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Everything posted by cdc0427

  1. marriage:expected I'MMMMM BBBAAAAAAACCCCKKK!!!!
  2. To start: March 4-Cachet (cdc0427)
  3. Ok, I received this email from someone and everyday of the year was posted and they wanted you to fill your birthday out. Well, I'm not going to write everyday of the year but I will post my birthday, you cut and paste the post previous to you and add your birthday in the order. ex. March 4-Cachet (cdc0427) the next person post: February 2-their name March 4-Cachet (cdc0427) the next person will post: February 2-their name March 4-Cachet (cdc0427) May 1-their name Let's see who has the same birthday and how many days of the year we at BDW take up!
  4. Go to Rius website and just plug in the dates for one child and two adults. Some resorts offer free for 2-12 year olds. You know what, I don't think Riu offers the free price but they do charge you for half I think
  5. Hi Jenn, I'm glad you found us too!!
  6. cdc0427

    New Member

    Hello and welcome! You're gonna love it here!
  7. cdc0427


    Hello and Welcome!
  8. Hello and welcome. Don't have a calender in front of me but try the Friday or Thursday around it. Remember, you are having a DW so the days are a little flexible because your guest will be there for a few days. Don't hire anyone to find them? Keep plugging in dates and times of the RIU website. Did you look at the Riu Cancun or Riu Caribe resorts? Those are very nice resorts too!! Good Luck!!
  9. Hello. It is overwhelming at first but you'll get the hang of it. Happy planning!!
  10. Hello and Welcome. You're going to love it here!
  11. Welcome and Happy Planning!!
  12. Hello and Welcome! There are lots of threads about Dreams Tulum here!
  13. cdc0427


    Welcome and Congrats! Believe me, you will be spending hours here
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by TAHOEJENI Morgan - can you explain a little bit more about what it is that you don't like about Dave Ramsey? My FI and I are Dave Ramsey junkies. There's a marker board on our fridge. In big black letters it states a few of his most said sayings Live like no one else now, so you can live like no one else later An emergency fund turns a crisis into an inconvenience Debt is dumb, cash is king. The paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of America. I'm 33 and contemplated bankruptcy about 5 years ago. I didn't and decided to get serious about debt. I moved into a less expensive studio apartment for two years and paid off debts. I wish I had found Dave back then as I would be debt free now. As is, 2009 I will pay the last $8000 off that lingers over my head and kick Sallie Mae out of the house 11 years early on a 15 year loan! I don't mean to drag my soapbox out (especially on a wedding forum) but getting out of debt is definitely a lifestyle change as is losing weight. Dave will tell you to SELL THE CAR right off the bat. How many people out there are making less than $30,000 and are driving $20.000 cars. Car debt alone eats up a bunch of your money. My FI and I bought a house this past April and we did a 15 year mortgage just like Dave recommends. I drive a 13 year old car with over 200,000 miles on it and it looks like crap but guess what, it's paid for! Dave suggests picking up a second job to help pay off debt. I didn't want to be locked into certain hours so I became a mystery shopper instead. I pick my schedule and it's the only time we go out to eat. This week we've got a Texas Roadhouse and Applebees scheduled. lol We religiously stick to a written budget. After it gets a little warmer, I plan to park the car and start riding my bike to work more consistently (20 mile round trip) and no, there's no bike trails here in Cincinnati. It's all roads. Whew - got a little long. My advice - get a gameplan and stick to it. Doesn't matter if it's Dave's, Suze's, or your own! Congrats on facing your debt. Tahoe, have you been through Financial Peace University? Do you follow all of Dave Ramseys methods? How do you do your monthly budget? You can PM or email me if that is getting too personal.
  15. Sorry, didn't read the entire thread, just jumped the gun and posted my question to you when I read your first comment Morgan. Morgan, have you actually sat down and did the numbers to see which method would cost you more money in the long run?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I do not like dave ramsey. i disagree with so much of his advice & do not like his personality. I agree with his statement that getting out of debt is like losing weight, but I think his approach is a fad diet. suze orman can be a little annoying, but she gives very sound advice. she has a book called something like "young fabulous & broke" that is about getting out of debt. Morgan, I'm sorry but I'm not sure if I agree with you. I used to listen to Dave Ramsey all the time and although I don't follow him 100%, I think he gives great advice. What don't you like about some advice?
  17. So they final admit it. Three words to Spencer... WHAT AN IDIOT "I thought when you say "I DO" you are automatically married" TV Celebrity Gossip - AOL Television
  18. First and foremost, I would like to extend to you my deepest sympathy in the loss of your father. Yesterday i read this entire thread and was in tears while reading. I coudn't move myself to read the other thread about the dance because I knew I would be in even more tears. Well, I read it today and it was beautiful! I'm so glad that you your father and family surprised you. I'm sorry that your father can't be there on your wedding physically but he will be with you in spirit. As I tell my girls about those close to us who have passed away, The good thing is that they are in your heart all the time looking after you and there for you. I know your wedding day will be perfect because your father will be looking down at you and in your heart. He is now your guardian angel. Be Blessed!
  19. Ok, I'm glad I'm not the only one that Jay reminds them of Justin Bobby. That Olivia is getting on my nerves too. I hope Whitney doesn't trust her too much. Why the h-e-doublehockeysticks does she always ask Whitney about Jay. Not sure if I like it better than The Hills though.
  20. I think it's beautiful. ...It actually looks better than any of Angels I have seen.
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