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Everything posted by J&MWedding

  1. Jess - i love the pinata idea! that is a great idea for either bachelorette party or shower! can't wait for pics! I know I wasn't the one taking pics, so I hope it doesn't take me a long time to get pics back!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo Your shower sounds awesome Jill. Can't wait to see some pics Jess hope you had fun at yours too! We're doing the legal stuff this weekend in Vegas. Only 5 more days of being "legally" single Autumn, this weekend?! wow! are you guys going on a vegas trip alone, or are you bringing friends? little chapel? have fun! enjoy this week! congrats!
  3. Hey girls! just wanted to chime in to let you know I had an AMAZING bridal shower yesterday!!! Our "fancy hat" theme turned out awesome! my aunt was in charge of the menu, my MOH was in charge of the decorations, and my friend in charge of the games. we had appetizers such as bruschetta, wontons with spinach dip in it, shrimp, and then all different kinds of salads with fruit and breads - homemade cheesecake and carrot cake for desert - wine, champagne - so good! the food was amazing! I'll post pics when I gather them from everyone!
  4. spin class this morning. the plan is running tomorrow & friday and then spin again on saturday before my shower.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess aww derby hats are so cute! Mine is this Saturday also. I think it is a Mexican theme so I'll take pics too same day! have fun Jess!!!
  6. you girls are right! hey, wanted to share with my dreams brides, my bridal shower is this saturday! so excited to hang out with everyone and wear our derby hats and drink champagne! I'll make sure to share pics!
  7. So, I'm totally changing my bouquet... I have two different ones I'm deciding between. Long story short, our colors are pretty plain - just ivory/grey/silver - so my MOH is having an ivory roses bouquet and the guys are wearing ivory bouts. For a splash of color, I was going to have a colored bouquet (like the one below) and then tie in that color with same flowers on the cake. I figure this red/burgundy color will look good with ivory/grey and black and we are getting married in december. I also like the white rose pic below with a little added to it... what do you girls think?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Mishka Designs I imagine you can get them at Walmart, Sam's Club (right next to Walmart) or Costco. But, be aware that the prices are probably quite a bit higher than you would expect to find at some place in the States or Canada (although perhaps not too high at Costco - I've heard our Costco is only 3% more over in their prices as compared to prices in the States). There's also a little knock-off place in Plaza Caracol that sells Karaoke machines that would probably be quite a bit cheaper - so you might head there and just poke around (if you have the time). Mishka, Can you tell me something about this Sam's Club? Do they have typical things like candles, fake flower things, glass vases, etc? (just in case, my mom and I might make a run over there when we arrive....) I want to use glass frames to put pics of my FI and I in on the guest book table, and I don't want to travel with anything glass and breakable. Thanks! ps....I'm still ordering my maracas from you in Nov!!! so excited!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by sarahLambert08 I just have to post this because of what some of your worries are ladies. I had the Ulitmate Wedding Pkg. w/ 7 nights so yeah, we had the free honeymoon pgkg. Ill tell you all right now...DON'T WORRY!!! I know it's hard not to, but trust me! Sarah, that does make me feel better. I have been trying to relax lately and just enjoy the last few months before the wedding. My work has kept me so busy, I have sort of let go of the planning process and it feels good. Thanks for confirming there is no need to worry! Quote: Originally Posted by sarahLambert08 Rebecca IS THA BOMB!! She always does whatever you need with a smile! Actually, Heck...everyone is AWSOME their. Look for tall Victor, the drink guy, he will treat you sooooo good. i'M soooo asking for Victor! awesome! Quote: Originally Posted by sarahLambert08 I even picked my bouguet 2 DAYS before the ceremony, and it was FINE!! Also keep in mind the DJ should defently have a song list, he is kinda dated! That's good to know. I couldn't imagine picking my bouquet 2 days before, but if you say it's all good, then I'm sure it is! Thanks again!
  10. Welcome! Have fun planning!
  11. Congrats and welcome! great pics!
  12. I ran a mile and did kick class for an hour. tired.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Future Mrs. G Yipee!!! Got the contract & wire transfer form!! Yeah!!!!! I can't wait until the day of to work with Paulina!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren april - yes, they're fabulous. HOWEVER - go for a dirty monkey - those are the best! so glad to hear they have good mojitos!!! those are my favorite! I was actually thinking of having a mojito as our wedding cocktail, but thought it was sort of mean because they are so involved in making and to make so many would be a pain...but maybe I won't worry about that
  15. J&MWedding


    welcome! and congrats! for us, we chose our location based on ease of travel for our guests basically. We did know we wanted mexico somewhere, and the obvious choice for us (living in central CA) was Puerto Vallarta - the flights were just much less than anywhere else, even within the US.
  16. how exciting! welcome to the forum! your wedding might seem far off, but trust me, the time goes by FAST!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jetsbride Thanks for posting yur tags Ginalyn, I had done a search and did not see that. Thanks again! If you end up in a jam and just don't feel like making them yourself, I used Sticker Doodles on Etsy for my "Gracias" tags. Instead of purchasing their tags (which were more expensive) I purchased a sheet of 20 stickers (it was $6 for every 20 and shipping was only $2) and then my FMIL put those stickers on cardstock and cut them out. It was worth it for me at least. I also got tags that said "Thanks for shaking up our party!" that have maracas on them and I'm going to tie them on the maracas we are giving for favors.
  18. Good luck Nadine! tonight, I had spin class - SOOOOO sore from kick class yesterday! i'm literally a vegetable tonight on the couch! my FI had to cook and do the dishes! hahaha!!!
  19. I love that big pink and black one in the middle!! too bad my resort doesn't make cakes like that!
  20. Girls! I tried attaching the document with the service descriptions they sent me, but it's in Power Point and I can't attach it! The Coffee Mud Wrap says the following: "Containing Coffee and natural ingredients this sliming body wrap prone your body to break down fat and increase metabolism. An Excellent treatment to boost your skin texture and help smooth any sponge, dimply appearance." I was thinking of doing the coffee mud wrap the first day I'm there (help with the bathing suite, right? ) but everyone has me scared about doing treatments right before the wedding, like I'll end up with spots on my skin, or a weird color, or something like that. I've never really had any sort of body treatments like that - I've only had one or two message in my life! but I do know my skin isn't sensitive.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess aww bummer autumn...we are moving to casa velas for our honeymoon on 11/30 Jess, I'm arriving on 11/19 at 4pm - maybe I'll get to see you before you leave!
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