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Everything posted by Tranch

  1. Congradulations and welcome to the forum. Good luck picking a place, I know that was the hardest for me because there are so many options.
  2. Tranch


    Congradulations and welcome to the forum.
  3. Welcome and I wish you the best of luck planning.
  4. Welcome to the forum. The infor on here is great it will help you so much.
  5. Tranch


    Welcome to the forum
  6. Congadulations and welcome to the forum
  7. Congradulations and welcome to the forum
  8. Melissa can have the Peptos. I actually found them at a store here. So seens how I need to buy more anyway, I a may as well just by them all here. Thanks anyways
  9. That's a great website. Its crappy that so many websites don't ship to Canada. I spent well over an hour picking out many shoes only to find that I am out of luck.
  10. I am interested in the fusha candy bags with the pepto bismal. If they are still available you can email me at [email protected] I will need to make up a few more, where on earth did you find pepto in pill form. Thanks Tracy
  11. You did an awsome job on the cakes. I do the same type of cake decorating it must have taken you forever to do 2 of them.
  12. We are still working on the issue but I now think we are going to go for the 12noon ceramony. Its a really early and hot time but I sooooo want the gazebo. We are hoping to hear back soon if its a go and we have the tour company checking to see if the poolside reception is open for us. Seens how I have been trying for over 2 months to get a response from GBP, hopefully they can. Beachy Blonde you must be getting very excited your wedding is just around the corner. Hope everything turns out great for you. Have fun.
  13. I am in the same boat as all the girls who don't want to change their name. I have had my name for 34 years and it is a part of me. Me and my FH have been together almost 11 years and that is one of the main reasons for putting off the wedding after we got engaged. We have both decided that it was time to get married but I still really don't want to change my name. It's weird growing up I could't wait to get married so I could change my last name (O'Connor) now I like it and it's who I am. I don't like my FH last name (Lester) and it sounds like a tounge twister with my daughters name (Kaylee). She's 12 and said that she would like to change her name. I probablly will change our names because it is the right thing to do. I keep joking with my FH that we both shopuld change our last name to somthing really cool. He just laughs and thinks that I am joking. Really I'm not
  14. Those brochures are awsome. Do you have a template for them or could you let me know how you created them. I would love to do something like that.
  15. I called my TA with our concern and she contacted the tour company letting them know that the corrispondance from the resort has been very vauge and this is what has caused the problem. In my the first EMAIL that I sent to the resort (before even booking the trip) I requested a 3pm ceramony at the gazebo, the responce I got was here are the dates and time avalible. That was it, one sentance, nothing stating that we had to stay in the Tulum section of the resort. We wouldn't have even know if it wasn't for this forum. Our TA called us yesterday and said that they would make an exception but we would have to get married at noon, there couldn't be a worse time than that. Ya we could have the gazebo but its in the heat of the day,the reception wouldn't be till 7pm and I only wanted to hire the photographer for 5 hrs so then there's no chance of sunset pictures or having her for part of the reception. We don't even know if we can have the pool reception because they won't get back to us. Who knows it could all ready be booked. Sorry if this goes on and on but I am very frustrated with everything and how they handle things These are the options we are deciding from: 1. Canceling everything and paying for everyones non refundable deposits. 2. Switching resorts. 3. Hirring a wedding coordinator and having our wedding some place else. 4. Having the ceramony there and go into playa or cancun for the reception. I am SOOOOOO upset its supposed to be our special day and I just don't know what to do Another silly thing is that they do so many wedding a day and they only have one disco. So then your going to have 3 to 6 brides and there guests having there dance there. Doesn't sound very special to me.
  16. I was just wandering if you had a hard time calling her. I have tried a couple of times and haven't even had any luck getting through to her. What number did you call. I think I would rather talk to her in person. Thanks Tracy
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