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Everything posted by Cindy&London

  1. Cattie - I know what you mean!! Everyday I find something else I would love to do and it's so hard to choose!! I feel like I still have a million things to do.. Oh, and P.S., we got our first response card back today!! It was a decline, heh, but at least we are getting them!!
  2. This is great!! I guess I'm in for another DIY project How well do those gems stay on?? I think I'm going to order 3 of these!!
  3. There is a fabulous product called Drysol if you are worried about sweatmarks on your dress! You have to start using it a couple weeks before your wedding day though. You can get it at any Shopper's Drugmart or Pharmacy. I always sweat when I'm nervous, so I'll be using this before the wedding!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by soccergurl3 hey ladies, I am getting married at MP on July 15th 2009. I am having a problem tho! I really really want a sit down plated meal where i can decorate the reception hall and make it more unique. The problem is that i may only have 18 people coming to the wedding and i know they always tell you that you need 20 people to have the reception. This is really heartbreaking for me because i don't want to jsut have a dinner in a restaurant like every other day of the week i want it to be special. Do you think they will make it work for me? Because if not this won't be my dream wedding at all!!! I'm sure if you talk to your WC they could probably suggest something. If you are only 2ppl off I don't see why they couldn't accomodate you. I hope it works out for you Good Luck!!
  5. Well I made a few of them, but this is the one we settled on. I'm not very creative, but I really like the way this turned out. I'm glad I put in the effort This is IT!!.ppt
  6. I have only heard not so great things about the make-up artist at MP. So, I'm opting to do it myself. nibsmom - I'm going to my local MAC store and seeing if they can't point me in the right direction. Do you have MAC or Sephora? The girls there are usually pretty good at helping with make-up for your skin type. Have you tried mineral makeup?? It's so great!! It's light and powder only, no cakey foundation! My friend also has extra sensitive skin and she uses it and loves it. It's has such amazing coverage. It evens out my skin on those blotchy days! I'm just worried about my eyes.. I bought all new brushes and now I have to learn how to use them LOL! Good Luck ladies, I'm sure you will look beautiful
  7. That's why I loved it as well!! Since my bio dad will be walking me down half way and then my step-dad the rest of the way. It looks amazing
  8. Love #2!!! Good choice, but I love #1 too!! They are both great pairs of shoes
  9. I'm so excited!! Maribel e-mail me today and reserved the Tucan Gazebo & the Tucan Terrace for the cocktail party Anyone have these for their wedding and/or have any reviews?!?! By the way.. Maribel is friggen amazing!! I swear I must e-mail at least every other day and she is so fast at responding!! Love her
  10. Vegas is awesome!! If we were getting married on the beach... Vegas would be 2nd choice!! Good Luck & Congrats
  11. Congrats!! Have lots of fun at your DW!!
  12. Welcome and happy planning!!
  13. So, I went to the Dollar Store tonight and I got overwhelmed!! There were so many things there that I wanted to buy, but I didn't want to go overboard. I have to keep telling myself that I have to actually bring all this stuff with me!! Plus we have an infant, our daugther, in tow! For such a small little thing she sure needs alot of things hehe.. but an Angel none the less!! So far for our Welcome Bags I have: Luggage tags & Postcards which I don't know if I want to use anymore.. I made a logo on powerpoint AFTER I ordered all these postcards and business cards (luggage tags)!! Good thing Vistaprint is CHEAP... but I don't know if I want to just waste them. I'm so confused. But, tonight I bought tissues, day planners (pink sunset w/flamingos for the girls and a surfer dude for the boys) and I bought a first aid kit so I could see what our logo would look like on it. Anyone else having these problems?
  14. From everything I have heard here and from reviews on other websites, I'm definately going to try this out! Apparently they are selling it for $12 at Zellers here in Canada!! I'll let you know what I find, plus I think I'm going to pick up the "Making the Cut" book too!! Thanks ladies.. here's to getting healthy!
  15. My friend sent me this website and it has some really great & EASY hairstyles that are perfect for a beach wedding. I don't know how many girls here are doing their own hair, but it's easy to do on your own or get your hairstylist to do it for you!! Just thought I would share Cutesy name: Beach Hippie in 17 Hairstyles That Take Less Than 10 Minutes Cheers!
  16. Congrats and Welcome follow MP Bride There is a great MP thread to help you out, so many ideas.. things you probably would have never thought of without this forum!!
  17. Thanks Ladies!! I didn't even think about dying them, great idea!! I will definately look into that
  18. Sorry for the double post, but I thought some of you might be interested to see what the restaurants look like at MP! I found this site: Moon Palace Resort, Hotel, All Inclusive, hotel information, online reservations, Cancun Mexico Travel Guide Enjoy!!
  19. Betsy ~ Great, that's about how many ppl we have!! Thank you again for answering all our questions Does anyone know what the closest resort is to MP? Some of our guests really want to come, but can't afford the MP. Which is fine if they want to stay elsewhere.. less people I feel I have to entertain (EEP! I know.. horrible :S) I would like to get some quotes for them though. Thanks!
  20. We are not paying for our WP's hotel stay or any of their trip for that matter. I bought one of my girl's their dress and I will be giving them personal gifts as well. I don't think that ettiquite applies to a DW and if you are paying for your wedding yourself and are over budget then I'm sure they will understand. I don't believe alot of the girls here paid for their wedding party either. If you asked them to be in your wedding and they know that you are not paying for their lodging and they said yes, then there is no reason to feel guilty about it. They are getting a vacation out of it too!! If it wasn't in their budget then I'm sure they wouldn't do it Relax and have fun planning your dream wedding!!
  21. Welcome follow MP Bride The Moon Palace thread on here is amazing and so are all the bride's!! Happy Planning
  22. Cindy&London


    Congrats! You have come to the right place!!
  23. Don't give up on your dream wedding!! I'm sure you will be able to get some answers soon. Congrats!!
  24. Welcome Jessica!! I'm sure alot of the bride's here will have questions for you.. so thanks for helping
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