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Everything posted by Cindy&London

  1. I have my heart set on doing a TTD session a day or 2 after our wedding. We are getting married May 4, 2009 at the Moon Palace in Cancun. We are using the resort photog for the ceremony and reception, which is fine. But, MP doesn't allow any outside vendors unless they are your "guest", which means we would have to pay for a extra room and they can come for an hour or 2 and do the TTD session... which seems like a waste of money & room! I'm wondering if anyone here has run into this problem and if there were any photog's that were willing to do a TDD session somewhere else.. public beach or something of that nature. Somewhere we could just meet up and do the shoot? Any advice or suggestions?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by cutierosie FYI Yudelka Kok is no longer working at Palace Resorts in Miami.... Oh no!! I really liked her.. she always got back to me so quickly. Thank goodness I already have a WC, Maribel, who is also a God Send Thanks for the heads up!
  3. I'm going with the resort photog and that's all fine, but I really want to do a TTD session. I'm wondering if anyone did this?? I'm wondering if I could just contact a local photog in Cancun and meet up and do a TTD session somewhere other than MP. Any advice or suggestions?
  4. I'm making luggage tags as well. I know some US companies will deliver to Canada, but I was just going to get the badge holders and make the straps with ribbon in our wedding colours. Maybe that's something you can try as well?
  5. This may just apply to Canadians, but I was just at Rexall Drugstore today and they had Down Under Naturals Hairspray (travel size) on sale for $0.66 and also Down Under Naturals Hair Gel. I guess they are discontinuing these products. So I picked up 30 bottles of hairspray! I think the girl at the checkout thought I was nuts Haha!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette Im going to hit up the thrift store tonight and see if I can find some cool mini retro jacket. Maybe with some leggings, and a mini skirt? Of leggings with a big shirt with a belt... Oh and cut off an old sweater arm for leggings. The thirft store is the BEST place to find dthe tackiest clothes!! We got all our outfits from there Good luck!
  7. We are looking at maybe 25-30 ppl coming. I wanted a small wedding on the beach and that's what I'm getting! I hate when I go to weddings and there are 100+ ppl and half of them are friends of the bride/grooms parents. Thats EXACTLY what I didn't want. I want the people who matter most to me in my life to be part of my special day and that's it.. I know it sounds selfish, but I figure it's our day and we should have what we want. Don't worry, the people who really want to be there will be there and you will have the time of your life!!
  8. I love 80's parties!! My friends & I had one a very long time ago. I wore a full bodysuit with a highwasted skirt and a a little top. Had my hair in a side pony and some crazy blue make up and lots of blush! Haha!! It was the best party ever! Have fun
  9. All this baby talks makes me want another one!! Congrats girls!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Blkatz Bianca I like lists also-they help me be organized. I am in the same boat-I have no idea what I need to do. And my dear future husband does not get it-he keeps asking me why I am so stressed out. Mine too!! He doesn't get why I'm getting all worked up, but we literally have 11 weeks until we leave.. I'm freaking out as well. I feel like I have so much to do!! I'm having headaches all the time.. ugh!
  11. I thought I would bring this thread back to life!! I really would like to know what other brides did or are doing the night before? I don't think we will be staying in the same room, but not too sure yet.
  12. I just bought FI's and his GM's pants!! I really do feel like I'm doing this wedding all on my own... Oh well, I guess it's reassuring that I know it's getting done the way I want it done
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by melette SHIPPING?! I'm planning on 45 OOT bags. If you don't mind me asking. How many bags did you order from Cheaptotes? and how much did they charge you for shipping? Really? I didn't find it too bad. I bought 30 bags and with shipping and everything came out to $33.69, so it still was only just over a dollar for each bag. I haven't got the bags yet, but I will let you know how they are when they get here.
  14. We are very excited!! Can't wait to just get away!! New Year's must have been amazing!!
  15. Well, for Christmas my FMIL & FFIL bought us a weekend getaway to Banff (Alberta, Canada) to the Rimrock Resort in the Rocky Mountains... Babysitting included!! We love to just get away for a day or 2, it keeps things fresh We are probably going to indulge in a massage or something like that while we are there.
  16. I'm going on Day 3 of Level 1 and I'm hurting SO BAD!! I can barely walk!! But I'm going to push through it and hopefully start seeing some results soon. I'm starting to just go walking with the baby too. The cold snap has passed.. for now!.. so I might as well take advantage!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by rach220 OMG! I can't believe this girl... I am getting married at the Aventura Spa Palace and originally had the same issue with pricing...I told my friends they could stay wherever and I would pay their day pass...I have two bridesmaids and one decided to stay at the hotel and one wanted to save money and stay somewhere else. I told the one that was staying with us how I felt and had her talk to my other friend. Neither of them have booked yet, but I'm pretty sure they will both be staying with us. As for the other people that may be coming their attitude seems to be that they want to stay where everyone else is staying. So if I can get one person on board, I think the rest will follow. The more I thought about it, it would totally suck if everyone stayed somewhere else. Not just for the cost of the day passes, but I really wanted everyone to be together. I wish I had never offered the day pass/stay somewhere else thing. I should have just said stay here or don't come and the people that really cared would be there... I'm so sorry you are going through this. Is there another friend that you can talk to to help you work everything out with this girl? Honestly, I wouldn't even want her at my wedding...hope she wasn't a really close friend I'm totally feeling the same way right now! I wish I hadn't even mentioned staying at another hotel.. She is a really close friend and it's not like her to say something like that. I have been talking to her today and she has said that she will stay at MP if the travel agent I have looking can find a better price than she got. I still haven't got a straight answer from her as to why she thought the resort is boring. I also talked to my other gf who is supposed to be staying with her and she said it doesn't matter to her either. So, why say something like that if it doesn't matter to you where you stay. I would just tell her forget it, but I don't have the heart. I just don't want to cause a big scene... If it comes down to it and her and my other friends stay at a different resort than I will let them know I'm not paying for their day passes.. it's not in our budget to pay for so many people. I also have no idea who else she sent that e-mail to.. no one has said anything to me about it.
