Quote: Originally Posted by Sapphire723 Jessica ~ do you and your FI have different withholding allowances on your W-4? If he has 0 and you don't, then he'll probably always get more back. But your CPA was right about the house. You can deduct all the interest you pay on your mortgage, which is most of your monthly payment and really adds up over the course of the year!
IRS Withholding Calculator
Yep, we both have 0. Funny thing is that I was the who told him to put 0 instead of 1. I will put more into my IRA, or put it in FSA (they pay for BC, pillows(allergies), etc) for things I know I spend $$ on, or withhold additional money. What I didnt get is that I made more this year, so I thought I would have gotten more or atleast close to last year.. but oh well it could always be worse.