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Everything posted by alopez2984

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amandseth WARNING!! I heard from Patricia today, after sending her my ala carte preference and # of guests. We've currently got 41 booked, and perhaps a few straglers. She responded by saying, "About the guests, i remind you that our a la carte restaurants are not that big, we can`t fit that many people in the seating, the maximun are 40, so the 41 are ok. But my suggestion it`s to go for a private reception, it`s better for you because it`s more tiem and better service. I`m sending you the info." 'The Info' tells me that a private reception in a banquet hall starts at $35/plate and on the beach $85 per person! This is NOT in our budget, so I wrote back and told her this is the first I've heard of a limit, and we have not budgeted for it. I offered to change restarants if she thinks there is one a bit bigger to accommodate us. I'm really hoping that she's just trying to sell me on spending more $$ at the resort and that this is not going to be an issue!!! I will keep you all posted on how it pans out! Keep your fingers crossed for me! I'm having the same problem. I have Feb. 27th, 2010 booked and now, 6 months before, I just found out that if we have over the 40 limit, (we have about 70 people saying they are going to come right now); they are telling us we have to do a beach reception. (Which the prices drastically went up from the 2009 prices.) So I have no idea what I'm going to do... that is completely out of my budget as well. I'd love to hear if you find a loophole to this people limit...
  2. Hey guys... random question....when you reserved your date with the GSP/GRP, did they ask you to send a copy of both sides of your credit card and id? I sent the authorization letter with my credit card info, but I feel a bit unsure of sending the photo copies...that's a bit too much info to ANYBODY. What do you guys think? Also, just an FYI, I've been going back and forth with Sandra all week via email. I noticed her first response in English was clearly an email she had written in Spanish and used an online translator to send it in English. I figured to help her out, I had my fiance, (who speaks fluent Spanish), write the next email, and she immediately responded. So far, (although I have now become the middle man), she has written back within 24 hrs of each email. Just a bit of advice, if you have the resources, try to write your email in Spanish. Otherwise, if she's taking a bit longer to get back to you, its probably b/c she has to take a minute to translate, and try, (I know its hard!), to be patient. Good luck!
  3. annieanddaryl - Thanks for the info!! I REALLY appreciate it! I just heard back from the resort (Sandra Chavira) and I'll let ya'll know if find out anything interesting. Thanks again!!
  4. Llama - Thanks for the tidbits! I've going back and forth, (I'm sooo indecisive!!), and I just saw the 2010 prices for BlueBay - the prices doubled and they cut half of what the stuff they include. Also, I just looked at some pics of a wedding and a reception at the GSP, and it was absolutely stunning! I'm sold!!! Thanks again!
  5. Hey everyone (again)!!! Also, I wanted to ask if anybody had any pics of their weddings at the Grand Sunset Princess? I am debating on this resort and the BlueBay Grand Esmeralda, and any pics of the wedding/reception setup would help a TON! If anybody wouldn't mind, my email is [email protected]. Thank you sooooo much!!!
  6. Hi everyone (again) !!! Also, I was wondering, if any one of you ladies that just got back from your weddings could be kind enough to send me any pics from your wedding, too? ([email protected]) I would LOVE to see 'real' pics of the resort and the wedding setup!! Thank you so much!!!
  7. Envision4evr - Hello! I am looking at the GSP for my wedding in 2010 as well! I was wondering, do you have the packages (pricing, etc.) for 2010? If so, would you mind emailing them to me (alopez_29842yahoo.com) and any pictures you feel like sharing? Thank you sooo much!!! Quote: Originally Posted by envision4evr Hi ladies!!! I am new to this forum....I chose to get married in GSP since my fiance proposed to me there last year...I picked February 2010.....Now our families are worried over the drug wars they are having out there as well as the kidnappings...I spoke to the wedding coordinator and she said the resorts are the safest places to be in but I am concerned about some of our family not going because they are scared...Any suggestions?? As for GSP, it is a beautiful resort...Ive been there twice and I never want to leave....I feel that they have to many restrictions as the wedding goes and at times I feel that they are a little disorganized but you have to take into consideration that they are a new resort. I've been thinking of getting an outside wedding planner because GSP only provides you with all the basics and I want my decor to stand out. I have GSP wedding packages and some pics if anyone is interested!!!
  8. Hey everybody!!! I just started planning my wedding in the Riviera Maya and I just wanted to tell you guys THANK YOU!!! I just found this forum and reading through old posts have been a tremendous help to me!! I've been searching for the best deal for my family, and I have been debating between the Blue Bay Grand Esmeralda, Sandos Playacar Riviera, and the the Grand Sunset Princess Resort, but ya'll have definitely swayed me towards the BBGE. I'm planning on confirming a date in Feb 2010 and I will post anything new I find out as soon as I get the info. Thanks again!!!
  9. Hi everyone!! I am beginning to plan a destination wedding in the Riviera Maya for Feb. 2010. I'm trying to figure out which resort to go with, an I found a ton of great tips/advice here, so I decided to join! I look forward to getting to know ya'll!
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