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Everything posted by J&MWedding

  1. So, I am the MOH for my cousin and I hosted a huge engagement party for her and her FI. I went the whole9 yards....I did a picture Dvd, had food for 100 people, drinks, decorations, etc etc - I was a very stressed out girl and the next day I was exhausted!! The next day, my boyfriend and I took our jeep on the beach (we live two miles from Grover Beach, CA (basically Pismo Beach)). I usually always bring my UsWeekly magazine and a bottle of champagne and he will go fishing in the ocean. So when we got to the beach, he set up my chair for me and I got comfortable with my magazine and he handed me my champagne glass. He poured himself one too and was kneeling beside me showing interest in my magazine (which he normally makes fun of me for). I sat there and drank my champagne not realzing that my ring was in the glass the whole time. Finally, he had to say something since the champagne was almot gone!! He said, "will you please look at your champagne glass!!!" (In a frustrated tone) It was funny. I looked down and saw my ring and started crying and crying!!! (prob bc I was so tired from the party the night before) and he asked me to be his wife and said that I was his best friend and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with his best friend. He also had gone over to my parents house a few hours before with the ring and asked my dad for permission first.....he said my dad cried when he asked him.....
  2. I'm so excited!! I found my TA!! I actually grew up with her kids so I've known her for years and I can trust her and she is awesome!! Susan said she would get answers from Dreams for me and she already gave me an idea for pricing so I can finalize my budget. Now, my FI and I just have to decide whether we want Feb or May 2010 - huge price difference, but we really want Feb....since we are staying a week, we can save over $1000 just by staying in May vs Feb and our guests would save $300/person approx too can't decide whether to wait two more months and save our guests money or have it in feb when we really want....hmmmmm..... I'm just excited that I got my TA lined up! Oh, and we decided to prob go to Riviera Maya & Cozumel for another week after for our honeymoon....looking at Karisma Resorts (I believe El Dorado's...)
  3. Advice on figuring your budget....So I'm planning on getting my rooms at Dreams PV and having the ceremony/reception there - the whole thing! My FI parents and my parents are pitching in some, but I need to come up with rough budget for the ceremony/wedding day that we all can look at. Doesn't have to include flight info etc. just the wedding day. I was just going off the DReams website packages? Then adding about $55/per person (I saw that on the website somewhere) since I will be going over the 20 people the package includes. Then adding any extras on the "extras" webpage. OBviously, leaving some room for other things. I'm assuming prices will increase for 2010, but again, I'm just trying to figure out where to start. I have emailed Dreams twice within the last two months with no response. I assume they don't care to get back to me since my wedding is so far away. I just figure I can't really settle on anything until I start with my budget. Any advice is greatly appreciated!....Where did you start?.... I haven't settled on a TA yet, but working on that too. -Jill
  4. Kathy! Thank you for sending me Teresa's info. I just contacted her and let her know that I got her info from you. She responded fast and just seemed awesome to work with in general! Awesome referral!!!! -Jill
  5. Thank you for those pics Kathy! I saw DD's website the first day I started looking, but did not find those pictures. I absolutely LOVE DD's work!!!!!! Their work is perfection! I'm just worried it will bring up the cost of the wedding too much - although, well worth it from what it looks like! I just figure I know exactly what I want already, so I hope I can just email pictures and get it done pretty close to what I want....without hiring an outside WC. I still have time, but I guess could see about getting an idea of a quote from Kristen....thanks for all the info again.
  6. Hi Kathy, I would love Teresa's info. We will probably have 40-50 people and I'm almost positive everyone will want to stay at the same place, so I'm assuming we will need about 30 rooms or so. You said if you book 30 rooms, the bride/grooms room is free? That is for the whole week? Just curious. When it comes down to it, I'm not worried about us, I just want to make it as easy as possible for all the guests so they come! Thanks! Jill
  7. Does anyone have any pics they have found for either Dreams or LC? I have searched the web and on Youtube like someone suggested, but haven't really come across any good photos to see the layout of the ceremony. I'm sort of leaning having the ceremony and reception at Dreams because it sounds easier and probably more affordable - any suggestions of other places?
  8. Thank you both so much. That does answer all my questions! I think we are going to do it here in CA right before we leave for PV- it will be easiest. We'll just pretend we aren't married while we are in PV
  9. Hi again Everyone!! I posted my first thread this morning, but I don't think it was put on the PV thread. Anyways, does anyone have info, website etc about whether you can bring your own officiant? We are having our best friend be ordained and we want him to marry us in PV. Does this make it legal if he is performing the ceremony? I've been on numerous websites and I can't seem to find a solid answer. Thanks for any help!
  10. Hey Everyone! I do have quite a bit of time to plan - wedding date March 2010, but I'm an organizer! and can't wait to start planning. We have been looking at Las Caletas or Dreams for the location. We will probably have a group of 40-50 and we are a little tentative about everyone going on the boat ride to LC - does anyone know how long it is? (hour half?...) We are also planning on making a short trip March 09 to check things out, so I'm sure that will really be our deciding factor. I'm sure we will all stay at Dreams to make it easier, so should we just have the wedding there too? I really like the gazebo! I have so many friends getting married right now, and I'm really liking something that just has the whole package and I don't have to contract out too much. I know exactly what I want, so I feel I can explain it to the WC simply. Thanks for any and all advice ladies!!! Jill
  11. Wedding Date: March 2010 Location: PV - we are visiting in March 09 to select location
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