So, I went to the Dollar Store tonight and I got overwhelmed!! There were so many things there that I wanted to buy, but I didn't want to go overboard. I have to keep telling myself that I have to actually bring all this stuff with me!! Plus we have an infant, our daugther, in tow! For such a small little thing she sure needs alot of things hehe.. but an Angel none the less!! So far for our Welcome Bags I have: Luggage tags & Postcards which I don't know if I want to use anymore.. I made a logo on powerpoint AFTER I ordered all these postcards and business cards (luggage tags)!! Good thing Vistaprint is CHEAP... but I don't know if I want to just waste them. I'm so confused. But, tonight I bought tissues, day planners (pink sunset w/flamingos for the girls and a surfer dude for the boys) and I bought a first aid kit so I could see what our logo would look like on it.
Anyone else having these problems?