  18. January 9 - Jen (Jennifer Davis) January 16- Carolyn (Carolyn) January 23- Tati (tchuchuca) January 27 - Andi (Andi) January 29- Tina (~*petals*~) FEBRUARY February 3 - Danielle (daniellenderek) February 9 - Candiekiss (Candie) February 14 - April (litl_april) February 22 - Ana (Ana) February 26 - Katy (KatyKo) MARCH March 4-Cachet (cdc0427) March 17 St Patrick's Day - Lisa (lisaloo79) March 21- Danelle (missdanelle) March 21 - Bridget (Bridget810) APRIL April 12- Kristen (kristendotcom) April 15 - Erin (Erin6341) April 25 - Melissa (SgtPepperette) MAY May 9 - Lisa (Chiquita) JUNE June 5 - Jessica (Jess) June 5 - Helen (Helen_S81) June 28 - Heather (*Heather*) JULY July 1- Brandi (MsBrandi), Kaylee (KAMAY11) July 6 - Adrene (YoursTruly) July 10- Susana (Susanandmo) July 18 - Tami (foxytv) July 18 - Lacey (laycj1 July 25 - Deanna (deefalvey) July 29- Desiree (Tylersgirl) AUGUST August 04 - Amanda (BachataBride) August 15 - Abbie August 18 - Kathy (Cattie) August 22-Stacey August 25 - Jenn (JenniferLynn) SEPTEMBER September 15 - ErinB September 16 - Samie (lil_miss_frogg) OCTOBER October 1 - Kathie (Kathie) October 3 - Ashley (Soon2bePowers) October 13 - Kristy! October 17- Jessica (Royal_lady10) October 18 - Kathy (paraisobeachbride2009) October 29 - Angel (Angel) NOVEMBER November 15 - Sylvia (Syl1115), Jenny (jennierin) November 20 - Kristie (aaronsgirl), Savannah (BillysBride) November 25 - Ayita November 27 - Cindy (Anthony'sGirl) DECEMBER December 1- Tiffiney (Tiffiney01), Michelle (beachbride0 December 2 - Denise (FutureMrsLewis) December 8 - Casey (*Casey*) December 11 - Lisa (Lisab
  19. Well the post on Facebook was through a msg from my other girlfriend and the rude girlfriend's travel companion. She was just forwarding on what she had e-mailed her I guess. My other gf said that it didn't matter to her as long as she wasn't paying an arm & a leg. I'm just not sure who she e-mailed or msg'd that comment to. Anyways, we have alot of ppl interested in a group deal and her comment didn't seem to steer them away from that. Thank you for your comments/concern.. Sometimes I feel like you ladies are the only ones who understand!!
  20. Thanks Ladies!! I did talk to her about it and her response was EXACTLY: "ha ha i hear that it was a couple of resort its off the strip and it was to pricey for us but if its a good price and shan is up for it i am flexible" How in any way does this explain why she thinks its boring? I told her that if everyone stayed elsewhere that we wouldn't be able to pay for the day passes.. it's just not in our budget. I told her that MP is NOT boring and there is tons to do if she would have researched that. I told her that if she wanted to stay elsewhere then that was no problem, but I just don't want people making their decision based on her assumption that it's boring. All she said was let her know about prices.. I really don't want to uninvite her. We have been friends for a very long time and she has done some great things as well. It's weird that she would do this.. Thanks for making me feel less "Bridezilla"
  21. Ok, so we are getting married at Moon Palace in Cancun and we realize that it's one of the more expensive hotels. We agreed that if it really didn't meet some peoples budget that we would pay for a day pass for those not staying at the Moon Palace. Well, I feel like some of my girlfriends back home have taken this way out of hand!! I'm working with a travel agent from Ontario (I'm in Alberta) to try and get a group rate for everyone and the best deal possible so everyone can be together. Well, I messaged some of my guests on Facebook and let them know that I will have prices soon and let them know as soon as possible. One of my girlfriends replied with this: "Ok everyone I have the price for the trip to cancun for the wedding. We are going to have so much fun, PARTY!!!! As you know the wedding is in a upper class hotel, BORING, so i got a price for a funnier hotel that is in a great location.-Riu's are one of the best hotels-" Boring?!? WTF?!?! Moon Palace is NOT boring.. why would I pick a borig hotel? What should I do.. I'm so upset!
  22. There is a sale on Bridesmaid tanks: Buy Wedding Crystal Bridesmaid Tank - Wedding Crystal Bridesmaid Tank Online - Discount Wedding Crystal Bridesmaid Tank Iron on transfers would work too!!
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