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Everything posted by jamin2010

  1. Hi all, Does anyone have the wedding reception menu for Mammee Bay that they can copy and paste into this thread please? I have found one thread with a word attachment but unfortunately do nto have enough points to open this. Many thanks.
  2. Hi all, I cannot seem to open the attachment in post #89 that drbrainfreeze has attached in #10 of this post as I do not have enough points and this is the Mammee menu. can anyone copy and past this for me from the word doc? Would really appreciate it. Many thanks
  3. Congrats and thanks for sharing your review. Always to great too to hear from someone from the UK like myself!
  4. I wish I could see them but I don't seem to have enough points to view!
  5. Hello, I contacted Chandlyn at the Riu Ocho Rios and she said it is fine to just scan the notarized documents and e-mail them but just to ensure you obviously take the originals and copies with you. Certainly a lot quicker than posting them and saves on cost.
  6. Congratulations! This is a great review. Thanks so much for sharing. Would be great to see your pics too.
  7. Of course, will do shortly. There are various upgrades to be honest. As you know you can have the white folding chairs or you can have chairs with white covers and sashes for $12 each. I also have the brochures for Tai Flora with all the flowers but you will need to contact them for prices as there are a huge amount. I will e-mail you these too.
  8. Does anyone have the wedding menu choice for the above? Thanks
  9. Hello Krista, I asked Chandlyn this question and she sent me a photo of what is included. Unfortunately its not very impressive and the chairs are brown so this is obviously why a lot of people upgrade. I am not sure how to post the picture so if you let me have your e-mail address I can send it to you.
  10. Hello all, I have been speaking with Chandlyn and she has said that its fine to just scan and e-mail the documents over after they have been certified but just to take the originals along with you. Saves a lot of money on shipping costs!
  11. Thanks baj, sounds like I best order long versions then to be on the safe side and not too much of a worry then at that price and you certainly received it quickly.
  12. Thanks for sharing, you look lovely and your photos are great. Did you just let Chandlyn know before you went that you wanted a sand ceremony and then take the vases with you? It is something I am thinking about. Certainly very cheeky what you have said about the spa as like you say you would have tipped anyway. Just a couple of things, did you upgrade your flowers? Also, is it OK to use the short version of birth certificates or does it have to be the long version? Thanks
  13. Hi all, I was just wondering whether the short version of birth certificates is accepted? I understand that scanned copies of documents are accepted also as long as you take the originals with you. Is this correct? I have e-mailed Chandlyn but thought I may get a response quicker on here as I know how bust she is. Thanks
  14. Found it! Haha! Thanks so much for your review. All sounds wonderful. Congratulations! If you don't mind me asking, how much were your photos? I am trying to decide on what to go for. Thanks
  15. Hi Sarah, I haven't seen the first part of your review and cannot seem to find it. Can you post the link? Looking forward to seeing your photos. Many thanks
  16. Thanks Anna83 for confirming, that's a great help. I think I will go for the extra time and have photos of the ceremony, some after and then see if he can come and take pictures of us cutting our cake a little later too.
  17. Hello all, I am just trying to decide what package to go for and whether it would be best to have the time that is included for the ceremony, the extra hour after and also the videographer for the ceremony? Will this be enough time or would it be best to go for the Head Photographer package which includes an extra 2 hours but I am guessing this will include a huge amount of photos to choose from. I was also wondering how many we should get printed and also put on CD as I guess it depends on how many favourites you have. Perhaps it may best best to have a certain amount printed and the rest put on a CD to take home? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  18. Hi, We are getting married on 6 Feb 2010 and bookd our wedding party through Portland who are owned by Thomson's but booked the wedding directly with the Riu just like Sarah and got our confirmation date within about 5 days and there was only a few bits to fill out online. Very simple indeed so not sure why you will not get your date until March/April via Thomson's. Perhaps it may be worth you booking your wedding directly with the hotel? Also, when booking online to co-oridnator makes contact with you a month or two before to sort out all the finer details i.e. reception, flowers etc. Happy planning! Jamin2010
  19. Hello all, I was wondering which restaurant we should choose for our wedding dinner at the Riu Ocho Rios? It seems that most people go for the Plantation or Mammee Bay. Thanks for your help.
  20. Hello everyone, I am from the UK and was just wondering if our passports, driving licences and birth certificates all need to be notarized as I have heard lots of different things and some people have mentioned that they just scnaned and e-mailed their documents to Chandlyn without getting them notarized. Please let me know. Thanks,
  21. Not sure how quickly it fills up but I would just book ASAP rather than risking not getting the date/time you want. I submitted my request last Friday and have now had confirmation for Feb 2010 so not even a week's wait for confirmation which is great.
  22. Hello all, I submitted my request last Friday for Feb 2010 and am just waiting to hear back. I have already booked my wedding party in (from the UK). We will be staying for 2 weeks apart from myself and fiance who will be staying for 3 weeks. Really hope I get my confirmation back soon and hope that you do not lose your dates before you manage to book for your wedding party.
  23. I selected a date via their website for Feb 2010 so presumed the calendar had now opened and got an automated e-mail back confirming my request but then had an e-mail from the co-ordinators to say that it does not open until March so not sure whey the website lets you select a date if the calendar is not yet open for the judge/minister. Oh well, a few more weeks to wait which is a shame considering our wedding party is already booked to fly out etc. I have heard a few people say that travel agents are also unable to confirm wedding dates as they book in the same way. Also, booking direct with Riu is slightly cheaper as the travel agents add their charge on. Happy booking everyone!
  24. Hello, I am just waiting on confirmation for our wedding in Feb 2010 but understand it can take up to 10 days before confirmation comes through. Anyone else confirmed for 2010 yet and did you have to wait long for confirmation? Look forward to hearing from all you 2010 brides!
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