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Everything posted by Royal_lady10

  1. lol at looking like popeyee autjo.. but I swam for 2 hrs today and walked 1 mile afterward
  2. Ohh.. I likey.. and I love your colors. Like another bride mentioned, they dont look DIY at all.
  3. I can only image how much fat, calories, etc is in the miso salmon.. that damn sauce is so freaking addictive.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BrideBarbie I'm a June 2010 bride! I have to start narrowing down the details because time flies and I have not done much because my date feels so far out! I am hoping to hold and outdoor reception on the beach for my June 22, 2010 date, but will it be too hot out? I'm hoping the ocean breeze will keep us cool because I really want it outdoors! Hey I too am another June 2010 bride!!!! Im June 26th.. we will be there from June 22 until the 27th.
  5. Im married now!!!.... we just had our legal day today.. shhh dont tell anyone. LOL.. exactly one year before our mexico wedding..
  6. swam laps today for a couple of hours (not sure of the distance today, didnt keep track) and walker 1 mile. Im soo tired, sore.. its not even funny anymore.
  7. Oh No!.. Im sorry that this is happening.. hopefully you will eventually get your deposit back.
  8. Thanks ladies for the vent session.. it really helped me out.. Well here's my update. I did find out that my Dad completely put her in her place. He was very furious when I got off the phone, he didnt know that she tried to persway (sp) me on several other occasions. He also made the point clear to the family (his side and my aunt) that unless we are in mexico, thats the only way he wont be there, and take our lead as far the trip goes. And would prefer not hear anymore about it. I was very shocked at this, considering we have a strained relationship. The following day, I did get a phone call from my TA, and was basically informed that she super, super, super paranoid, and very concerned for our safety. But after talking to her, and providing her some facts, she is now back on board for joining us in mexico. So the next thing on the to do list, is to put together an email like alyssa mentioned. Billy-He didnt know that she had tried this before, and was under the impression that it had someting to do with the swine flu. So when I called him, (they were already on the phone), he didnt think anything of it, to have us all on three way. So that I could tell her what it is safe to go to mexico, i guess to lether know we are current on whats gong on in mexico. But I glad to say that nope, he is not listening to her. Nikki- I totally agree. I mean someone shoot up the holocaust museum, there were three murders the other night, turned up a dead body, etc. all of this happen this past week here in the DC area. Anything can happen anywhere. Normally, that side of the family will listen and give weight to the things she has to say and her opinons.. but not sure about now.. since dad checked her (they normally agree on just about everything), so it may be split. But he said not to worry, he'll make sure everyone is there. Josie-I sure hope that no one is listening to her.. other than herself. So, I hope that she chills out a bit..
  9. Hey mods.. can this post be moved to the venting threads.. I thought thats where I was
  10. Okay Ladies.. I need to vent.. I just got off the phone with my dad and aunt. My dad tells me hey, you need to talk to your aunt.. she is informing us that its not safe to travel to mexico for your wedding.. WTF you got to be kidding me.. So he calls my aunt on the three way.. and low and behold yeah she says.. and not only that..she says its her duty to inform the whole family that its not safe to travel to mexico.. (first it was the drug cartels, swine flue, and now kidnappings in cancun). I am royally pissed at the moment. WTF why would you do this to someone. I can understand that you dont want to come, but really you are trying to convince everyone else not to come also.. when I asked about it she was like its my job.. unless I can convince you to change the location. I told her the wedding is 1yrs away.. im sure whatever ban you have cooked up will be gone by then.."until theres another one" was her response. Well it really pissed me off that she told my Father not to come.. at this point I was in tears.. I couldnt believe it.. and I think I blurtd out you bitch. At told him and her that if you come you come if you dont ..well the wedding is still on.. when FI saw me, he was like if they dont come, we are still getting married..regardless.. as long as we show up.. then games on!. I was just so pissed at the fact that she was encouraging family not to show up instead of letting make the decision themselves. I know that in the end, everyone maynot show up, which is fine.. but dont paint a picture like you are going, and then abck out. .I honestly think its because they booked a room that they cant afford.. they booked the presidental suite for two weeks.. but anyway.. I feel much bette now. Oh, so would it very wrong not send an invite, travel brochure, etc. since you already said that you would be joining us since we wont change the location? Thanks for listening ladies
  11. I am royally pissed at my aunt.. why the f&^k is she telling everyone on my fathers side of the family not to come to my wedding.. first it was the drug cartel, then it was the swine flu, now its the kidnapping..wtf.. just tell me you dont want to come
  12. As far as the leg rubbage.. i have used believe it or not deordorant (sp) before. It stops the sweating and the eased with the friction.. but they do have liquid talc powder to help also.
  13. I did 50 mins. on the stair master today.. and swam 400 meters.. im so tired
  14. In my case, I would give the ring back.. its a family heirloom from the late 1800 early 1900s, that was passed down.. So I know I would feel so bad/wrong if I kept it..as much as I love it..
  15. EDSROSA if I am not mistaken, the guys get the ring back. It was given with the intent to marry, so if the wedding is off.. well so is the ring. But also, I guess it would ultimately boil down whether or not you plan on following a legal point of view or not.
  16. I swam 400 meters today and walk 3 times aroudn the track.. can I say Im pooped.
  17. I wonder if this is what my TA did.. but we didnt book groups at all. So far its just me and FI.. but maybe thats just for the canadian brides
  18. Misti Rocks!!.. she does.. I have pics from her also.. will post them once I find out how.. but am putting one as my avaitor.
  19. Havent done the waxing yet!?!.. but will convince some of my close co-workers to try with me.. of course they woudl go first.. lol..
  20. Ohh.. Im so Jelly!!!.. I was just looking at this resort, and it looks amazing.
  21. Not sure if this coutns but did 90 min of hot yoga today
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