 weeks before our wedding. Meanwhile, we will be dealing with the US coordinators. I don't know what is going on with Angie..maybe she has so many brides to work with or just lazy! I will be telling my TA who has contacts at The Royal and let her know what's going on.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jesmcan I know they are all this way after we met with Zulma on our site visit. She never got back to me, its four weeks now and nothing. I know everyone says once you get there everything is wonderful but I just can't support a place that does business this way. Not to mention the fact I don't want to be stressing about the fact they may change some rate on me. This should be a happy and relaxed time. Instead I stress everyday that something else is going to come up with this place. I was thinking of contacting Tammy the BDW host and seeing if there was a way to get a contact for some really high up at The Royal. I don't think they uderstand that they porbably are starting to lose business. Does anyone know how I can contact her over the forum? I believe that my TA Jennifer has some contacts at The Royal. You could e-mail me and I could forward it to her. I really hope everything works out for you and all of the us, the brides! Regarding the catamayan, I also got a different rate. I think it may have to do with the date. Mine is over the memorial weekend so maybe that is why the rates they gave me are higher.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Outdoor_girl1010 I was a huge fan of Rebecca during the show, but she seemed a little off to me. "Christine did you notice how whenever he was getting attention she was all over him, but when it was about her, she didn't pay him any attention. Her hair looked horrible." I don't think she is with him for the right reason. She knew he was a big story so she up right on that to get her story/name out there. I think she is going to dump him when she gets her 5 min of fame...i know it sounds bad but there is something fishy. I NEVER saw anything between them on the show.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Jules2222 I believe Gran Porto guests are free to the amount included in your package. But there is a "non-guest fee" listed on the pricing spreadsheet. it might just be the charge for "extra guests". J You are right...i was referring to day passes. Just to be clear, they are not supposed to be charged for any day pass just to attend the wedding/reception.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by 2mckee Lady Di- Just saw your post. Are you talking about not being charged for guests coming over to the wedding from the Gran Porto? We may have a few people staying there...... Thanks- As far I know, any guests from Gran Porto or non guests will not get charged for attending the wedding/reception.
  20. I absoultely loved this season. I think it is my favorite season so far!! I am so glad that Danny won! He is a great guy! All of contestants looked so GREAT!!! I briefly teared up when Antonie proposed to his girlfriend. How cuteee! He looks so handsome. I wasn't feeling Rebecca's hairstyle at all. She looks great but she should have stuck with dark hair. She's gorgeous! I am happy that Shay is returning to the show! Overall, great season!!
  21. so sorry for the late reply! happy wedding day! hope it was everything you've dreamed of!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by jesmcan I know!!! I feel the same way. Not to mention they amost ruined DJ Ivans reputation. I just really think that is unacceptable. I don't know what we are doing yet. We have started to look at other options and will soon decide what we think is best for us and all our guests. It def! put a very bad taste i my mouth to. we shall see........... Keep us posted! i think i might stay put because it's less than 6 months for me. I already took care of everything that I need like DJ and etc. So i am good as long they don't try to charge me $$. i am concerned about guests being able to go to the royal for the wedding and they won't be charged. Kimberly said it is FREE to everyone so i am bring all of emails regarding that if they try to charge any guests that are not staying at the Royal. Bleh, it is not cool to be stressing about this!
  23. Wow, I am shocked at the recent events! I am glad to know that this will not affect my booking with DJ Ivan. I'm just extremely disappointed that The Real Resorts is doing this! That just puts a bad taste in my mouth...I don't think I can change the venue because my guests already booked at Gran Porto/The Royal...my photographer, too. I don't know what to do. I hope it stops right now...no more changing rates! You better believe that I will bring EVERY email to the resort in case they try to charge me more $$$. Thank god for e-mails.
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