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Everything posted by J&MWedding

  1. I love those bags! and I'm going to check out that etsy seller for tags too! Thanks Megan!
  2. I did a search and didn't see any posts on this, so if anyone has tried to make this, let me know! I'm going to give it a shot. It seems like it would be easy, popsickle sticks glued together, leave space for a photo to put in it, glue a magnet on the back so it can go on the refrigerator, and then decorate the frame however you want! I'm thinking blue feathers on the bottom for the ocean, paint the frame and write PV 2009at the top. The guests can put a photo from the trip in it. I got on this kick because I saw the DIY ones on OT and the reviews weren't good on them, and thought this way is definitely inexpensive and more personal! I can't wait to get the supplies and get going! I have a 20% michaels coupon, so I can use that!
  3. That is such a great deal! I would love to know also if they have a website...
  4. Awww thanks! Yeah, my mom is creative, but she has to be, she owns a quilt shop. She was just showing me a peek of our wedding quilt today! She thought I wasn't going to like it, that's crazy! She will make our table runners, cake topper, and probably these dangling crystal things I want to put in our centerpieces, and I guess whatever else I think of! She is really more like my MOH, sad to say, my real MOH isn't really doing
  5. Oh, I just found some really cute charm necklaces online at PacSun, and they are perfect! I'm going to see if I can get them the store here, now it's just thinking about what to say! I gotta get back to work and stop shopping online! Hahahaha!
  6. Oh! that etsy seller is great! I'll check that out. that sounds about right for my budget too. Did your invitation have the 5 reasons? or did you make that list up? (which I'm sure I can put something together anyways...and I can make each list specific to each girl - about memories we share) hmmm....ok, I got ideas going now! thanks! The only other thing I'm questioning is "un-bridesmaid" the appropriate term? doesn't that sound like you made her a bridemaid and then asked her not to be one? Did you use that exact word on your package? I think it's funny and cute, but just curious...
  7. Sorry, forgot to post the link: Minted.com - Wedding Invitations, Letterpress Invitations, Save the Date Cards from the best independent stationery brands
  8. Check it out brides! I already had ordered my STDs and invites, but my girlfriend send out her STDs using this website and they turned out awesome! She used the Yearline invite and had photos of them on trips and a timeline of everything- very cute!
  9. Sounds like most of us are doing the same thing. One bag per couple (doubling up on the key card holder and other things) and then one for a single.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo Karla - It sounds like you are getting a ton of stuff completed! I'm from Texas and noticed that you are in Bryan. I had a ton of friends at A&M, man we had some fun over there. My AHR is going to be in New Braunfels And here is an update to my list... 1. Engagement Pics taken in Sedona http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t44113 2. Finished half of the invites (need e-pics for passport picture) 3. Bought Dad's shirt 4. Bought Mom's outfit (what an ordeal... anyone else have an extremely opinionated mother?) 5. Boked a photographer!!!! Using Nate Cordova and he seems totally cool. license to Still 6. Bought FI's flip flops 7. Bought dyeable shoes from Davids Bridal after ordering and returning 5 from Zappos - LOL 8. Decided to order FI the $99 custom linen suit online (if it looks bad we'll just get him one from Mens Wearhouse) Linen Suits : Studiosuits.com, Custom Suits | Designer Suits 9. Attempted to buy our brothers shirts and flip flops: FI's bro is the best man and my 2 bros are my honor attendants. Since there are no girls in the wedding I thought clothes would be easy, but FIs brother is high maintenance and is convinced that the Reef flip flops I want won't be the right size. I mean honestly... 10. Purchases un-bridesmaid necklaces and need to send them with a letter. Not even going to get into the OOT junk yet so that's it for now. ~ Autumn Autumn and Nadine, I just noticed you were explaining un-bridesmaids. I think I fall into having that category. I have a MOH standing up with me and I already got her gift, but I have some really great girlfriends that would have been my bridesmaids. The only tough thing is that I have 8 un-bridesmaids. They are supposedly coming to PV so especially in that case, I want to get them something small and personal, but that can add up for 8 of them. Autumn, how many do you have and do you have any ideas? I do like the idea of sending them a letter with something too. I don't want to get them bracelets though, because our friend just got married one month ago, and most of us were in it, and we all got bracelets.
