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Everything posted by J&MWedding

  1. We actually just changed ours to "Love Till' the End" by The Pogues. I heard it first on PS I Love You and my FI went with me to that movie last christmas and it was the first time I saw him ever cry. It was sweet. It's a different kind of song, and my FI likes that.
  2. Hey I have a question for Dreams PV brides! I know there is a tipping thread, but I didn't really see the answer to this there. For Dreams AI resorts specifically, what have you past brides done for tipping, or what do you future brides plan to do? I have to be honest, I hadn't even thought about this! I didn't put in our budget or anything.
  3. Oh, I might have to look into that camcorder Jess! great idea and good price! We were going to get the boys Rayban sunglasses - my FI wanted to do that - these boys are so into their sunglasses, then they could have them in Mexico and take pics with them. But when we went to look at them, I didn't think they looked that great on my FI - so we are trying to think of something else.
  4. I might just have to make a trip over the coach outlet now! thanks for posting that!
  5. Welcome! congrats! 10 years! How exciting! There is so much information on here! Have fun searching! ask us if you have questions!
  6. Rebeca told me she wouldn't run my credit card for the deposit until I booked our room for my FI and I. We didn't book our trip until a few months after that, so the deposit didn't show up on my account until then. not sure if that helps at all... She should be able to take a credit card to hold the wedding date - and she did promise me my date even though my card hadn't been run through yet
  7. I wonder if there are more coupons out there?! That is awesome! what a great deal!
  8. I have them too! even though my friends say they don't see what I'm talking about, it would be nice to have a refresher. luckily, I had to go to the dermotologist anyways and he said the prescription he gave me would actually help out with some of the crows feet (I think I have them from playing sports in the sun when I was younger and not wearing sunscreen....) anyways, the stuff he gave me made my face peel and it looks like around my eyes look fresher!
  9. My girlfriend got married in June and she used the Jessica Simpson hairpiece. She used it for her engagement photos and wedding. It was pre-curled and she just clipped in her hair and then the hair dresser curled the rest of her hair to match. It stayed in all night - and she wore it all down! It think the pre-curled extensions work well, and I'm using it for mine. I haven't dyed my hair for almost two years - trying to grow it out, and I think I'm going to dye it to match the extensions I buy. I also looked at projectwedding.com and saved a bunch of photos from there! they all look good! I can't decide either!
  10. Congrats Autumn! That's awesome! I'm hovering at about the same place you are. I started in Jan and I've lost about 21-22lbs on a good day... It's been really hard to get further -I've been just having to crack down really hard on diet and exercise. The one thing is that it is nice to see pay off - it keeps me motivated! My girlfriend got married last Sept. I noticed at her bachelorette party that she had dropped tons of weight - never even said anything to us about working out etc. I knew she stopped drinking - period, but I thought she only stopped for 2-3 months before the wedding. She just told me she stopped 6 months before! I'm talking not even a drop! (and she works for a winery!) The only time she drank in those 6 months was for her bridal and bach party- thats it. I'm trying to do that, but I work for a brewery, so of course that doesn't help.
  11. Natalia, your thinking is like mine too. I know that I'm putting flowers on my cake and having an initial monogram on top, but other than that, I was just going with the resort cake and not worrying about it (even though I heard many times dreams PV doesn't have good deserts - oh well) - it's funny and interesting to see what things certain brides are worried about and what things they aren't....
  12. Not sure if there is a thread about this, but I just found at Michael's more iron-ons like this one. They were only $1 and they were super cute! I got one that said, "Property of the Groom" and a "Maid of Honor" one and one that said "I do" with the "o" as a diamond ring. Has anyone seen those? I figure I can always find tank tops for $5 and I have had good luck in the past with the iron-ons - just don't wear/wash them before the wedding week!
  13. I can't believe your sister took those pics! They look amazing! I really liked your centerpieces
  14. So glad to hear it went well and you had a great time! I love the story about when you were getting your hair done! it makes me want to practice my spanish before the trip, now i'm wondering if they always do that.... Can't wait for the pics!
  15. Yeah, we could get another limo if we need to. I like the idea if my MOH send out a preliminary evite to get the number of girls who want the limo. Because I do know that some girls wont feel the need to spend the extra money and will want to just meet up with us. Ok, I got it. thanks for the input girls!
  16. Thanks! I'm a bride who loves bling! I love the title of your thread!
  17. So, my MOH's plan for my bach party is to stay local and just get a limo and go out to the bars - simple and not too costly for those friends who are still going to our DW. The limo can only fit so many girls, so I was hoping I could divide the invite somehow and basically have the close group (like my bridesmaids and MOH) in the limo and have everyone else meet up with us out at night. any ideas?
  18. I did an advanced search for something on this, because I'm sure it's out there, so sorry if there is already a thread on this! My bridal shower is Oct 3rd. I just put together the guest list for my MOH and it looks like about 62 women. I feel like that is a lot, I rather have it around 40-50, but I have a Bunco group (yep, I said it! a bunco group!) so that is 12 girls right there and I can't invite only half or some, it's either all or nothing. Then between friends and family, I just feel like that's sort of an absurd amount? any suggestions? what did you girls do?
  19. I have read many brides who feel this way, and I was one of them. We weren't going to put anything together, but my Mom kept saying well people are going to get you something (especially the people that don't go to our DW) and don't you want to get something you need/want? So we put together our honeymoon registry with Traveler's Joy and a portion of the funds raised through our website will go to Breast Cancer Research Foundation (I posted a thread on this already) - this way they might be still getting us something, but we are also giving back a little too. And on our website, we did put "your presence is gift enough...that being said, we have had requests for a gift registry" or something to that nature - I copied if from another bride on here
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