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Everything posted by Owensmiley

  1. I like the idea of the post cards you could bind them all and make your own coffee table book you caould even put some of your own post cards in there that capture a few moments from the bride and groom perspective
  2. I can't wait to see what you come back with I want to get a villa in Bucerias as well
  3. WOW I am so excited even though I have over a year to go :-(
  4. no kidding...absolutely gorgeous I love that arangement...that is what I am going to do
  5. The first dance surprise mix is a great idea I was going to do something romantic but for the beach party theme it sounds like a great idea
  6. These are so great...So I have just begun learning to play the guitar. I plan to "serenade" my FI at the reception when I play "you say it best" by four non-blondes I have a year and 2 mos to master it...wish me luck!
  7. That is really cool thanks for the tip I am going to check that out!
  8. We made out STD cards at Zazzle.com you can upload the pic for the front and customize the writing on the back. We even did a custom stamp with a picture of the two of us. It was a great hit everyone loved the photo stamp. We ordered 100 cards and 100 stamps total was only $147
  9. We are April 2010 and also very excited. We have booked our site and sent out engagement announcements/STD cards. Mostly just reaserching and envisioning at this point though
  10. well we booked Las Caletas! I am so grateful to you all who have made me feel great about my decision. I know we a a good long time away, but with a DW I guess you can't be to early on anything right!?
  11. I am an orange and yellow girl. I figure it dosen't really matter what you do with it it looks festive, tropical, and happy no matter what!!!!
  12. Would love to hear more about your experience in Las Caletas. WE are marrying there April 10, 2010
  13. Sometimes practices get busier as time goes by, but that is no excuse to let your bedside manner lag. If it was me I would be looking for a new Ob/Gyn regardless of how long I had been seeing them. I would also let their office know how I felt. Nothing will change if you just quit going and find a new Dr. You will just be another patient who disappeared. If you let your feelings be known at least you may save another patient from going through the same thing if the Dr. has any heart or just doesn't is not aware how his practice has changed.
  14. Hey everyone my name is Haley and we are getting married in Las Caletas in April 2010. I say that even though we haven't put the deposit down yet. I haven't had any help in the getting married department so I am a bit nervous I am going to make a mistake. I need a few people to tell me how much they loved their Las Caletas wedding so I can be more comfortable in my decision to go ahead and book it!!!!!
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