Quote: Originally Posted by smith3576 Also, has anyone used the projector or have info on that? We were thinking of it, but it sounds kind of expensive.
Jillian - did she say there was no set-up fee because you have the Ultimate package? She made it sound free to me regardless, but then someone else on here (I think) said there was a set up fee for some things.
WOW GIRLS! I'm away from the forum for two days and I feel like I missed a ton of stuff! I had to go back and re-read everything to catch up!
Jamie - I'm just planning on going by the contract Rebeca sent me. It's basically the same as everyone elses that's getting married the same time as me, but I'm just not going to check other pricing and just go by what she sent me. I do think the projector was sort of expensive - I can look it up, but I thought it was $300 or something.
Rebeca DEFINITELY told me that whatever I brought from home, I could give her and she would set it all up for me. she said as long as I gave it to her the day before the wedding, because she doesn't want to bother me the day of. She seems really easy-going. She said I can use her basket to put our maracas in and she did say there is no charge for signature wedding cocktails - so to me, she seems pretty chill about the details.
JESS! - I LOVE your picture!!!
Oh, and girls, I just got back in town and rcvd my bridal shower invite! It just made me a little sentimental. I can't wait for it! I already have my hat and dress! they are so cute!