  11. I can't even remember if I posted in this thread yet or not, but yeah all the same! cheers to all of us! I feel pretty relaxed about the planning process, I have all the big stuff done and just sent out my formal invites today! Now it's just waiting and seeing how many rsvp's I get!
  12. Autumn, that turned out so cute! I love the whole thing! I agree, I wanted the initials on top of the cake, but they are expensive in my mind, so my mom is wiring beads in our monogram initials
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Griffith I drew the same blank when thinking what I should ask the resorts, so I made my fiance sit down with me and come up with questions he wanted answers to. The more he came up with, the more I came up with. Some of them are geared towards our resort specifically but you can alter them to wherever. We just sent them to our WC at the resort and she sent them back filled in. Hope they help! Great list Jessica! I wish I had thought of this. I think most of my questions were answered, but I'm glad you mentioned about the lighting on Las Plamas terrace! I have to ask about that. We are having the ceremony in the gazebo and then reception at Las Palmas. Did you find you got all these questions answered by Rebeca?
  14. Welcome Steve! The brides above are correct, and you will want to check out the PV thread for sure. I know Dreams PV charges for any private party, whether it be a private rehearsal dinner or wedding, but most of the AI places are very nice to work with, and my experience so far is that they are flexible on some requests, so it just never hurts to ask! Definitely want to check out the PV threads! You could spend days getting questions answered on that!
  15. I've been just using this email: <[email protected]> If I remember correctly, with the contract, it took extra long. Probably almost two weeks for her to get it back to me. Hope that makes you feel better. Not sure if you read earlier in this thread, but Paulina uses a translator for her emails (I believe) which is why I think it takes a little bit of time for her to get back to us. Usually once the contract is done, it only takes a few days for her to get back to me. She has been really sweet and checking in with me since the contract and everything is done.
  16. Yeah Andi! everything looks perfect! I love everything, your dress, your colors, reggie's suit, the decor, it all looked awesome! good job Kristi and Paul!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess I'm going on a site visit to Dreams on September 10th - so excited!! Let me know if anyone wants me to check anything specific out. how great is that, Jess!!! that works out perfectly! I know I'll probably think of something, so I'll pm you if I have a question, so it doesn't get lost in the thread.
  18. So cute! I'm getting too many ideas! I'll have pick and choose what I do, because there are too many DIY that I love!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I love these!!!!!! How very cute These are seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen! I love the frosted shells on top!
  20. Awww! that is sad! maybe it's not there because it was too long. Hopefully for us who are closer together (Oct-Feb) she can keep everything! It is a good idea for us! Jamie! I love your colors by the way! Navy Blue is probably my favorite color
  21. I sent Jurine a message. I told her everything I was looking for, so we will see what she comes up with! I told her you referred me too.
  22. Jess, I love those! I wonder if those would stay on a silk shirt.....? Maybe if I did a really small one...? I'll think about it, because I do love her work! yeah! options are always nice.
  23. Awww! you girls are so helpful! They are all great ideas! Now I know I have options.... just have to decide. I don't know what I would do without all the help I get from BDW
  24. Rae - I just use the following for Rebeca: [email protected] and it works Jess - My colors, were supposed to be slate grey, silver, and ivory/cream, but they are changing a little more to just grey and ivory. I almost was going to add a vibrant color in it, but I don't think I will. I'm going for the silver/grey with just a lot of crystals if I can find them. I'm just going to use the white linens/chairs/plates and then want the table runner with maybe some ivory roses and teardrop crystals coming out of the vase. something like that....? DD is going to a magnificant job with your grey and yellow! I can't wait to see that! I really wish I had it in my budget to use them, they do the most incredible job!
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